While short-term inflammation can be helpful to trigger the immune system, chronic inflammation is like a slow burning fire that ravages the body in the long-term. TIME magazine even called inflammation the “secret killer” since it worsens so many diseases.
Scientists are now realizing that runaway inflammation is linked to heart attacks, Alzheimer’s and many other diseases. So, if you want to stay healthy, keeping inflammation under control is a top priority.
One of the easiest ways to fight inflammation is to include anti-inflammatory superfoods in your diet.
To get started, here are 9 powerful superfoods that fight inflammation.
1. Blueberries
When it comes to fruit, blueberries are the absolute best for fighting inflammation. That’s because blueberries contain a powerful antioxidant called quercetin.
Animal studies have found that quercetin can significantly reduce inflammation by protecting your body from the effects of free radicals.
But the anti-inflammatory benefits don’t end there. Blueberries also have prebiotic fiber. They promote the growth of healthy bacteria in your gut, thus helping to calm inflammation.
2. Turmeric
While it’s traditionally used as a spice, turmeric is one of the most powerful natural anti-inflammatory substances in the world.
All thanks to an active compound called curcumin. Numerous studies have found that curcumin is incredibly effective at fighting inflammation.
In fact, curcumin is so effective at fighting inflammation that it was found to be better than well-known anti-inflammatory drugs while being free of side effects. Now that’s a superfood!
One challenge with turmeric is that it is not well absorbed. That’s why many people choose to take a supplement that combines organic turmeric with essential fatty acids to optimize absorption.
3. Broccoli
Broccoli is a tried and true veggie to reduce inflammation. In addition to all the antioxidants inside, broccoli has a special flavonoid called kaempferol, which research suggests can battle inflammation in the body.
Broccoli also contains a powerful compound called sulforaphane. This nutrient helps detoxify harmful chemicals such as benzene that can trigger damaging inflammation.
If you’re not a fan of the taste of broccoli, you can easily get it in your diet with a tasty organic green juice powder.
4. Walnuts
Walnuts, like other healthy nuts and seeds, are a healthy source of the omega-3 alpha-linolenic acid. The problem is, most people don’t get enough omega-3s in their diet.
Instead, many foods are high in omega-6 fatty acids. When the ratio of omega-3 to omega-6 is out of balance, it can promote chronic inflammation.
Getting plant-based omega-3s in your diet helps restore the right balance of omegas to calm the effects of inflammation. A 4 to 1 ratio of omega-6 to omega-3 is considered optimal.
5. Green Leafy Vegetables
Like broccoli, most green leafy vegetables are a rich source of antioxidants. This includes spinach, chard, kale, and bok choy.
Spinach, for example, contains an antioxidant called lutein which is shown to fight inflammation—especially for those with coronary artery disease.
Leafy greens are also a great source of the plant pigment chlorophyll. The health benefits of chlorophyll are wide ranging. Animal studies have also found that chlorophyll can inhibit the expression of a pro-inflammatory cytokine in genes, helping to tamp down inflammation.
6. Pineapple
Pineapple contains a proteolytic enzyme called bromelain. When taken in-between meals, bromelain goes beyond the digestive system and enters the bloodstream.
Once there, bromelain targets and breaks down excess proteins in the blood, helping to fight against inflammation. Studies show bromelain has benefits for joint discomfort and helps in recovery from sports activity.
Since bromelain works most effectively when taken in-between meals, it’s best to take it as a supplement with a wide-range of proteolytic enzymes.
7. Celery
Celery contains a wide range of antioxidants, flavones, and flavanols. All of which are natural substances that can help reduce inflammation.
A study published in Molecular Nutrition & Food Research even found that celery juice can inhibit proteins associated with inflammatory disease.
When buying celery, make sure to always choose organic, as it’s a veggie that tops the list for toxic pesticides when grown conventionally.
8. Beets
While most people have a love-it or hate-it reaction to the taste of beets, there’s no denying their health benefits.
Their distinct red color comes from an antioxidant called betalain, and they are full of healthy nitrates to support heart health.
Studies have found that beetroot possesses potent anti-inflammatory effects, even for those with high blood pressure, so they can support your heart health in multiple ways.
9. Ginger
Ginger is a versatile root that’s used in countless traditional cuisines throughout the ages. But ginger goes way beyond food.
Researchers have found that ginger can inhibit several compounds in the body that biochemically promote inflammation. In other words, it reduces inflammation on the cellular level.
The best part about ginger is that it’s so easy to add to your diet. You can use ginger extract to make your own ginger ale with mineral water and honey. Or you can add a sliver of ginger to your favorite juice recipe. The sky is the limit.
Yes, Food Can Be Your Medicine...
Over-processed foods and an abundance of environmental toxins promote chronic inflammation in the body which in turn contributes to a long list of diseases. Turn to anti-inflammatory superfoods as a natural remedy.
Make these 9 powerful superfoods part of your day to help curb inflammation. Add them as a side dish or make a superfood smoothie to give yourself a healthy breakfast or lunch. Your future self will thank you.
Berries are the bright and flavorful superstars of the fruit world. They are an incredibly rich source of antioxidants, polyphenols, prebiotic fiber, and micronutrients. All of which help to keep your heart healthy.
Berries have been in the news before for their ability to protect the brain against neurodegenerative diseases including Alzheimer’s. But these superfoods are also gaining renown for how they can keep your heart healthy.
There are 5 big ways the natural compounds in berries can benefit your heart.
1. Antioxidants: Defenders of Your Heart
Berries are most famous for their high concentration of antioxidants. This includes antioxidants like anthocyanins, quercetin, vitamin C and ellagic acid.
Antioxidants play a crucial role in both keeping your heart healthy and preventing heart disease. That’s because they protect your body from one of the more common causes of heart disease: the oxidation of cholesterol.
When LDL cholesterol oxidizes in the body, it can contribute to the buildup of fatty plaque on the walls of your arteries, called atherosclerosis, increasing the risk of heart attack. That’s why it’s important to get plenty of protective antioxidants in your diet.
Researchers for the Kuopio Ischemic Heart Disease Risk Factor Study found that those eating the highest levels of berries had a substantially lower risk of cardiovascular disease.
Berries high in antioxidant capacity include blueberry, blackberry, bilberry, chokeberry, strawberry and black currant.
2. Berries Keep Other Risk Factors at Bay
Berries are also a rich source of a group of compounds called polyphenols which have antioxidant and disease-fighting properties.
Evidence suggests that polyphenols in berries can reduce the risk of several other diseases that greatly increase the risk of heart disease.
These risk factors include diabetes and obesity. Animal studies show the deep color (anthocyanins) found in berries can help reduce body fat accumulation and slow down the rate at which your body digests and absorbs sugar.
Because polyphenols may lower the risk factors for diabetes and obesity, the risk for heart disease is also reduced.
Berries highest in polyphenol anthocyanins include bilberry, chokeberry, black currant, black raspberry and blueberry.
3. Reduce Inflammation
It’s still a common belief that high cholesterol is the cause of heart disease. But cholesterol has a complex role in the body (we actually also need it).
Increasingly, scientists and doctors are looking at chronic inflammation as having a significant effect on heart disease.
Reducing inflammation is one way to help reduce your risk of cardiovascular disease. This is where berries come into play. The polyphenols and anthocyanins in berries have anti-inflammatory effects. This may explain why studies show berries may decrease the risk of heart disease.
Berries to flight inflammation include strawberry, blueberry and cranberry.
4. Prebiotic Fiber for a Healthy Heart
Berries are a great natural source of prebiotic fiber. This prebiotic fiber can help promote the growth of healthy bacteria in your gut.
So why is this important?
Scientists are only now beginning to understand the extent to which gut microbes affect our health. The most surprising recent finding on gut bacteria is their link to heart health.
A ground-breaking study in 2017 found that people with heart disease had significantly fewer healthy bacteria in their gut and reduced strain diversity. So, gut bacteria play an important role in heart health.
