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Please note: We have changed the name of our Shiaqga product back to the old name Tawtnuk Wild Apán or Apán for short. This was the name used by the Sahaptin Indian Tribes for the healing mushroom.
This change is solely a name change, and there has not been any modification to the product. Any reference below to name Shiaqga, is interchangeable with the name Wild Apán or Apán.
Always, to you Health!
Thank you.
Abdominal Adhesions
by Man Found Standing, Medicine Man Practitioner
Abdominal surgery is the most common cause of abdominal adhesions / abdominal scar tissue. The majority of people that have had abdominal surgery develop adhesions.
Abdominal adhesions are bands of tissue that form between abdominal tissues and organs, causing the tissues and organs to stick together. Surgical trauma encourages the fibrous bands to grow and form adhesions/scar tissue. After abdominal surgery, the bowels can be paralyzed for hours or even up to two days.
Scientists conclude that abdominal adhesions do not form without an apparent cause. They state the causes are for abdominal adhesions are as follows:
Handling or drying internal organs and tissues during surgery
Blood clots not rinsed out during surgery
Appendicitis / appendix rupture
Radiation / Chemotherapy treatment for cancer
Gynecological infections
Abdominal infections
Traumatic injury
Inflammatory disease
The most common problems that happen with abdominal adhesions are a constriction of the small intestine that can result in constipation, bowel blockage, scar tissue binding internal organs, or blockage of the fallopian tubes (which can lead to infertility). Most of these common problems are considered to be life-threatening.
Severe abdominal pain or cramping
Bloating / Inability to pass gas
Loud bowel sounds
Swelling of the abdomen
Western Medicine currently does not have any tests available to diagnose adhesions. Most adhesions are found during exploratory surgery. They claim that surgery is the only treatment to break adhesions that cause pain, intestinal obstruction, or fertility problems. Sadly, this treatment can also cause additional adhesions with further medical complications.
Alternative Healers take a different approach to preventing and treating abdominal adhesions. They understand that with the proper building blocks the body can utilize its natural healing abilities. Healers also understand that in almost all cases, getting abdominal adhesions in the first place is just because the body lacked the proper healing tools.
Therapeutic Oils like Helichrysum Italicum have been shown to assist the body in rapidly increasing its healing ability while minimizing adhesions. Also, by understanding the role of plant-based enzymes and their powerful abilities, one can take charge of their own health and wellbeing. Scientists have shown that the body utilizes enzymes taken on an empty stomach to assist in eradicating adhesions, fatty build-ups, and other internal issues.
Native American Practitioners understand that we all grew from a single cell into the being we now are. They see the human body as having the ability to heal itself from any condition provided the proper building blocks/stimulants are available. Sadly because of the lack of proper nutritional education, the modern medical establishment will always be trying to fix symptoms rather than focusing on providing the body with the proper support so it can heal itself.
by Medicine Woman Practitioner, Paway-yatanaut way-akt
Acne (Acne vulgaris or cystic acne) can happen to anyone; and everyone at some point in life has had some form of acne be it pimples, whiteheads, blackheads, pustules, cysts, or boils. Often outbreaks of acne are a result of the sebaceous oil glands being stimulated by hormones, diseases of the lung or colon, poor eating habits, and excess of toxins. Permanently expanded pores, as well as scarring, can result from acne.
A sebaceous gland is located in every hair follicle and produces oil (sebum) which lubricates the skin. Acne most often occurs where the sebaceous glands are most numerous; that being on the face, neck, chest, and back. Dead cells, toxins, and oils can clog the pores and block off oxygen. This then creates the perfect environment for bacteria to grow out of control. The bacteria digest the oil trapped in the pore, producing a fatty acid waste that will irritate the pore lining and cause redness and inflammation.
According to the Journal of the American Academy of Dermatology, some diets of teenagers, mostly boys who drink milk, tend to have worst acne. There seems to be a correlation between the hormones found in dairy products (cottage cheese, chocolate milk, white milk, and so forth) and outbreaks of acne. They even found that skim milk seems to induce acne breakouts more than whole milk and the vitamin D and fat content do not trigger breakouts.
Other studies show that a high glycemic diet, foods that raise blood sugar levels, is also a cause for acne along with junk foods, oral contraceptives, cosmetics, allergies, stress, and heredity conditions. Skin eruptions are also often caused by consuming too much meat, white sugar, white flour, eggs and stimulants including spices.
The modern Western diet of simple carbohydrates causes insulin resistance and fuel an excess of sebum to be produced. In rare cases, acne can be caused by a serious hormonal disorder caused by tumors in the adrenal glands or ovaries. Other symptoms of this possibility include excess facial hair and irregular menstrual periods.
Numerous people have discovered by simply eating a healthier diet of fresh vegetables, greens, whole grains, fruits, nuts, and legumes, their chronic acne vanished. It is interesting to note that before 1950, the Canadian Eskimos hardly ever had acne. When “modern foods” were brought in, acne became a common condition.
Natural Remedies:
Some other natural remedies that are beneficial: Pour two cups of boiling water into a bowl and add 4-6 drops of Lavender or Roman Chamomile therapeutic essential oil. Next, make a steam tent with a towel allowing the steam to come up onto your face for 5-8 minutes. Afterward, gently pat your face dry with a towel. Another method is to dilute ten drops of Geranium or Lavender in a two-ounce spray bottle of pure water and spritz your face several times a day.
The way your body eliminates toxins is through the lungs, skin, kidneys, and bowels. A healthy body will eliminate as many toxins through your skin as it will through your bowels each day. If one of your elimination systems becomes partially clogged, the others must take over. Many who are suffering from acne have found that when they clean out their bowels and support their liver their acne goes away.
Proper nutrition is extremely important. Increase your raw vegetable intake; eat plenty of non-citrus fruits, salads, whole grains, and a few seeds and nuts. Include some seaweed, for iodine and pumpkin seeds for zinc. The more good food you eat, the faster the skin will clear and heal. Eliminate all refined and/or concentrated sugars from the diet.
A change in lifestyle that includes eight hours of sleep, eating a diet that is high in greens fresh fruits and vegetables, drinking eight glasses of water a day, and taking natural supplements will have a positive effect on the body. The human body is designed to heal itself from any condition provided that you feed it the proper fuel.
One protocol that I have seen work with every case of chronic acne is the Bitter Green Drink along with eating a healthy diet. Simply by drinking in the morning 4 to 6 oz of juice from wheatgrass, kale, watercress, or dandelions show significant and powerful results within two weeks. Getting the much-needed nutritional and liver detoxification support will perform a healing miracle.
Testimonial: Natalie M. from Redmond, UT wrote, “My name is Natalie and I am thirteen years old. I have had acne for quite some time now. I also have eczema. Trying almost any and every acne medications from proactive to tropical medications prescribed by the dermatologist, nothing seemed to work. It seemed to help one thing and make the other worse until I started using avocado tree oil mixture.
The facial regime:
The very first thing I noticed was the smoothness of my face. The oils had given an overall glow to my skin. This was a surprise to me especially since all the medication attempts before had led to extreme dryness. It hasn’t completely healed my acne, but it has improved so much. Another miracle that I started to notice was this acne remedy was slowly healing my eczema! This stuff is truly amazing!!!”
by Man Found Standing, Native American Medicine Man
We all have germs in our bodies: bacteria, protozoa, fungi, and viruses. The body’s army, the white blood cells, is the natural defense against germs, disease, and infections in the immune system. These white blood cells, called lymphocytes, have CD4 (T-Cells) helpers. When working properly, it fights off invaders and defends the body. The immune system is weakened by stress, toxins, not chewing your food properly, and many other issues. By not feeding the body with the proper nutrition and living a healthy lifestyle, our body is weakened and open to a myriad of health problems.
HIV (Human Immunodeficiency Virus) is a virus that causes the disease AIDS (Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndrome). More than 33.3 million people worldwide, including 2 million children, are infected with the AIDS virus and more than 3 million die each year from AIDS-related illnesses.
Many people have HIV and do not have any symptoms. Scientists estimate that one in five Americans could be infected and don’t know it. HIV is transmitted through direct contact with a mucous membrane or the bloodstream with bodily fluids containing HIV such as blood, semen, vaginal fluid pre-seminal fluid and breast milk. This transmission can involve sex, blood transfusion, contaminated hypodermic needles, the exchange between mother and baby during pregnancy, childbirth, breastfeeding, or other exposures to bodily fluids.
Being infected with HIV means that the body’s lymphocytes fight for years to win the battle. The body makes billions of CD4 cells and HIV uses these cells to make copies of HIV cells. Some of these HIV cells can stay dormant for years. After a person is infected, the number of CD4 cells goes down. A normal count is 600-1500 per cubic millimeter of blood. When the count drops below 200, the body cannot fight off a simple infection. HIV weakens and damages the immune system allowing opportunistic infections, like the following, to develop: PCP (Pneumocystis pneumonia) a lung infection, KS (Kaposi’s sarcoma) a skin cancer, CMV (Cytomegalovirus) an infection mainly with the eyes, and many others. This weakening of the immune system is AIDS.
The first known case of AIDS was discovered in a sailor in 1958, from Great Britain. The sailor died in 1959 and since that time the Modern Medical establishment still has no cure. Yes, there are anti-retroviral drugs taken for the HIV virus that slow the virus, but eventually the virus triumphs. Also, these synthetic drugs have many noted sides effects including diarrhea, nausea, vomiting, rashes, peripheral neuropathy (nerve damage), lipodystrophy (losing/gaining body fat), raising bad cholesterol, and many others.
To Western Medicine, AIDS is considered a death sentence. There have been billions of dollars spent on research for a vaccine, but still no cure in sight. Isn’t the cure for AIDS quite simple? If the body simply does not obtain an immune deficiency, there would be no AIDS. Yes, you may still have the Human Immunodeficiency Virus (HIV) but if you show no effects from that virus, isn’t that a cure? Having a strengthened immune system, wouldn’t your body naturally attack the virus? Wouldn’t your body’s constant attacks on the virus eventually eliminate or at least wear it down to undetectable levels?
The scientific community knows all about using nature to modulate the immune system. Why don’t they support these cures? Simple, by promoting a natural cure they lose out on the control of that cure and that will make them lose out on a lot of money. So, are you ready to take charge of your own health and keep your immune system modulated by using plants like Shiaqga?
By Paway-yatanatu way-akt, Medicine Woman Practitioner
An allergy is a sensitivity to some particular substance, known as an allergen. It may be harmless to some while causing problems for others. Not everyone has allergies, but two out of every 10 Americans are affected by reactions. The allergen will not be a virus or bacteria but it may be from foods, seasonal grasses, weeds, and pollen, insects, various molds, and even pets. There are between 25-30 million Americans suffering from hay fever each year. This is one of the most common allergies and is triggered by pollens from flowers. Another 12 million are allergic to things other than pollen such as bee stings, certain foods, and drugs. A common cause is chocolate, milk, pork, and other meat products. Mold is a special problem for many. It can be in the house, the food, or even in your drugs.
Allergies are a hypersensitive disorder of the immune system. When a person is exposed to allergens (allergic substances) by methods of inhaling, swallowing, or getting it on or under the skin, this creates an excessive activation of certain white blood cells called mast cells and basophils, and a type of antibody known as IgE (immunoglobulin E), resulting in an extreme inflammatory response. The allergens bind to the IgE, which causes the mast cells to release chemicals into the blood such as histamines that causes the allergic reactions.
Symptoms may be:
Food Allergens:
Some common food allergens can be found in nuts, seeds, eggs, milk, beef, wheat, soy, fish, fruits, vegetables, spices, synthetic and natural colors, and chemical additives. Foods to avoid are canned, refined, preserved, sugary, and fatty foods. Avoid or limit meat, caffeine, dairy, and alcoholic products.
Toxins and non-food allergens:
Latex, medications, penicillin, or aspirin are known to trigger an IgE response. Even poison ivy, Eastern poison oak, Western poison ivy, or poison sumac, all create chemical reactions with binding to and changing the shape of integral membrane proteins on exposed skin cells. The immune system does not recognize the affected cells as normal parts of the body, causing a T-cell immune response.