While probiotics add good bacteria to your body, you also need prebiotics to cultivate good gut health. That’s because prebiotic fiber is the food your good bacteria need to thrive. And berries are full of prebiotic fiber.
Berries rich in prebiotic fiber include blueberry, raspberry, strawberry and blackberry.
5. Blood Pressure Regulation
It’s well known that high blood pressure is associated with heart disease. Chronic high blood pressure can cause your heart muscles to thicken. This results in less effective muscle relaxation between heart beats and an increased heart rate. Over time, this can increase your risk of heart failure.
A healthy heart needs a healthy lifestyle and berries are one of the most nutritious foods to include in your diet as they are packed with antioxidants, polyphenols, vitamins and minerals.
A large study published in the American Journal of Clinical Nutrition showed that those consuming anthocyanin-rich berries had a reduced risk of developing high blood pressure.
If you want to add berries to your diet for the heart-healthy benefits, you really should buy organic. Conventionally grown berries are frequently sprayed with pesticides that can be harmful to health.
Berries are a fantastic source of antioxidants, polyphenols and prebiotic fiber. Evidence shows these nutrients may reduce the risk of heart disease in multiple ways.
To get the most benefit, eat berries at least three times per week, and aim for a variety of berries to get all the different types of nutrients.
Since heart disease is among the leading cause of death among most developed countries, there’s no reason why you shouldn’t add berries to your diet every day. Especially since they’re so tasty!
Zeolite is a volcanic mineral that can profoundly transform your health. And by no means is that an exaggeration. Mounting scientific evidence shows that zeolite can provide life-changing benefits to your health—from detoxing to strengthening your immune system.
Zeolite is also the only substance in the world that can effectively cleanse a wide range of toxins from your body. As far as supplements go, it’s a game-changer.
To give you a better idea of just how powerful zeolite is, here are the top 6 health benefits of taking a high-quality zeolite supplement, all backed by science.
Toxins are found everywhere. From the air you breathe, to the food you eat. Over time, these toxins build up in your body and wreak havoc on your health.
Never-ending fatigue, brain fog, a weak immune system, and countless health issues are common side effects when these toxins build up. That’s why it’s essential to cleanse your body from toxins.
Fortunately, zeolite is the Jedi master of detoxification. All thanks to its unique honeycomb-like crystalline structure.
You see, each chamber within zeolite’s honeycomb-like structure has a negative charge. This negative charge attracts positively-charged toxins like lead, mercury, or nitrosamines (1).
In many ways, it’s like a magnet for toxins. So, when you take a properly cleansed zeolite supplement, it travels through your body trapping toxins in its “magnetized” honeycomb cage.
And since your body doesn’t store zeolite, your body just excretes it once it’s bound to a toxin. That’s why zeolite is exceptionally effective at removing built-up toxins in your body.
Another well-known benefit of zeolite is its ability to help the body balance pH by providing alkalizing minerals AND supporting kidney function.
Many foods (think white bread, rice, or any processed foods) are acid-forming in the body, while most green veggies are alkalizing to the body. Alcohol, pesticides, pollution, and even chronic stress also add to acidity.
An overly acidic body shows signs of strain such as headaches, chronic inflammation, mood disorders, persistent fatigue, and much more.
Alkalizing minerals help to buffer acid in the body. In a properly-cleansed zeolite, the alkalizing minerals calcium, potassium and magnesium are inside the honeycomb cages. The zeolite cage gives the body the beneficial mineral and takes the bad toxin in exchange.
The biggest role zeolite plays in alkalizing the body relates to how it helps the kidneys. Your kidneys maintain your internal pH. Yet many heavy metals impair kidney function (2).
Since zeolite can help your body get rid of heavy metals, it supports optimal kidney health, so your kidneys can efficiently balance your body’s pH.
Evidence suggests that the zeolite clinoptilolite can also bolster and regulate your immune system.
This zeolite has specifically been shown to increase T-cell activity and increase the number of macrophages in the body—two cells essential for a healthy immune function.
But the immune benefits don’t end there. Heavy metals can suppress your immune system, making your body vulnerable to pathogens and prone to autoimmune issues (2)(3).
This means zeolite can both increase the effectiveness of your immune system while simultaneously protecting it from heavy metals.
Leaky gut occurs when the lining of your intestinal wall has an increased permeability. This allows unwanted toxins and microbes to leak from your intestines into the bloodstream.
The result is a weakened immune system, excessive fatigue, autoimmune issues, skin rashes, depression, and intense cravings for sugar or carbohydrates.
And these symptoms only get worse over time if your leaky gut isn’t healed. The positive news is, evidence suggests that zeolite can support a healthy gut.
One study found that just 12 weeks of zeolite supplementation can significantly increase the integrity of the intestinal wall.
When heavy metals such as lead and mercury accumulate in your body, they can also negatively affect your mood.
One study, for example, found that the mercury from amalgam dental fillings can result in depression, excessive anger, and problems with anxiety.
Many times, these issues are dismissed as resulting from “a stressful life” or a chemical imbalance instead of heavy metals. That’s because many signs of heavy metal accumulation are vague and can be mistaken for something else.
Life can be stressful enough without heavy metals bringing you down. By helping to reduce the build-up of heavy metals, zeolites can support positive mood.
Along with improving your immune health, zeolite is a powerful antimicrobial. This means it can fight potentially harmful bacteria, viruses, and fungi.
In fact, zeolites are so effective that they have been used to treat urinary tract infections (UTIs) and dental plaque formations. Both of which are caused by pathogenic microbes.
Another study found that zeolite has antiviral properties due to its potential ability to absorb viral particles within the zeolite cages.
Studies even suggest zeolite can reduce pathogenic bacteria. What makes zeolite even better is that it doesn’t have a negative effect on the beneficial microbes in your gut.
Have you ever played the game whack-a-mole at an arcade? Well, toxins are a bit like that. No matter how many times you manage to eliminate a toxin from your life, another seems to pop up in its place. That’s because toxins are practically everywhere. They can be found in:
The problem is, since there are so many ways you can get exposed to toxins, they build up in the body over time. That’s when even bigger problems arise.
Even in small amounts, these toxins can impair memory, negatively affect your gut health, plummet your energy levels, and make it hard to lose weight.
While it’s definitely a good idea to avoid toxins as best you can, it’s downright impossible to avoid them all. That’s why cleansing these toxins from your body is essential. A zeolite supplement will help you cleanse with ease.
Why supplement? Well, zeolite is not a mineral found in food. But you can’t just pick any ordinary zeolite supplement. Otherwise, you risk wasting your hard-earned money.
Make sure to seek out one with zeolite that has been properly cleansed so it can capture toxins, and is sized so it can be absorbed in the bloodstream, otherwise it will just pass through without picking up many toxins.
Zeolite is a highly effective natural supplement to bolster your health. Along with its ability to remove toxins from the body, it can alkalize, improve mood, strengthen the immune system, and even protect against harmful microbes.
Since we live in a world that’s riddled with toxins everywhere we go, zeolite is needed more than ever. But not any zeolite will do.
Magnesium deficiencies are incredibly common. In fact, it’s estimated that up to 75% of people are deficient in magnesium. When you don’t get enough of this essential mineral, it can cause a wide range of unpleasant symptoms.
To make matters worse, most medical professionals don’t connect these symptoms to a lack of magnesium. And since only 1 percent of magnesium is in the bloodstream, blood tests don’t detect deficiencies.
Remarkably, magnesium is used in more than 300 biochemical processes in the body. This includes the heart, muscles, kidneys, digestion and hormone production.
When you don’t get enough of it, things start to go wrong. Here are 7 common signs that you may need more magnesium…
1. High Blood Pressure
High blood pressure causes blood to flow through your arteries with too much force, which can significantly increase the risk of heart attack and stroke.
Scientists have found that magnesium has a direct effect on the ability of your blood vessels to relax. This means when you don’t get enough magnesium, it can increase your blood pressure.
Studies have also found that when you consume magnesium-rich foods, your risk of stroke falls by 8 percent, particularly ischemic stroke.
2. Muscle Cramps and Spasms
Have you ever had painful muscle cramps in your legs? Or a twitching muscle that doesn’t seem to stop (also called a spasm). Most people have.
These muscle problems are often caused by a magnesium deficiency. Much like with your blood vessels, your muscles need magnesium to relax.
Simply eating foods rich in magnesium and potassium may help relieve these annoying and uncomfortable cramps.
3. Chronic Insomnia
It’s estimated that 6 out of every 10 Americans struggle with insomnia—the inability to fall asleep or remain asleep.
One quick fix is sleeping pills; however, these can have a “hangover” effect the following day or even make you form a dependency on them.
But what if your sleep problems could be cured by simply getting more magnesium? Studies have found that you can get deeper, less interrupted sleep by getting enough magnesium in your diet. No pills required.
4. Headaches
Think back to the last time you had a headache. Specifically, try to remember the sensation. Most people describe headaches as a tense sort of pain.
That’s because most headaches are caused by some sort of tension or inflammation. This tension is often the result of low magnesium levels. In this way, a magnesium deficiency could be the cause of your headaches.
One study found that people who experience migraines have significantly lower levels of magnesium compared to people who don’t get migraines.
5. Fragile Bones
Everyone knows that you need calcium for healthy bones. But that’s only part of the story. The truth is, your body needs a variety of nutrients to maintain healthy bones, including magnesium.
As much as half of your body’s magnesium is stored in your bones. Magnesium is essential to help absorb calcium and keep your bones strong.
There’s a real risk when you don’t have enough. Numerous studies have found magnesium deficiencies are linked to brittle and fragile bones.
6. Constipation
You may have noticed a theme by now: magnesium is a mineral of relaxation. It allows your blood vessels, muscles, mind, and even your digestive system to relax.
Your intestines are controlled by muscles that move waste out of the body. But if you lack magnesium, your intestinal muscles can’t function as they should, resulting in constipation.
Magnesium plays such an important role in digestive motility that some doctors will even prescribe magnesium in large doses as a laxative to help patients with constipation.
7. Anxiety
One of the more surprising symptoms of a magnesium deficiency is anxiety and stress. Recent research shows there is a strong relationship between magnesium and mood disorders.
For example, magnesium decreases your brain’s sensitivity to adrenocorticotrophic hormone (ACTH), which causes your body to release cortisol—the primary hormone that causes stress.
This means that a magnesium deficiency can make you more susceptible to anxiety and stress. Scientists are even beginning to discover that supplementing magnesium can help relieve anxiety.
Top Foods for Magnesium
To find relief from these symptoms, you simply need enough magnesium. As with other vitamins, minerals, antioxidants and phytonutrients, the best way to get more magnesium is with plant-based nutrition. Try these top foods to boost your magnesium:
Dark Chocolate
Pumpkin Seeds
Other sources include: avocado, yogurt and bananas.
When possible with any foods, choose organic since organic farming yields higher nutrient levels, and also avoids toxic pesticides.
Since many greens come with magnesium consider adding in an organic green juice. It’s a fast and tasty way to get a superfood boost for your health.
Many people suffer from magnesium deficiency, and it causes a lot of needless suffering, since it is so easily fixed by slight changes to the diet. Try adding in more magnesium-rich foods and you may start seeing relief from one or more of these signs soon.
Millions have turned to “purified” fish oil in search of the benefits of fish and omega-3s. However, the refinement process used to convert fish into fish oil renders the finished product into something akin to semi-synthetic oil. Now, select plants are emerging as a pure source of essential fatty acids (EFAs).
These days, most people get too much of the wrong kind of fats in their diet, and need more of the right kind. The fats that are good for you are called essential fatty acids (EFAs), so called because your body can’t make them on its own, and must get them from food.
Why are these essential fatty acids so, well, essential?
Simply put, every cell in the body (50+ trillion of them) is surrounded by a protective membrane, which is made up (in part) of phospholipids, which in turn is made from fatty acids. A lack of these essential fatty acids can lead to poor cell health.
Because all our cells require fatty acids, the health benefits associated with essential fatty acids are wide-ranging, from cardiovascular support, joint health, skin appearance and brain function. Research suggests these fatty acids help maintain a non-inflammatory state in the body.
The “essential fatty acids” in fish oil are commonly called omega-3s (EPA and DHA). However EPA and DHA are not actually essential fatty acids. By definition, “essential” nutrients are those the body cannot make and must get from food. Our bodies can and do make EPA and DHA when needed, so long as the foundational nutrition is provided through parent essential oils.
According to Darrel Hestdalen, D.C., DIBAK, FASA, “The need for proper plant-based parent essential oils (PEOs) is now understood for supporting eyesight, reducing muscle strains, cardiovascular health, and maximizing the function of all cells.”
Parent essential oils are LA (linoleic acid) and ALA (alpha-linolenic acid). These parent oils are the foundational nutrition that our body recognizes and converts to EPA and DHA. These oils are present in plants renowned for their healing qualities, such as borage, flax seed and pumpkin seed.
How fish oil is refined into a semi-synthetic...
Consuming fish has many health benefits, yet concerns about levels of mercury and toxic PCBs abound for many fish species. As a result, millions have turned to “purified” fish oil. However, the refinement process used to convert fish into fish oil renders the finished product into something akin to semi-synthetic oil, making it less likely to be absorbed in the body.
How does this happen? In their natural form, omega-3s in fish oil occur as triglycerides. But to remove harmful mercury from fish oil, a molecular distillation process is used. To undergo molecular distillation, fish oil is first exposed to the solvent ethanol then the oil is heated under high vacuum, which concentrates the omega-3s to ethyl esters (not the natural triglycerides).
While this process removes some contaminants such as mercury, it leaves others behind. Recent ConsumerLab.com testing shows low levels of PCBs were found in almost ALL fish oil supplements.
Fish oil found to have risks...
Flooding the body with derivatives of essential fatty acids (EPA and DHA) can even be harmful as scientist Brian Peskin has documented in his groundbreaking research.
A recent, well-publicized study by the Journal of the National Cancer Institute showed a 43 percent increase for all prostate cancers—and a 71 percent increase in aggressive prostate cancers—associated with high blood levels of EPA and DHA.
Another reason to be concerned about fish oil is its potential to oxidize. Time, air, heat and light can all cause fish oil to degrade and turn rancid. Oxidized oils have a strong “fishy” smell, and if consumed, can contribute to cellular damage.
Healing plants provide pure essential fatty acids...
Unlike fish oil, plant-based oils provide the building blocks to help your body form omega-3s, including EPA and DHA, naturally. For natural essential fatty acids that your body can readily use, turn to healing plants, including borage, flax seed and pumpkin seed.
Borage is rich in linoleic acid (LA), is the highest plant source of gamma-linolenic acid (GLA), and is renowned for soothing joints and nourishing the skin.
Flax seed is high in alpha-linolenic acid (ALA) and is supportive of healthy cholesterol.
Pumpkin seeds (pepitas) are abundant sources of linoleic and oleic acids, and provide phytosterols for heart health.Wellspring’s formula of plant oil powders provides a rich source of essential fatty acids, combined with organic coconut, organic turmeric and organic ginger, creating a unique blend to soothe joints and support heart health.
A healthy gut can be the difference between being overweight and having the flat tummy of your dreams, but it can also mean the difference between chronic sickness and vibrant health. That’s because your gut is the foundation of a healthy body and mind.
The gut plays a role in countless body functions including your immune system, hormone production, nutrient absorption, and even your mood. But too often, our gut health is ignored until it becomes a glaring problem. Here are 7 common signs of an unhealthy gut that you shouldn’t ignore.
1. Gas & Bloating
Gas, bloating, cramping, and general gut discomfort are the most common indicators of an unhealthy gut. It’s your body’s way of telling you something isn’t working right.
In fact, if you look at the symptoms of almost any gut-related issue, gas, bloating, and discomfort are almost always there. This includes irritable bowel syndrome (IBS), small intestinal bacterial overgrowth (SIBO), leaky gut, imbalanced gut bacteria, and intestinal inflammation... and the thing is, people often blame gut discomfort on stress or the food they eat. While these things certainly can make gut discomfort worse, if you often experience these issues it’s a strong sign that the problem goes deeper.