Dust mites can cause allergies. They are microscopic creatures with eight legs and they eat flakes of dead skin. They excrete tiny pellets which cause you to sneeze when you breathe them. They live in every type of natural or synthetic fiber in your home and they multiply fastest when temperatures are above 70 degrees and the humidity is high. This is one reason a dehumidifier is beneficial. A dust mite lives about four months and before it dies it will leave 200 times its own weight in waste matter behind for you to inhale and sneeze over.
Prevention and Natural Treatments:
The signs of inflammation and an elevated level of white blood cells are the immune system trying to heal the body. The immune system is the body’s first line of defense against disease and infection. A weak or non-functioning immune system, poor health, diet, and an unhealthy environment contribute to disease. When the body does not have the proper nutrients, it doesn’t heal. If you are deficient in nutrition, minerals, smoke, or use alcohol, this can put the immune system on overload.
Plant essences derived from herbs, seeds, and leaves were the first medicines of our ancestors. Overcoming allergies and being truly healthy starts with eating healthy (greens, vegetables, and fruits), drinking water, and exercising (getting up and start moving). To most of us living in the Modern World, these simple changes will make huge improvements in our health and wellbeing.
Proper nutritional supplementation will also assist the body in healing. One of the most powerful healing remedies for allergies is Shiaqga. This superfood feeds your body and gives it the proper building blocks to modulate the immune system. Also, Black Cumin oil has been shown in scientific research to reduce allergic symptoms by up to 90 percent.
Other things you can do to assist your body with its fight against allergies is to slowly build up your exposure to the allergen. Also taking supplements or eat foods high in vitamin A, zinc, essential fatty acids, vitamin B complex, and vitamin E. Understanding that your body has the power to heal itself when it is given the right nutrient building blocks, is the first step to taking charge of your own health.
Testimonial: Man Found Standing states, “Even though I grew up eating healthier foods, I always found myself having allergies in the spring. I found some relief with the Therapeutic Oils, but it was not until I discovered the Shiaqga herb that I found true relief. Since regularly taking the Shiaqga Supplement I do not have my seasonal allergies.”
by Man Found Standing, Native American Medicine Man
Arthritis is a joint disorder due to inflammation of the joint area of the body where the bones meet. With over one hundred types of arthritis, osteoarthritis and rheumatoid being the most common, it is estimated that arthritis affects 350 million people worldwide. Due to the makeup of the female body, arthritis affects women more than men by sixty percent.
Osteoarthritis, known as a degenerative joint disease, is a result of wear and tear of the cartilage and is considered a disease of the elderly. When the human body is overwhelmed by toxins or lacks the proper building blocks of good health, the body is not able to function and repair itself properly. Pressure from gravity causes physical damage to the joints and leads to pain, tenderness, swelling and a decrease in range of movement. This usually affects the knees, hips, hands, and back.
Doctors’ state that Rheumatoid arthritis is an autoimmune disease that causes an inflammation of cartilage damage and bone erosion resulting from an overactive immune system. While this is technically correct, a more proper description of the cause would be the immune system gets confused due to toxins or the lack of proper nutrients. This cellular confusion results in the immune system attacking the body, especially the cells lining the joints. Rheumatoid arthritis can have symptoms of severe joint pain, stiffness, swelling, and loss of mobility.
With the many types of arthritis, the symptoms are similar that include:
What are the causes?
With all the billions of dollars in research, modern medicine has no answers as to why arthritis happens in the body. This is simply because they do not understand the role of the living energies and life-giving nutrients found in naturally grown plants. A scientist will take a can of cooked carrots purchased from your local supermarket and a raw, organically grown, carrot from your garden and see them as basically having the exact same chemical makeup and therefore they must be the same. Healers understand there are major differences between the two and the properties of the garden carrot are exponentially more therapeutic.
With our modern day lifestyles, our bodies are being bombarded by toxic chemicals. This along with the lack of proper nutrition creates an environment in our bodies for arthritis, or other major issues, to appear.
What are the treatments for arthritis?
The first type of treatment should be nutritional education. The human body is designed to heal itself. The immune system plays the major role in this process. Taking in foods and supplements that assist in the proper modulation, functioning, of the immune system, will result in the body’s ability to heal rapidly. Every day millions of people suffer needlessly with the pain and disability of arthritis.
By simply giving your body the proper building blocks of good health, your body can regenerate. One building block that seems to work extremely for almost everyone is MSM (methylsufonylmethane). You can pick up a bottle that will last you for months from your local health food store. (I find the MSM capsules don’t work as well so make sure you purchase the powder.) Start out by taking one tablespoon in the morning and at night and slowly build up until you feel relief. It takes about three days for the average person to notice significant positive results.
If you are deficient in nutrition, minerals, smoke, or use alcohol this can all wear the body down. By eating healthy, taking supplements, drinking water, avoiding toxins, and moving, the body can have the remedy it needs to fix the issues that are going on.
Having arthritis makes diet and exercise crucial. Intake the proper buildings blocks and exercise. Exercise can reduce joint pain, and stiffness, build strong muscles and will increase flexibility. It will reduce inflammation and promote overall health. Exercise will give you more energy, assist you in sleeping better, control weight, and increase the feeling of happiness.
If your arthritis pain is so great, try a Therapeutic Essential Oil for pain like Wintergreen, Peppermint, or Helichrysum. These natural plant oils have powerful healing properties and can quickly assist the body.
by Man Found Standing, Native American Medicine Man
Atherosclerosis is a thickening or hardening of the walls of the arteries (fat deposits on the inner lining). Poor nutritional choices, including diets high in levels of bad cholesterol (LDL), are the cause of this condition. Simple lifestyle changes, including proper nutritional and supplemental support, can prevent or reverse this condition. If left untreated, these three common health problems have been known to arise:
The risks for atherosclerosis increase with age due to the fact of accumulated toxic build-up, as well as the accumulated effects of poor nutrition. Getting the proper nutrition and taking high-quality nutritional supplements will assist your body in getting the proper building blocks, to heal itself and live a long productive life.