2. Weight Gain
Can’t seem to shed those unwanted pounds? An unhealthy gut could be to blame. That’s because a growing body of research is revealing how gut bacteria play an essential role in our weight.
One ground-breaking study, for example, recruited 77 pairs of twins. One of the twins in each pair was obese whereas the other was not. Scientists then looked at the bacteria in their gut and made an important discovery.
The twins who were obese had a significantly decreased diversity of bacteria in their gut compared to the lean twins. Other studies have found similar correlations between compromised gut bacteria and obesity. All of which suggests that if you restore healthy gut bacteria you can have an easier time achieving a lean weight.
3. Mood Problems
Because of the strong connections between the gut and brain through the enteric nervous system, the gut is often referred to as the “second brain” of the body. And a compromised gut can affect mood and anxiety.
Take depression, for example. Many treatments focus on serotonin, a neurotransmitter. But up to 95% of all serotonin is made in the gut, and research shows the “gut brain” strongly influences the one in your head. So, if you struggle with stress, mood, or anxiety issues, healing the head may start in the gut.
4. Skin Issues
Skin issues like eczema, psoriasis, and rashes are another common sign of an unhealthy gut.
The health of your skin can be affected by a leaky gut, which is what happens when the lining of the intestinal wall lets toxins and bacteria into the bloodstream, triggering inflammation.
One study from the United Kingdom, for example, found that children with atopic dermatitis (a form of eczema) showed signs of a leaky gut. Whereas children without dermatitis did not.
So, if you experience problems with eczema or any other skin concerns, you may want to take some steps to heal your gut.
5. Autoimmune Disorders
Autoimmune diseases like rheumatoid arthritis, Crohn’s, and multiple sclerosis (MS), may also be a sign of an unhappy gut.
With autoimmune disease, the immune system wrongfully attacks healthy cells in the body by mistake. Since up to 80% of the immune system resides in the gut, scientists are looking to the gut for answers.
According to one scientific review in the journal Frontiers in Immunology, a leaky gut can trigger the development of autoimmune disease by allowing toxins and bacteria into your bloodstream.
6. Food Sensitivities
Have you ever noticed that you experience gut discomfort, gas, skin rashes, itchiness, or any other unpleasant symptoms from eating a particular food? Not to be confused with an allergy, these symptoms may mean you have an intolerance or sensitivity to that food.
Scientists believe that one cause of food sensitivities is a leaky, inflamed gut. When you consume a particular food with leaky gut, partially digested food particles enter your bloodstream. Since your immune system doesn’t recognize these particles, it treats them as a threat.
Your immune system then develops a memory and immediately reacts the next time it encounters the undigested particle, triggering gut discomfort, rashes, and a range of other issues.
7. Chronic Fatigue
Chronic fatigue can be caused by any number of health issues, and an unhealthy gut is one of them. Why?
When your gut isn’t functioning as it should, your body has a difficult time absorbing nutrition. In turn, this can result in nutrient deficiencies which leads to fatigue that no amount of sleep will fix.
But that’s not the only reason. A leaky gut can also cause your immune system to kick into overdrive resulting in chronic inflammation. A large number of studies suggest that inflammation can significantly increase fatigue.
It’s important to note that if you experience fatigue without any of the other signs mentioned here, your gut may not be to blame.
Tips for a Healthier, Happier Gut
If you think that your gut needs some TLC, there are easy steps you can take to boost gut health, and start feeling better.
•Eat a healthy, balanced diet with plenty of organic greens
Include anti-inflammatory superfoods. (Please refer to the 9 foods listed in the 9 Powerful Superfoods to Fight Inflammation article in this section).
•Avoid processed foods, and cut back on refined grains
•Eat fermented foods and nourish your gut with probiotics
•Limit your sugar intake as much as possible.
•Manage your stress levels, and get outdoors each day.
Your gut is the foundation of your health, for body and mind. It dictates the health of your immune system, how well you absorb nutrients, and controls your mood. And if your gut is unhealthy, you will likely experience a wide range of unpleasant symptoms. So, if you want to live life to the fullest, listen to your body and show your gut some love.
Enzymes are the unsung heroes of your health. They work around the clock and play a critical role in speeding up every chemical reaction in the body. These catalysts help you break down food, replicate new cells, and even generate ATP, the primary source of fuel for your cells.
Your body produces a considerable amount of these enzymes on its own, but it also needs to get some through the food you eat, or by supplementing.
This includes a class of enzymes called proteolytic enzymes, which not only function as digestive enzymes, but work systemically throughout the body, providing a wide-range of benefits.
Proteolytic enzymes are found in foods like pineapple (bromelain) and papaya (papain) and help break down proteins into amino acids, which serve as building blocks for nearly all cells and tissues in the body.
But when taken in-between meals, proteolytic enzymes go beyond the digestive system to boost energy, optimize oxygen flow, fight inflammation and more.
Here are 5 reasons to get these enzymes every day.
1. Fights Against Inflammation
One of the most impressive benefits of proteolytic enzymes is their ability to reduce unwanted inflammation.
Specifically, they can destroy pathogenic complexes that inhibit normal immune function. In other words, proteolytic enzymes gobble up substances that can cause unwanted inflammation.
Picture it like Pacman eating the little white dots. Except in this case, the white dots cause chronic inflammation.
While bromelain is well established for its anti-inflammatory properties, European and Japanese researchers have found the most effective proteolytic enzyme for reducing the inflammation response is serratiopeptidase.
Furthermore, the researchers Lane Lenard, Ph.D.; Ward Dean, M.D.; and Jim English, reported another impressive result:
“Italian researchers have shown that the ability of proteolytic enzymes to reduce inflammation is equal to or superior to four powerful steroidal and non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs.”
This means your knees, shoulders and other joints can stay in top shape thanks to the natural activity of proteolytic enzymes.
2. Supports a Healthy Heart
Taking care of your heart should be at the top of your self-care list considering it’s the number one cause of death in the world.
That means you should eat right, exercise, avoid chronic inflammation, and keep stress at bay. Those are the basics. New evidence suggests that proteolytic enzymes can also boost your cardiovascular health.
In 2016, researchers found that consuming nattokinase, a specific proteolytic enzyme, can help reduce your blood pressure.
Additional studies found that nattokinase can benefit your cardiovascular system in other ways. Nattokinase “provides support to the circulatory system by thinning the blood and dissolving blood clots”.
3. Perfect for Paleo or High-Protein Diets
Proteolytic enzymes help your body break down proteins. That means if you consume high-protein meals, or follow a paleo diet, you can use proteolytic enzymes to support digestive health.
Since your body has an easier time digesting the protein, you can experience less digestive discomfort as well.
One study, for example, found that people who suffered from functional dyspepsia (gastritis) received significant benefit from taking a proteolytic supplement. Improvements included reduced bloating, gas, abdominal pain, and heartburn.
For full digestive benefits, take proteolytic enzymes just before or with a protein-heavy meal.
4. Natural Energy Booster
If you need more energy, you don’t have to turn to unhealthy energy drinks, sugary sodas or shots of caffeine. Proteolytic enzymes boost energy naturally.
Since proteolytic enzymes help clean out pathogens and excess proteins from the blood, they optimize the flow of red blood cells in the body.
And because red blood cells transport oxygen, they can deliver energizing oxygen more efficiently throughout the body.
So, while energy drinks cover up fatigue with a short burst of energy, proteolytic enzymes provide a natural source of long-lasting energy.
5. Accelerates Healing & Exercise Recovery
Whenever you get an injury, you want it to heal as quickly as possible, right? Well, it turns out that if you get proteolytic enzymes in your diet, it can significantly accelerate recovery time.
Proteolytic enzymes can break down cellular debris at sites of injury. This causes swelling and pain to decrease at a faster rate. Evidence also suggests that they can boost the speed of new tissue growth and wound healing.
Since proteolytic enzymes can reduce swelling, inflammation, and promote new tissue growth, they are also optimal for exercise recovery.
One study found that people who consumed a supplement containing a variety of proteolytic enzymes experienced significantly less muscle soreness and quicker muscle recovery after downhill running.
If you’re taking proteolytic enzymes for digestive reasons, you can eat foods that contain proteases, including pineapple, papaya, ginger, kiwi and natto.
However, if you want the systemic (whole body) benefits of proteolytic enzymes then it’s best to take a supplement, since the enzymes need to be taken in-between meals, ideally on an empty stomach.
Plant-based enzymes are preferred, since those enzymes can survive a wider range of pH found throughout the digestive system and are better absorbed.
If you are taking blood thinning medication, you should check with your doctor before starting proteolytic enzymes since these highly effective systemic enzymes are known to speed up blood flow.
Proteolytic enzymes go beyond digestive health when taken in-between meals. Research shows these enzymes can give you natural energy, help you recover from tough workouts, support a healthy heart, and keep your joints in great shape.
Everyone knows that refined sugar (or high fructose corn syrup) is horrible for your health. It can lead to rapid weight gain, upset the balance of bacteria in your gut, and it contributes to the development of diseases like diabetes or even cancer.
This is why artificial sweeteners have become increasingly prevalent over the past several years. The food industry developed them to satisfy your sweet tooth without all the negative side effects of sugar. Well… that’s what they want you to think at least.
The truth is, artificial sweeteners have a dark side.
What the Evidence Shows About Artificial Sweeteners...
For years, soda companies have been encouraging people to buy “diet” drinks as part of a plan to lose weight. Yet the evidence strongly shows they have the opposite effect, and that zero calorie beverages contribute to obesity.
In one study University of Texas researchers found that people who drank diet soda (with artificial sweeteners) on average gained an extra inch around their waist compared to people who didn’t drink diet soda.
In another study published in JAMA Pediatrics, moms who consumed more artificial sweeteners during pregnancy were twice as likely to have babies that were overweight at one year of age.
Furthermore, a review of 30+ studies by the Canadian Medical Association Journal of more than 400,000 people found that, “consumption of nonnutritive sweeteners was associated with increases in weight and waist circumference, and higher incidence of obesity, hypertension, metabolic syndrome, type 2 diabetes and cardiovascular events”.
So, the evidence is pretty clear that artificial sweeteners may be making it harder (not easier) to lose weight, especially around the belly area.
3 Ways Artificial Sweeteners Make You Gain Weight:
It turns out that our body weight and fat percentage is not simply a matter of “calories in and calories out” but a complex system involving hormones and gut bacteria, among other factors. Here are three of the ways artificial sweeteners may be making it harder for you to stay lean.
1. Artificial Sweeteners Affect Appetite Hormones
When you consume sugar or carbs, your body releases a variety of hormones. This includes a hormone called GLP-1 that helps controls your appetite.
The problem is, artificial sweeteners can inhibit GLP-1 release. This can cause you to feel hungry more often and lead to overeating.
2. Artificial Sweeteners Trick the Brain
Even though they don’t have sugar, the taste of artificial sweeteners makes our brain think it is getting sugar. In response, the brain sends signals to release insulin in anticipation of sugar that never arrives. Scientists believe this may make the body less efficient in processing insulin.
Artificial sweeteners may also desensitize you to the sweetness level of foods, creating a new norm for what food should taste like. To make matters worse, artificial sweeteners are significantly more potent than regular sugar.
3. Artificial Sweeteners Damage the Gut & Increase Blood Sugar
Aside from tricking your brain into thinking you are getting sugar, artificial sweeteners can directly impact blood sugar levels by changing gut bacteria.
Because artificial sweeteners are not digested in the same way as sugar, they go to the gut, where they interact with your beneficial gut bacteria.
Research published in the journal Nature showed that when artificial sweeteners were administered, half the participants had elevated blood glucose levels in as little as four days.
How to Look for Artificial Sweeteners on the Label Food and beverage manufacturers don’t advertise or promote that they have artificial sweeteners inside. Instead, they highlight “low-sugar” “low-calorie” or “diet” foods and drinks.
To make sure you are not consuming artificial sweeteners you need to look closely at the ingredients list on the label. Here are the FDA-approved artificial sweeteners you may find in countless products:
Aspartame (aka Equal®, NutraSweet®)
Acesulfame-K (aka Sunett®, Sweet One®)
Saccharin (aka Sweet’N Low®, Necta Sweet®)
Sucralose (aka Splenda®)
Neotame (aka Newtame®)
AdvantameSeek out Natural Sweeteners
While it’s always good to cut back on the sweet stuff, if you are going to have something sweet, choose natural options (in moderation). Organic raw honey is a way to add sugar to smoothies or dishes and comes with beneficial vitamins, minerals, and enzymes.
If you’re craving a sweet treat, turn to whole fruits, which contain natural sugars that are slowly released thanks to the fiber of the fruit.
There are also low and no-calorie sweeteners extracted from plants that you can add to a drink or meal. One is Monk Fruit (Lo-Han) extract which won’t spike your blood sugar and has no known negative side effects.
Stevia is now a widely available natural sweetener but seek out the version from plant leaves. Most store brands feature a highly refined extract called Rebaudioside A (Reb-A) and also contains erythritol from corn.
The Bottom Line on Artificial Sweeteners
Artificial sweeteners are not a sweet way to cut back on calories. Food marketing has caused people to believe that artificial sweeteners are great options for losing weight and protecting their health. But this simply isn’t true.
Most artificial sweeteners can cause you to gain weight and habitually crave unhealthy food. Studies show they can damage gut bacteria and lead to an increase in blood sugar levels.
Luckily, there are natural sweeteners that are much better options for your body, including raw honey and monk fruit. Ideally, all sweeteners should be used in moderation so your taste buds can appreciate the natural sweetness in foods, making healthy eating much easier.
While technology has its perks, it also can cause considerable harm to your sleep, stress and motivation levels if you’re not careful. In fact, scientists have found that screen time at night can wreck your sleep, while social media can make you lose your motivation.
This is why people all over the world are taking the time to unplug and recharge their life with technology cleanses.
“There is no Wi-Fi in the forest, but I promise you will find a better connection.”
Unplugging from technology for short periods of time allows you to rebalance your body and mind. It can be hard at first, but it’s totally worth the effort considering the benefits you can experience. Here are 5 life-changing reasons to unplug and recharge.
1. Improve Sleep Quality
If you have more chance of finding a unicorn than feeling well-rested when you wake up, it might be time for a technology reset.
You’re not alone in dealing with painful sleep deprivation. Up to 68% of Americans have trouble sleeping or staying asleep. So why is lack of sleep such an issue?
Experts believe that screen time is to blame. Whenever you watch TV or especially if you browse on your smartphone at night, you are setting yourself up for fatigue the next day.
That’s because electronic screens emit a frequency of blue light that signals your body that it’s daytime. This prevents your body from producing melatonin, a key hormone involved in sleep.
By unplugging a couple of hours before bed, you can experience huge changes in energy throughout the day due to better sleep.
2. Regain Control of Your Mind
Are smartphones mind-control devices? No. Are they capable of disrupting cognitive function. Yes, it turns out.
Smartphones, social media, email, and any other technology that provides instant gratification are incredibly distracting, which can decrease cognitive performance and reasoning ability.
A study from the Journal of Experimental Psychology found that when people are involved in a challenging task and their phones beep or buzz, their focus and work quality plummets. And that happens even if they don’t actually check their phone.
Another groundbreaking study found that how close your phone is can directly affect brain power. When the phone is moved further away, the ability to focus, problem solve, and interpret complex ideas all improved.
The idea here is that people are overly attuned to the instant gratification of technology. When you take time to unplug, you give your mind the opportunity to focus 100% on the task at hand.
3. Engage in Real Social Interactions
Unplugging from technology will also encourage you to participate in real social interactions. That means talking in person with a friend at a coffee shop instead of talking via text.