The human body is a wonderful thing. The immune system in the body is designed to not only protect but to heal us as well. Look into taking a nutritional supplement, like Shiaqga, that will modulate your immune system and activate your Adult Stem Cells.
Autoimmune Disease
by Man Found Standing, Medicine Man Practitioner
When people hear someone say, “I have an autoimmune disease”, they may cringe and even take a step away from that person due to lack of understanding. Autoimmune diseases do not spread to other people like a virus or bacteria it is a condition that arose due to improper functioning of the body. Modern Western Medicine sees the autoimmune diseases as a problem that has arisen due to an overactive immune response of the body where the body actually attacks its own cells. Therefore, the immune system mistakes some part of the body as a pathogen (infectious agent) and attacks it. This may be restricted to certain tissue types or organs. (There are more than eighty illnesses caused by autoimmunity and it is estimated that autoimmune diseases are among the ten leading causes of death among women.)
Modern medicine’s treatment of autoimmune diseases is typical with an immunosuppressant, medication which decreases the immune response. This mindset treats the problem like a foreign invader, coming into the body to destroy or take over. Sadly, because most doctors adhere to this way of thinking, curing the patient will never be very successful.
Healing autoimmune diseases can only occur by accepting the fact that the problem arose due to issues that need to be addressed, not treated like a disease. Is it possible to be healthy once again? Yes!!! A good immune modulating supplement or plant, like Shiaqga, is the key. Now let’s take a look at the many similarities between the symptoms or effects of numerous forms of autoimmune diseases. The following is a list of the symptoms, which are common in many, if not all, autoimmune diseases:
Those who have an autoimmune disease are unlikely to have all of these symptoms at one time. An autoimmune disease sufferer although, normally does have a number of these symptoms, whether they be bothersome or not, at any given time.
If you are deficient in nutrition, minerals, smoke, or use alcohol this can all wear the body down and further compound your health problem. The human body is designed to heal itself. The immune system plays the major role in this process. Taking in the healthy foods that include mineral-rich greens and other produce, water, and good supplements will give the body the building blocks to heal itself. With autoimmune diseases, it is vital to modulate the immune system with plants like Shiaqga. (Not to be confused with the less effective Chaga.) The proper modulation of the immune system can increase the immune function many thousand times but it will also correctly program those immune system cells so they stop attacking the body.
Bacterial Infections (also see Superbugs)
By Medicine Woman Practitioner, Paway-yatanatu way-akt
A bacterium is a single-celled organism found in the air, water, soil, food, insects, animals, and in the human body. Bacteria is found everywhere. There are thousands of different kinds of bacteria, but only a few that can cause disease. When an organ or tissue becomes inflamed without any trauma, is often associated with bacteria.
Bacteria are identified by their shape, the makeup of their cell walls, and their ability to grow. The three shapes are round (staphylococci or streptococci), rod-shaped (bacillus or E. coli), or corkscrew (Borrelia species).
Bacteria are classified by their color after a Gram stain. Gram-positive bacteria stain blue and gram-negative bacteria stain pink. Gram-negative bacterial cell walls contain a substance, lipopolysaccharide (LPS) that is a highly inflammatory chemical that provokes an overreaction of the immune system. Gram-positive bacterial have teichoic acid in the cell walls that assist in them anchoring.
Bacteria have ways to defend themselves from the human body:
Bacterial infections are caused by a wide range of bacteria that can be life-threatening. The human body is protected from bacterial infections by the immune system, which is the first defense against infection and disease. Some of the major risks for bacterial infection are age, nutrition, and genetics. The risk of age is targeted at the very young or the elderly. The human body requires a diet that provides nutrients, minerals, and vitamins for the immune system to function properly.
Some of the most common bacterial infections associated with illness are:
In 1940, antibiotics were discovered and found to be effective against bacterial infections. The problem with antibiotics is that they destroy the harmful bacteria, but also destroy the friendly bacteria that the body needs to keep itself balanced on the skin, and in the urinary, vaginal, and intestinal tracts. With a pro-longed use of antibiotics, bacteria can develop a resistant to drugs because they acquire genes from other bacteria that have become resistant or mutate.
The best defense against bacterial infections is to enhance the immune system and keep it strong. Ways to do this are by getting enough rest, exercise, and maintaining a balanced nutritious diet. Nutritional deficiencies weaken the immune response. Start by eating a healthy diet that should include fruits, vegetables, sprouts, seeds, nuts, and herbs; all packed with antioxidants, flavonoids, and carotenoids, that gives the body building blocks. Flavonoids aid with the modulation of detoxifying enzymes, stimulates the immune system, reduces platelet aggregation, inhibit cholesterol synthesis, and reduces blood pressure. Carotenoids boost the immune system to help fight bacteria by increasing the number of white blood cells.
Increasing the probiotics in your diet is another good way to assist your body. They are found in bacteria cultures in yogurt, cheese, kefir, sauerkraut, and so forth. Probiotics assist the immune functions by inhibiting harmful bacterial growth, promoting good digestion, maintaining proper pH, and enhancing the immune response. Probiotics produce bacteria-inhibiting substances that prevent harmful bacteria from attaching to the urinary, vaginal, and intestinal tract mucosal linings. Probiotics help to restore the natural floral balance.
Bacterial infections can be brought back into balance by the body’s immune system. To assist the body naturally the Shiaqga supplement was formulated. It actually assists in modulating the immune system. That means it contains the needed nutrients to assist your immune system to have more Neutrophils in the blood stream to fight with.
Also, using the Therapeutic Essential Oils is a great way to combat bacterial infections. Unlike antibiotics that bacteria can become immune to, no bacteria has been able to develop an immunity against the essential oils. Some of the best essential oils for fighting bacterial infections are:
Beta Glucan - The Natural Healer
By Man Found Standing, Native American Practitioner
The immune system is used as the body’s natural defense against disease. One of the most important functions is its self/non-self recognition. The immune system will attack and defend against viruses, pathogens (germs) or anything else that might be considered a “foreign invader”. Every cell in the body has a display marker, a genetic locus or alternative DNA for identification. Any cell that does not display this marker is treated as an invader and is attacked. Sometimes, if the immune system is not working properly or weakened, it may start to attack the body. This may lead to such diseases as allergies, asthma, arthritis, chronic fatigue, diabetes, tumors, cancer, and so forth. A wide range of factors may restrict the immune system response: old age, poor diet, mental or physical stress, radiation, toxins in the environment, and lack of sleep to name a few.