Why is this important? Social media, texting, and email has given us the false impression that we are socializing. It’s like a social mirage.
Deep down, these forms of communication don’t satisfy our social needs. In fact, it can actually make people feel more disconnected and lonely.
Social belonging and interactions are essential for a healthy mind and body. Having a lack of social connection is even considered as great a risk factor as smoking when it comes to your health.
The take-home message here is that unplugging and re-engaging in real social interactions can elevate your well-being and make you happier.
4. Live in the Moment
The next time you go to a concert, sports game, or any other event, pay close attention to what people are doing.
More often than not, you will notice people are using their phone in one way or another. Some are taking photos of the game or trying to capture that perfect selfie for Instagram. Others are just browsing the internet.
How can you fully enjoy a concert or sports game if you are too busy recording it or taking a selfie? How can you enjoy your child’s birthday party if you keep checking your phone for an email from work?
When your mind is doing something else, you could be missing out on a lot of life’s important moments. All of which creates unnecessary stress.
But when you remove technology from the equation, your mind is less likely to wander away from the present moment. And when you manage to keep your mind in the moment, studies suggest that it can improve your mood and quality of life.
5. Skyrocket Your Motivation
The average Apple phone user checks their phone up to 80 times per day—that’s almost 30,000 times over the course of a year.
Most people are addicted to the instant gratification technology provides. And the culprit is a chemical in the brain called dopamine.
Research suggests that dopamine causes you to want, desire, and seek out rewarding behavior. Under normal circumstances, this is great for helping you strive towards your goals.
However, technology can hijack this process, which reduces your motivation for long-term goals. Getting notifications or likes makes your brain feel rewarded, and over time, your brain becomes dependent on instant gratification. Some studies even suggest it rewires your brain to develop a resistance to dopamine.
Routinely taking technology cleanses can help you reset and recharge your reward system. That way you can regain your motivation for the things that matter in life.
Bottom line, the world is becoming increasingly addicted to technology. And while technology certainly has its benefits, it also has a negative impact on your health if you’re not careful.
That’s why it’s important to make a conscious effort to disconnect from technology from time to time—a technology cleanse, if you will. In doing so, you can improve the quality of your sleep, regain control of your mind, rediscover your inner motivation, and live more in the moment.
Build, strengthen and recover in one delicious step with this protein-rich berry delight. This creamy berry shake provides plant protein from organic superfoods, with extra energy and oomph from antioxidants. Use it after workouts or any day when your reserves are running a little low.
Acai Raspberry Protein Shake
1 cup (8 oz.) of your favorite nut milk
½ banana (can be sliced and frozen)
¼ cup fresh organic raspberries
1 pack (100g) organic unsweetened frozen acai
2 scoops Organic Protein
Blend all ingredients until smooth. Enjoy!
Nut milk is a non-dairy way to add creaminess to the shake, while banana makes it extra thick and replenishes electrolytes lost during exercise.
Fresh or frozen, raspberries add fruity tartness to the smoothie and amazing health benefits. In addition to fiber and vitamin C, raspberries are full of the antioxidants ellagic acid and quercetin, two phytochemicals which are protective of cell health.
Acai is another powerful antioxidant, helping to calm the oxidative stress that comes with exercise, leading to faster muscle recovery. They’re also a natural source of heart-healthy omegas.
Two scoops of Organic Protein of vegan plant protein sourced from organic superfoods, energizing MCTs that satisfy cravings, and organic omegas to support heart health.
This delicious vegan shake provides the right blend of daily protein for muscle growth and repair. It’s high in branched-chain amino acids, omegas and MCTs, giving your body the perfect fuel for long-lasting energy. And all the added organic antioxidants boost recovery after any activity.
Slightly sweet with notes of Matcha green tea and aromatic vanilla bean, this fast and flavorful smoothie comes with plant protein and powerful antioxidants to fuel energy and recovery. It’s organic, vegan, gluten-free and delicious.
Matcha Vanilla Protein Smoothie
1 cup (8 oz.) unsweetened organic vanilla almond milk ½ cup frozen banana slices (about half a banana) 1 tsp. organic matcha green tea powder 2 scoops Organic Protein.
Blend all ingredients until smooth and creamy. Enjoy!
The antioxidants in Matcha green tea are good for your heart and brain with studies showing that tea is protective against cognitive decline. Not only do these antioxidants help speed recovery after a workout, EGCG in green tea gives your metabolism a boost too, for natural energy.
Organic Protein provides plant protein sourced from organic superfoods including pea, hemp and gluten-free ancient grains. These proteins combine with energizing MCTs from organic coconut to help satisfy cravings and optimize metabolism. Organic omegas round out the blend, supporting heart health.
Easy to make and a delight to drink, this tasty protein smoothie satisfies your sweet tooth and nutrient needs all in one. Whether you have a tough workday or a tough workout, turn to this tasty shake to power through.
Important Note:
Although the recipes in this section combine protein with fruit for individuals who desire this combination; it is recommended to consume fruit alone and to wait 15-30 minutes prior to consuming protein or fat.
Since fruit is digested more rapidly than either protein or fat, it is possible, and most probable that fruit consumed with another food group can begin to ferment in the GI tract, causing symptoms such as bloating and gas.
It's not only athletes that need to build and repair muscle—we all need the right blend of daily protein for optimal energy and recovery.
This creamy blueberry cashew smoothie hits the sweet spot with organic superfoods rich in branched-chain amino acids (BCAAs) for healthy muscles. It’s the perfect balance of plant protein and antioxidants to power your day.
Blueberry Body Builder Smoothie
1 cup (8 oz.) cashew milk (or your favorite nut milk) ½ banana (can be sliced and frozen) Handful of raw organic cashews Dash of organic vanilla extract ½ cup frozen organic blueberries 2 scoops Organic Protein.
Instructions Blend all ingredients (except blueberries) until smooth. Set aside half the shake, and then blend the blueberries with the remaining mixture. Pour the two blends alternately and garnish with a few frozen blueberries. Enjoy!
Cashew milk and nuts provide plant protein, and come with healthy fats that help you feel full. They’re also rich in minerals including copper, manganese and magnesium. Banana makes this smoothie extra creamy and replenishes electrolytes lost during exercise. The antioxidants found in Blueberries (called anthocyanins) have been shown to support brain health. These superfood berries build your body in other ways too, by calming the oxidative stress that comes with exercise, leading to faster muscle recovery.
Two scoops of Organic Protein vegan plant protein sourced from organic superfoods, energizing MCTs that satisfy cravings, and organic omegas to support heart health.
This delightfully creamy and satisfying vegan shake is full of easy-to-digest proteins and comes with foods rich in BCAAs. Its low sugar and high protein profile means you’ll have long-lasting energy. Use it as a fast and filling organic breakfast smoothie or after any workout for a rapid recovery.
Speed up recovery after your workout with a tasty tropical smoothie packed with muscle-building plant protein. With organic superfoods rich in branched-chain amino acids (BCAAs) you’ll get the protein you need for a lean, athletic look. Full of flavorful fruits and creamy vanilla, this shake will hit the sweet spot after any workout.
Post Workout Tropical Smoothie
¾ cup (6 oz.) organic coconut milk (in the carton)
1 tbsp. organic coconut oil
1 Organic Mango
1 Organic Banana
2 scoops Organic Protein
Blend all ingredients until smooth. No coconut milk? You can also sub out for your favorite nut milk. Enjoy!
Coconut milk and organic coconut oil gives you energizing MCTs, which help to reduce stored body fat. Banana also helps to replenish electrolytes lost during exercise.
The fresh orange juice bursts with sweet flavor and is full of vitamin C for immune support. Mango is also deliciously fruity and is packed with antioxidants to combat the free radicals released during exercise.
Two scoops of Organic Protein provide plant protein sourced from organic superfoods, energizing MCTs that satisfy cravings, and organic omegas to support heart health.
Plant protein satisfies your post-workout hunger and supports healthy muscles. You’ll also reward your taste buds and replenish your energy with this naturally sweet and oh-so-creamy shake.