Science has done extensive research for the fight against diseases when the immune system does not work properly and over the years has focused on beta glucan research. Beta glucan, found in high concentrations in Shiaqga, has been determined to be an acceptable immune system modulator that binds and stimulates the macrophages (white blood cells) that attack foreign invaders (disease) and signals to other immune cells to move to the site of the infection or disease to speed up the healing process.
Macrophages are involved with the everyday process of detoxifying the body, performing intestinal flora maintenance, and preventing infection. When taking beta glucan orally (which is acid resistant), it passes through the stomach unchanged. Macrophages in the intestine absorb the beta glucan that is circulated through the blood and lymph systems and release cytokines that stimulate immune activation. Beta glucan is a diverse group of sugar molecules that are found naturally in oats, barley, mushrooms, fungi, yeast, and bacteria. Some well-known benefits of beta glucan include:
A human research review on Beta glucan, by Przomysl Spozysczy v. 56, 2002,pp 20-1, states:
“Dietary beta glucan enhances immunity by activation of macrophage cells, doubling their counts in 24 hours. Dietary beta glucan also acts as an antioxidant protecting the body against free radical damage and lowers blood cholesterol levels. Dietary beta glucan can be helpful in treatment of many immunity-related diseases.”
Research and applications:
Radiation: Patchen M.L., McVittie T.J.; Temporal Response of Murine Pluripotent Stem Cells and Myeloid and Erythroid Progenitor Cells to Low-dose Glucan Treatment. Acta Hemat; 70:281-288. Experimental Hematology Dept, Armed Forces Radiobiology Research Institute, Bethesda, MD. 1983.
"Clearly, there are numerous possible uses for an agent such as Beta glucan, which is a potent stimulator of Hemopoietic activity. Currently, we [U.S. Armed Services] are using glucan to enhance Hemopoietic proliferation in conjunction with Hemopoietic injury induced by radiation."
Wound Healing: Williams D.L., Browder I. and DiLuzio N.R., "Soluble phosphorylated glucan: methods and compositions for wound healing," U.S. Patent 4975421, Issued Dec 4, 1990.
"The soluble phosphorylated glucan are useful for promoting the wound healing process. The soluble phosphorylated glucan are also useful for prophylactic and therapeutic applications against neoplastic, bacteria, viral, fungal and parasitic diseases."
Viral Diseases: Browder IW., Williams D., Pretus H., et al; Beneficial Effect of Enhanced Macrophage Function in the Trauma Patients. Ann. Surg.; Vol 211: 605-613. Dept of Surg and Physiol, Tulane U Sch of Med, LA and Institute Di Chirurgia D'Urgenza, U of Torino, Torino, Italy.* 1990.
"Previous studies have demonstrated that glucan, a beta-1,3-linked glucopyranose polymer, isolated from the inner cell wall of Saccharomyces cerevisiae, is a potent macrophage stimulant and is beneficial in the therapy of experimental bacterial, viral, and fungal diseases."
From the University of Toronto (European Journal of Clinical Nutrition. 56, 2002, pp. 622-8) beta glucan was given to humans.
“Addition of beta glucan predictable reduces the glycemic index while maintaining palatability..........making it a useful functional food component for reducing postprandial (after meals) Glycemia”. (In other words beta glucan helps normalize blood sugar levels and keeps them from rising.)
These excerpts are just a few that prove the wonders of beta glucan as a natural healer. The science and medical world have known about the benefits of beta glucan for over 30 years! Shiaqga with its therapeutic levels of beta glucan is a natural defense against disease that everyone should take, whether it be to heal the body or as a preventative measure for good health.
Bipolar Disorder
By Paway-yatanatu way-akt, Medicine Woman Practitioner
Everyone deals with emotional highs and lows, but these symptoms are more severe with someone that has a bipolar disorder. These symptoms can interfere with a job, school, relationships, or anything in life. Bipolar disorder can get worse without treatment, but many people do not recognize the warning signs.
Bipolar disorders can start between the ages of 15 to 25. Western medicine cannot pinpoint an exact cause, but cases show that it could be genetic.
Bipolar disorder is a mood disorder that is also known as manic-depressive disorder. This illness is a mood disorder which carries a psychiatric diagnosis. A person who is bipolar may experience deep depression with breaks of mania or a complete mood shift. The symptoms for bipolar disorder can vary widely from person to person. It is important to understand that this disorder is categorized as both depression and mania - without one of these two conditions, the diagnosis may be for a different mood disorder.
Biopolar disorder is broken down into five classifications:
According to the WHO (World Health Organization) report of 2002, bipolar disorders are the fourth cause of disability worldwide. Researchers have reported that 25% of bipolar disorder patients have attempted suicide at some point during their illness.
There are distinct forms of bipolar:
People with bipolar disorder type II or Cyclothymia may be wrongly diagnosed as having depression. Each has mood episodes or cycles of mania and depression can vary in intensity, duration, and frequency. The manic has an overexcited, sad or hopeless state.
The following may trigger a manic episode in people with a bipolar disorder:
A manic episode may include:
Depressive episode includes:
Scientists notice that people with bipolar disorders have very few oligodendrocytes (a type of brain cell) in the left hippocampus of the brain. Oligodendrocytes create myelin around neurons to insulate cells, allowing them to signal much faster and influence the brain on healing injuries.
Abnormal stress, that can cause post-traumatic stress syndrome, has later developed into bipolar disorder. The genetics of stress include the gene MAOB that is associated with the metabolism of neur-oactive and vasoactive amines in the nervous system and peripheral tissues. MAOB regulates dopamine (a brain chemical) and variants of this gene can influence the risk of Parkinson’s disease. When this gene is under-active, there is a correlation with bipolar disorder and increased stress.
A lifestyle that includes drug abuse, smoking, and excessive caffeine use have all been linked to an increase of bipolar disorders. (Smoking has been shown to reduce the levels of MAOB by 40% while increasing adrenaline, a stress hormone.)
A common denominator for bipolar disorder includes stress, abuse, genetics, diet, and chemical exposure. Studies have shown that there is a link between childhood abuse and brain disorders like epilepsy and bipolar. Physical abuse that could include head trauma, is a very common cause of grand mal-epilepsy that may cause a bipolar disorder.
Chemical imbalances caused by negative thoughts have depleted levels of monoamines, serotonin, and dopamine in the central nervous system. This chemical imbalance creates mood dysfunctions.
Bipolar disorders are twice as prevalent in women as in men and may be linked on how the genders react to stress. Stress is linked to bipolar disorders and many other health conditions like thyroid problems and a non-functioning immune system.
Diet and chemical exposure affect hormone levels and increase the chances of bipolar disorder. Chemical compounds activate the body hormones and can disrupt the endocrine system or the hormonal balance.
Example: Isofavones in soy stimulate estrogen receptors in women. Excessive doses can make the body shut down estrogen production that may cause many health problems that include bipolar disorders.
Modern Medicine prefers to prescribe drugs for behavior modifications that only address the symptoms, not the cause. These drugs have side effects.
Traditional Healers take a different approach to preventing and treating bipolar disorders. Alternative Practitioners from all around the world understand the body, mind, and spirit connection. Unlike a lot of illnesses that can be quickly cured through proper diet and supplementation, the patient with bipolar disorders most often find it necessary to go deeper into a more encompassing healing regiment.
Here are some suggestions:
Body: Get the proper nutritional that is necessary for the body to heal itself. The healing process begins with sleep, nutritional food, adequate water, and high quality supplements.
Mind: Therapeutic Essential Oils contain powerful chemicals that go between the blood brain barrier and are wonderful tools to assist you in letting go of the negative and embracing the positive. (I have had many people tell me the oils were far superior to the numerous medications the doctors prescribed for them.)
Control your thought process and think positive. Let go of the negativity and say positive affirmations with feeling. Create a vision board and set short, medium and long term goals. Find the right support services. Remember and practice what Ghandi said, “The best way to find yourself, is to lose yourself in the service of others.”
Spirit: All cultures have the understanding that there is more to us than just our body and mind. Discover your own path to inner peace. Meditation or prayer are powerful tools in awakening the joy within.
By Paway-yatanatu way-akt, Medicine Woman Practitioner
Bursae (bursa -single) are thin, fluid-filled sacs that are extensions of the bone that act as a “cushion” between bones, joints, tendons, and muscles to prevent friction with body movement. When bursae become inflamed or infected, this condition is known as bursitis that can be caused by an infection, injury, arthritis, gout, or calcium deposits.
Calcium deposits can be caused by an allergic reaction of the body to certain foods, not getting enough of the good bioavailable calcium in your diet, or getting enough exercise. The body reacts and sends extra calcium minerals to the inflamed area to assist healing and this could cause a deficient in calcium for regular body functions.
Symptoms the can be present in the shoulders, hips, elbows, ankles, or feet include:
Bursitis in the shoulder, elbows, and knees are the most common types of bursitis caused by repetitive motion or physical stress. There are different types of bursitis:
Chronic overuse of a body part is a common cause. Bursitis has called many different names by the certain area that is afflicted: housemaid’s knee, tennis elbow, policeman’s heel, frozen shoulder, or beat knee. Older people and athletes are most likely to get bursitis, but it can happen to anyone at any age. A bunion caused by friction in tight shoes is also a form of bursitis. A bursa sac on the joint of the toe becomes inflamed.
There is a difference between bursitis and tendonitis. Bursitis is an inflammation of the bursae, the fluid-filled sacs that lubricate the joints in places where muscles and tendons meet bone. Tendonitis is an inflammation of the tendons - the tough, elastic fibrous tissues that connect muscles to bones and can cause a sharp pain during movement.
Natural Treatments:
For a quick remedy, apply an ice pack for 30 minutes or as needed. As the pain decreases, a hot application can be applied. Heat should be applied for 45-60 minutes at a time. It should be as hot as you can tolerate without causing injury.
Hot castor oil packs are useful. Ten minutes of a hot application, followed by 10 minutes of cold, seems to work best. Follow this with a range of motion exercises, like the following, at least once a day.
Nutrition Needed:
A weak or non-functioning immune system, poor diet, an unhealthy environment, and age all contribute to disease. When the body does not have the proper nutrients, it will not heal properly.
Therapeutic Essential Oils contain hundreds of molecules that work together to kill viruses, bacteria, fungus, parasites, and microbes. Some are also highly effective against inflammation and infections. Some of the therapeutic essential oils that are beneficial for bursitis are Chamomile, Cypress, Hyssop, Juniper Berry, Marjoram, Peppermint, Spruce, and Wintergreen.
Better health starts with a change in lifestyle by eating healthy (vegetables, fruits, greens), taking supplements, drinking water (one ounce for every two pounds of weight per day), and moving, giving the body the proper fuel to boost the immune system naturally. The body has the power to heal when given the proper building blocks and knowhow.
by Man Found Standing, Medicine Man Practitioner
Modern scientists conclude that every human on the planet has cancer.What?! Because of the trillions upon trillions of cells in the human body, it is only natural that there are some mutated cancerous ones. The modern medical establishment estimates that the healthy human body destroys 10,000 cancer cells a day. When cancer cells accumulate into the billions, doctors consider it a health risk.
So, what is cancer? There are hundreds of different kinds of cancer, but all cancers manifest from the same basic issue; the cancers cells’ blueprints (DNA) differ in various aspects from the surrounding tissue. Cancer is most often categorized where it is first discovered in the body. For example, Colon cancer is cancer cells found in the colon.