Get energized, reduce oxidative stress and support sports performance with a deliciously simple smoothie. It only takes about 30 seconds of prep to power your body with alkalizing greens and superfood protein in a tasty, creamy shake.
Use it pre-workout to give your body energy, or post-workout for a nutritious recovery, or anytime for a deliciously healthy smoothie.
Alkalizing Super Smoothie
1 cup (8 oz.) organic almond milk
½ frozen banana (sliced then frozen)
1 scoop Green Powder
2 scoops Organic Protein
Blend all ingredients until smooth and creamy. Enjoy!
Just one scoop of Green Powder provides organic superfoods, plus probiotics, pre-biotics and enzymes for digestive health.
Alkalizing greens are rich in energizing chlorophyll and antioxidants that help to reduce oxidative stress. Research also shows that eating alkalizing foods supports improved sports performance.
Frozen banana makes for an extra thick smoothie and also helps to replenish electrolytes lost during exercise.
Two scoops of Organic Protein provides plant protein sourced from organic superfoods, energizing MCTs that satisfy cravings, and organic omegas to support heart health.
The dynamic duo of Organic Protein and Greens make one nutritional-powerhouse smoothie that is surprisingly delicious. With easy prep, it’s healthy fast food for when you are at home or on-the-go.
Looking for a healthy version of your favorite treats? This delicious vegan protein shake delivers flavors you’ll love. Savor melt-in-your-mouth chocolate, creamy peanut butter and the goodness of organic superfoods in every sip.
You’ll love the taste, organic plant proteins that satisfy your appetite, and that there’s only healthy goodness inside.
Chocolate Peanut Butter Smoothie
1 cup (8 oz.) almond milk
½ cup frozen banana
1 tbsp. organic peanut butter powder
2 tbsp. organic cacao powder
2 scoops Organic Protein
Blend almond milk, frozen banana, peanut butter and organic super protein together until smooth. Set aside ¼ cup. Add cacao powder to main mixture and blend well.
Pour chocolate mix in glass, and then swirl the light liquid on top. Garnish with strawberries or your favorite fruit. Enjoy!
Frozen banana puts the smooth in this smoothie, adding a creamy rich texture along with essential vitamins and minerals.
Cacao powder comes with antioxidants and natural compounds that help to reduce cravings and promote a sense of well-being. Just choose organic to avoid any pesticide residues.
Two scoops of Organic Protein provide plant protein sourced from organic superfoods to support muscle recovery. You also get energizing MCTs that satisfy cravings.
You’ll love the combination of satisfying plant protein, healthy fats and mood-boosting chocolate. And you won’t have to worry about pesticides, GMOs or anything artificial. It’s just pure superfood goodness in every sip.
Celebrate superfood goodness in this festive red, white and blue smoothie bowl. As you savor the sweet berry deliciousness, you’ll also power up with satisfying proteins that crush cravings and keep you energized all day. It’s a perfect healthy fix for breakfast or lunch.
1 cup (8 oz.) of your favorite nut milk
½ banana (can be sliced and frozen)
¼ cup organic steel cut oats
1 cup sliced organic frozen strawberries
2 scoops Organic Protein
2 or 3 sliced organic strawberries
Handful of organic blueberries
Shredded organic coconut
Blend all ingredients until smooth. Add or reduce the nut milk to your thickness preference. Pour in bowl, add your favorite toppings and enjoy!
Nut milk is a non-dairy way to add creaminess to the shake, while banana makes it extra thick and replenishes essential electrolytes.
Steel cut oats are full of filling fiber (5g per ¼ cup) and have a lower glycemic index than rolled oats, which means they are slower to digest and won’t cause a spike in blood sugar levels.
Strawberries and blueberries provide an abundance of natural vitamins and minerals. They also provide a boost for brain health. One study by Harvard researchers found those eating strawberries and blueberries delayed the onset of cognitive decline by up to 2.5 years! (Source)
Two scoops of Organic Protein provide vegan plant protein sourced from organic superfoods, energizing MCTs that satisfy cravings, and organic omegas to support heart health.
Pumpkin pie is a fall favorite. Now you can savor it year-round with this tasty take on a smoothie bowl. It’s filled with anti-aging antioxidants, heart-healthy omegas, and comes with 18g of organic plant proteins. And with a to-go jar you can enjoy this satisfying smoothie anywhere.
Pumpkin Pie Smoothie Jar
½ cup (4 oz.) unsweetened vanilla almond milk
¼ cup organic pumpkin puree
½ cup frozen banana slices (about half a banana)
¼ cup strong chai tea
1/8 tsp. organic pumpkin spice
2 scoops Organic Protein
Sliced Banana
Pumpkin Seeds
Organic Granola
Make chai tea by steeping 2 bags in ¼ cup of boiling water for 20 minutes. Or use liquid chai tea concentrate; start with a tablespoon and add as needed.
Then, blend all ingredients until smooth and creamy. Layer banana slices, granola, pumpkin seeds and smoothie in a jar. Enjoy!
Spices don’t just add seasonal flavors. They also come with powerful antioxidants that nourish the body.
Pumpkin spice is particularly potent since it is a mix of cinnamon, ginger, nutmeg, all spice and cloves. These spices are known to soothe digestion, support healthy blood sugar and calm inflammation.
Pumpkin is full of natural vitamin A to support healthy skin and vision. The seeds (pepitas) add tasty crunch and heart-healthy fatty acids.
Organic Protein provides plant protein sourced from organic superfoods, more energizing MCTs to help satisfy cravings, and organic omegas to support heart health.
Spicy flavors make this smoothie jar a real treat. And with healthy polyphenols and organic omegas, your heart will love it too. Savor it whenever you need a satisfying healthy fix.
Skip the run-of-the-mill morning juice, and whip up this deliciously healthy breakfast smoothie in just 30 seconds. You’ll get energy to start your day strong, alkalizing organic superfoods to keep you going, with a hint of citrus tang and berry goodness.
Citrus Berry Breakfast Smoothie
½ cup (4 oz.) fresh squeezed orange juice
½ cup mixed frozen organic berries
½ banana (can be sliced and frozen)
1 scoop Green Powder
Blend all ingredients until smooth. Garnish with organic slices and enjoy!
Fresh squeezed orange juice hits the taste buds just right while giving you an extra boost of vitamin C for immunity. Oranges are also a great source of plant-based calcium (55 mg per orange) for heart health.
The antioxidants found in blueberries and raspberries (called anthocyanins) have been shown to support brain health, and they protect your cells from the oxidative stress they’re under every day.
Banana adds a smooth creamy texture, a hint of sweetness, and a bump of potassium to replenish minerals lost during exercise.
A scoop of Green powder provides organic superfoods. Inside are vitamins, minerals, antioxidants, enzymes, probiotics, fiber and plant protein, transforming any smoothie into a super smoothie.
Start the day with a delightfully creamy latte that gives you the fuel to power through your to-do list. Plant protein satisfies any hunger pangs, plus energizing MCTs help to crush mid-morning cravings. It’s a delicious way to get a quick coffee fix and the goodness your body needs.
Banana Latte Power Smoothie
1 banana (can also be chopped & frozen)
2 to 3 ice cubes (if using fresh banana)
¾ cup (6 oz.) of almond milk
½ to 1 teaspoon organic instant coffee powder
1 tablespoon almond butter
2 scoops Organic Protein
Blend all ingredients until smooth. Enjoy!
Coffee gives the latte its signature flavor, natural caffeine to get your circuits going, and antioxidant support.
Banana adds a smooth creamy texture, a touch of sweetness, and potassium to replenish minerals. Almond butter gives a mild nutty flavor and comes with natural vitamin E.
Two scoops of Organic Protein provide plant protein sourced from organic superfoods, energizing MCTs that satisfy cravings, and organic omegas to support heart health.
With just a few minutes of prep, you can have a power smoothie that satisfies your coffee fix AND gives you nourishing superfoods to get your day started on the right track.