There are many types of cells that make up the human body. The normal process of life for cells is to grow and multiply, to build the body, and replace cells that have grown old and died. During the replicating process, sometimes the DNA of a cell can become damaged or changed that can produce mutations and affects cell’s growth and division. That is how cancer starts. These mutated cells do not die when they should and will divide rapidly. Over the years, these extra cells will often form growths or tumors and metastasize or spread to other areas of the body.
Since cancer is a normal process of life, why has it become such an enormous problem? Current lifestyles promoted by society have allowed or almost encouraged this disease. The modern medical establishment profits by you being unhealthy, so instead of focusing on the real issue, they focus on treating the symptoms. Instead of looking at why the cancer cells were not destroyed and grew out of control, modern medicine focuses on killing the cancer and forcing it back into submission. This type of treatment does not remove the innate problem that our lifestyles have caused and leaves the body open for a variety of health problems or cancer returning again.
With our modern western medicine, most cancers are treated with surgery, radiation therapy, and chemotherapy. Even newer cancer treatments like biological therapy, cancer care is a painstaking, traumatic process that actually weakens the body’s natural defense against cancer. These therapies treat cancer like a germ or virus. Only by focusing on the cause of the problem will true healing occur.
Cancer arose and flourished due to issues in the body. These issues need to be rectified before you will return to health. Cancer scientists understand that all cancers that develop into a problem first arise from the immune system either not working correctly or being too overloaded to do its job properly. The deficiencies that cause cancer to flourish and the immune system not to function properly fall into two main categories: environment (pollution) and the lack of proper nutrition. In our modern world, most cancers are a combination of both factors.
Environmental factors for cancer can be overcome by avoiding toxins and cleaning out the body. Humanity’s exposure to DNA damaging free radicals has increased exponentially over the last century. By simply getting the proper building blocks through a healthy diet and high-quality supplements, your body can ward off the environments' deadly attacks and purge itself from the deadly buildup of toxins.
The lack of nutrition in our diets largely stems from the food industry’s focus to provide quantity rather than quality. The food contained in the standard Western diet has lost most of the nutritional value that the body needs for healthy living. Choose your foods wisely: organic raw produce grown in your own garden or bought locally are the best choices. Incorporate exercise or movement for circulation. An increase of oxygen delivered through the bloodstream feeds the healthy cells that will have a better chance in the battle of disease. There has been extensive research that has proven that what you take into your body can have a profound effect on your survival against cancer. You are what you eat. The body will heal itself if given the proper building blocks. (Also there is wonderful research with fasting and cancer.)
The real or “alternative” cure for cancer is taking control of your life, by focusing on eliminating the factors that are causing the cancer to flourish and rebuilding the body’s natural defense. The human body can remove the cancer safely and without any of the serious side effects from conventional treatment. Start with small changes in your diet and proper nutritional supplementation. One of the most powerful plants I have come across for modulating the immune system to deal with a cancer condition is Shiaqga. Read more information on Shiaqga to understand it powerful healing properties.
"I literally have heard hundreds of peoples' stories about how the Shiaqga product has assisted them with dealing with cancer without them doing any other thing. For example: I had one gentleman called me up to tell me he was cancer free after taking the Shiaqga product for seven months at double the regular dosage. He had stage four cancer. I asked him if he did any of the diet changes that I suggested. His response was, "Nope. The only change I did was start taking the Shiaqga."
Candidiasis, (Yeast Infection Candida, Thrush)
By Medicine Woman White Sparrow
Candidiasis is an infection caused by Candida albicans, normally a harmless yeast-type fungus found in the intestines, but is also regularly found in the mouth, throat, and genital tract. When your body is functioning properly, it will keep Candida in check. It is only when the body becomes unbalanced, problems arise.
Many things that contribute to a body's imbalance fall into three main categories:
When you address these imbalances, the body then has the ability to heal itself.
Symptoms of a Candida overgrowth include:
Candida albicans overgrowth (too much) in the genital tract causes yeast infections and most often is caused by a weakened immune system. More than 75% of all women have experienced a yeast infection during her lifetime and many will have a recurring infection. (Sometimes bacterial vaginitis is mistaken for a yeast infection, but can be the result of a pelvic inflammatory disease and leads to infertility.)
A man can also get a yeast infection but is less likely to be aware this infection because there may not be any symptoms. A lowered immunity and sexual contact with an infected partner are the most frequent causes of genital yeast infections in males. About 12% to 15% of men can develop symptoms such as penile rash and itching.
Over $60 million annually is spent on over the counter (OTC) products to heal this infection in the United States. These OTC treatments rarely address the imbalance that creates the problem in the first place. Therefore repeated yeast infections will continue to arise.
Below are some more specific issues that can through your body out of balance and cause a Candida overgrowth.
Other situations that may not be the direct cause, but they may increase the likelihood of an infection are:
Yeast lives on moist areas of the body, such as the lining of the mouth and the vagina. When there is an alteration of the normal pH balance this usually allows the fungus to thrive. For example, stress causes a reduction of the production of stomach acids. This lets the Candida invade the stomach and thrive, where it is normally never found. As a result, less digested food enters the intestines. The Candida in the intestine feed upon the improperly digested food and grows out of control.
In the oral cavity, Candida is called thrush. White sores may develop on the tongue, gums, and inside the cheeks. Mothers can pass thrush on to their newborn children. The baby’s tongue will appear red and be covered with white spots (generally noticed 8-9 days after delivery) that will appear like milk spots. On the buttocks, thrush may resemble diaper rash.
The immune system recognizes disease as non-self, an invader to the body to attack and kill. It is natural for the immune system to destroy disease, cancers, and infections with the assistance of the white blood cells that produce the antibodies. Since Candida albicans is a normal part of the body, it is much harder for the body to recognize this infection.
Prevention can be the first defense by:
By Medicine Woman, Paway-yatanatu way-akt
The lens of the eye is the clear part of the eye that helps to focus light or an image on the retina. Light will pass through the lens to the retina where the light is changed into nerve signals that are sent to the brain. The lens must be clear for the retina to receive a sharp image. When the lens becomes clouded, the eye is unable to properly focus on objects and the image is blurred. This is known as a cataract.