This power smoothie is perfect for sharing (makes 2) or you can stash one in the freezer to savor a healthy frozen treat for later. The pomegranate makes the flavors pop, and the organic greens powder gives you a shortcut to superfoods in one simple step.
Pomegranate Power Smoothie (2 servings)
1 cup (8 oz.) pomegranate juice
1 cup organic coconut water
¾ cup frozen organic mixed berries
1 ripe banana
2 scoops Green powder
2-3 fresh mint leaves
Mix the pomegranate juice and frozen berries and set aside. Separately, blend the banana, coconut water, Green powder, and fresh mint leaves.
First, pour the green blend into glasses. Then slowly pour the pomegranate berry mixture into the middle of each glass. Garnish with fresh mint leaves and enjoy!
Pomegranate juice has a type of antioxidants called polyphenols, and supports healthy cholesterol levels. A banana adds a smooth creamy texture, a hint of sweetness, and natural potassium.
Pure coconut water is full of natural electrolytes; essential minerals to keep you hydrated and support your cells.
The mixed berries are delicious and come with antioxidants for anti-aging and brain support.
A scoop of Green Juice powder provides organic superfoods. It’s full of energizing vitamins, minerals, antioxidants, enzymes, probiotics and 3g of heart-healthy fiber.
Bursting with yummy flavors and powerful antioxidant support, this smoothie can also be served in mini sized glasses for a healthy toast at holiday parties.
Power up your day with this flavorful, refreshing smoothie. It’s packed full of plant-based antioxidants that rehydrate your body fast. In just minutes you’ll feel refreshed, reenergized and have the superfood nutrition you need to stay strong.
Refreshing Antioxidant Smoothie
½ cup (4 oz.) organic coconut water
½ cup organic apple sauce
½ cup mixed frozen organic berries
1 scoop Green Juice Powder
Blend everything together until smooth. Enjoy!
This super smoothie comes with hydrating minerals. Pure coconut water gives you potassium and other natural electrolytes to reenergize the body fast.
Sweet apples combine with tart berries for a refreshing taste that is full of healthy nutrients including quercetin.
The antioxidants found in berries (called anthocyanins) have also been shown to support brain health, and protect your cells from daily oxidative stress.
A scoop of tasty Green Juice powder provides organic superfoods. Inside are vitamins, minerals, antioxidants, enzymes, and probiotics for a nutrient infusion that delivers a near instant lift of energy and vitality.
Fast and flavorful, this refreshing antioxidant smoothie is easy to make and is a natural energizer for morning or night. And all the superfoods inside give a big nutrient boost that helps to keep you healthy.
Fresh, sweet peaches are a summertime treat but you can find them frozen year-round to make this creamy, peachy delight. Each non-dairy superfood popsicle is full of goodness and packs 6g of satisfying plant protein. They’re a perfect afternoon pick-me-up or a healthy dessert you can savor every day.
Nutrition Stats
Makes 6 creamy, peachy popsicles at only 145 calories each
Each pop has organic plant protein from superfoods
Non-dairy with alkalizing organic plant proteins and omegas
High in BCAAs (branched-chain amino acids) for muscle recovery
MCTs (medium chain triglycerides) fuel energy and satisfy cravings
Rich in vitamins A & C with a broad variety of healthy antioxidants.
Peaches & Cream Protein Pops Recipe
1 cup (8 oz.) organic light coconut milk
2 cups organic peaches (thinly peel, roughly chop)
3 tbsp. organic raw honey (or your fav vegan sweetener)
4 scoops Organic Protein
1/8 tsp. organic vanilla extract
Set aside half the peaches (1 cup). Blend all the remaining ingredients, and then start making your chunky peachy pops.
First, from the peaches you have set aside, add a few pieces to each of the empty popsicle molds. Then pour in your blended mix to about halfway.
Then add the popsicle sticks, and a few more pieces of peach in each one before topping up with the blended mix (drink any leftovers).
Then freeze your peachy popsicles and enjoy!
A Pop of Goodness
Most frozen treats in stores are full of bad stuff, including refined sugar, GMOs, pesticide residues and artificial colors. This is a pop of goodness.
Each popsicle is full of organic superfood protein, organic heart-healthy plant omegas, and energizing MCTs from organic coconut, plus sweet juicy peaches.
Together these superfoods satisfy cravings and give your body essential fuel for daily repair and recovery. And they’re delicious!
Looking for a satisfying and healthy treat? These delicious lemon berry muffins hit the sweet spot. They calm cravings and fuel energy with 7g of healthy protein, MCTs and tasty citrus berry flavors. Bake a batch so you can have a healthy breakfast or snack ready to go.
Flourless Lemon Berry Muffins (makes 12)
½ cup (4 oz.) almond meal
½ cup Organic Protein
1 tsp. baking powder
½ tsp. Bob's Redhill baking soda
Pinch of salt
5 organic eggs (or your favorite vegan substitute)
¼ cup organic maple syrup
4 tbsp. organic coconut oil
2 tbsp. lemon juice
Zest of 1 lemon (about 1 tsp.)
½ tsp. almond extract
1 carton (13.4 oz.) white beans (cannellini or great northern)
1 cup frozen organic mixed berries
¼ cup organic unsweetened shredded coconut
Preheat oven to 350 F.
In a bowl, mix all dry ingredients together (almond meal, Organic Protein, baking powder, baking soda, and salt).
In a separate larger bowl, beat the 5 eggs with a whisk, then add wet ingredients (maple syrup, coconut oil, lemon juice, zest, and almond extract).
Add dry ingredients into wet, and whisk until combined.
Then, drain the beans and add to mixture. Pour entire mixture into a blender or food processor and blend until smooth.
Spray a muffin tin with organic oil or line with paper muffin cups.
Divide the batter evenly into muffin tin (makes 12).
Top each muffin with 4 or 5 organic berries and shredded coconut.
Bake at 350 F for approximately 25-30 minutes, or until a toothpick or cake tester is inserted and comes out clean.
Let cool and then enjoy!
Healthy Made Easy!
These flourless lemon berry muffins are really tasty, satisfying and filling. They’re packed with superfoods that nourish the body. And the combination of protein, energizing MCTs, and citrus berry flavors means snacking can be both delicious and healthy.
If the thought of moist banana bread makes your mouth water, then you’re in for a treat with these delicious banana nut muffins. Each is perfectly sized for a satisfying snack, and comes with superfood protein, energizing MCTs and heart-healthy omegas. They’re also gluten-free, dairy-free and soy-free. Enjoy!
Banana Nut Protein Muffins (makes 12)
2 cups (16 oz.) organic almond meal flour
4 scoops Organic Protein
½ cup (4 oz.) chopped walnuts (plus 12 for toppings)
1 tsp. baking soda
½ tsp. sea salt
5 organic eggs (or your favorite vegan substitute)
1 cup mashed ripe bananas (approx. 2 large bananas)
6 tbsp. organic maple syrup
½ tsp. organic vanilla extract
Plus: 4-6 squares of dark chocolate for toppings.
Preheat oven to 350 F.
In a bowl, mix all dry ingredients together except the walnuts (almond meal flour, Organic Super Protein, baking soda, and salt).
In a separate bowl or food processor, beat the 5 eggs then add wet ingredients (banana, maple syrup, and vanilla extract).
Add pre-mixed dry ingredients into wet and mix until combined. Then add the chopped walnuts into the mixture.
Spray a muffin tin with organic oil or line with paper muffin cups.
Divide the batter evenly into muffin tin (makes 12) and top each muffin with a large walnut.
Bake at 350 F for approximately 22-25 minutes, or until a toothpick or cake tester is inserted and comes out clean.
Let cool and then drizzle melted dark chocolate over the tops.
For added nutty goodness, serve with almond butter. Enjoy!Enjoy at home or on-the-go!
Most store-bought muffins are filled with refined sugars and unhealthy additives. This gluten-free recipe is full of goodness that will keep you satisfied with long-lasting energy. Bake a batch anytime so you can savor this healthy treat at home or on-the-go.
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