Cataracts occur as a result of structural changes to protein fibers within the lens. Normally, the lens will slowly change from clear to a yellow/brown, adding a brown tint to vision. This is a gradual change starting with a slight cloudiness that could eventually affect the identification of colors; mostly blues and purples. The softness and transparency of the eye lens is lost, making the eye lens become hard and dry. As time passes, there is an opaque cloud that will increase till it covers the complete eye lens.
Cataracts usually develop in both eyes; but generally, one eye is more severely affected. Cataracts are one of the leading causes of blindness for millions of Americans over the age of 40. More than 12 million Americans suffer from cataracts.
Types of cataracts:
Modern Medical Treatments:
The Modern Medical Establishment addresses symptoms rather than focusing on the root cause of the problem. Taking drugs with serious side effects or having surgery is like trimming your prized rose bushes but never watering or fertilizing them. This can eventually lead to the degradation or death of the plant.
General Natural Health Cures:
When you take care of your body and give it the proper building blocks, most modern health conditions never form in the first place. There are many natural remedies that have been shown to assist or cure cataracts. With any kind of health condition, the more good you give your body the easier it is for your body to heal itself. Alternative healing regards the whole body. Here are some beneficial things to do to stay in good health and combat cataracts.
Specific Cataract Cures:
By White Sparrow, Medicine Woman Practitioner
Cellulitis is a bacterial infection of the skin and underlying tissues. Bacterium can enter through a break in the skin such as a cut or sore. The bacteria then start to reproduce and break down skin cells.
The symptoms start with a small area of tenderness, swelling, and redness. The red area will begin to enlarge and may be accompanied with a fever, chills, sweats, and swollen lymph nodes. The skin on the face or lower legs is the most commonly affected areas, although it can occur on any part of the body. When it occurs on the scalp, it is a non-localized inflammation without suppuration. Symptoms appear gradually over several hours.
Elderly people are especially vulnerable to cellulitis because many of them have poor circulation, which lead to edema or leg ulcers. These problems increase the risk of cellulitis infection. If the leg is infected, you should keep it elevated. Others at risk of cellulitis include diabetes and intravenous drug abusers. Cellulitis may reoccur if you have a persistent circulatory or immune problem.
A cellulitis infection involves the skin’s deeper layers: the dermis and subcutaneous tissues, caused by the bacteria’s Streptococcus and Staphylococcus (staph), to name a few. An extreme case of cellulitis is when the infection has spread to the deep layer of tissue called the fascia lining. Necrotizing fasciitis is commonly known as the “flesh-eating bacteria” that is an example of a deep-layer infection. This can be deadly. If cellulitis is left untreated it may cause septicemia, a serious blood infection.
Risk factors:
The signs of inflammation and an elevated level of white blood cells is the immune system trying to heal the body. The immune system is the body’s first line of defense against disease and infection.
A weak or non-functioning immune system, poor health, diet, an unhealthy environment, and age all contribute to disease. When the body does not have the proper nutrients, it cannot heal. The things that put your immune system in overload are being deficient in nutrition, smoking or using alcohol, stress, and pollution.
The first step is practicing good personal hygiene, washing the hands frequently, addressing any cuts or sores and protecting the skin from injury.
Therapeutic Oil plant essences, derived from herbs, seeds, and leaves, were the first medicines of our ancestors. They contain hundreds of molecules that work together to kill viruses and bacteria. Here are my favorite and most effective Therapeutic Oils to use against viruses, bacteria, and infections:
Tea Tree – is beneficial against viruses, bacteria, fungus, parasites, inflammation, and infections (especially against staph, strap, respiratory, ear, nose, and throat infections). It is an antiseptic insecticide.
Thyme – is beneficial against microbes, bacteria, fungus, infections, viruses, inflammation, parasites, and is an antiseptic.
Clove Bud – it is an antiseptic and beneficial for inflammation, viruses, bacteria, fungus, tumors, parasites and infectious diseases.
Cinnamon Bark – is an immune stimulant and it has been found that viruses, bacteria, and fungus cannot live in this oil. It is used against parasites, typhoid, flu, colds, tropical infections, coughs, warts, and is a general all around maintenance oil. It is important to get the Cinnamon Bark and not the leaf which is less effective.
Oregano – is one of the strongest antibacterial Therapeutic Oils and may be beneficial when a strong response to bacterial infection is needed. It has a broad spectrum of bactericidal and anti-microbial action. It is beneficial against fungus, infections, viruses, parasites, is an antiseptic, immune-stimulant, balancing the metabolism, and strengthens the vital centers of the body.
Helichrysum Italicum – it is beneficial when used against allergic conditions, fungus, bacteria, infections, viruses, and inflammation (properties that reduce inflammation found in this oil exceed those of any other therapeutic essential oil).
Melaleuca (Melaleuca quinquinervera) – is hard to find because it is most often adulterated with other oils. It is beneficial against infections, bacteria, fungus, especially Candida, tumors, inflammation, parasites, viruses including “slow” viruses, and catarrh.
Ravintsara – is referred to as the “oil that heals”. It fights infections, fungus, bacteria, is an anti-biotic, antiseptic, an expectorant, and supporting to the nerves. It is anti-viral, anti-bacterial, anti-fungal, anti-infectious, antiseptic, and supporting the nerves.
Mountain Savory – is effective against fungus, viruses, malaria, major infections, inflammation of lymph nodes, and a general tonic for the body.
Other Effective Treatments:
Start by a change in lifestyle by making most of your meals healthy foods such as vegetables, fruits, and greens. Drink at least 1/2 ounce of water for every pound of weight daily, exercise giving the body movement to assist in flushing out waste materials, and taking supplements.
One powerful supplement is Shiaqga. Each ingredient in Shiaqga is demonstrated in scientific research to strengthen, support, and modulate the immune response in different ways. When these ingredients are combined there singular efforts are synergized. (People have shared success with topically applying Shiaqga to affected areas.)
Another supplement that is beneficial is vitamin C, since the Shiaqga seems to be more effective when your intake of vitamin C is adequate. Among other things vitamin C is an antioxidant that is vital for tissue growth, repair, wound healing, and the resistance to infections. It plays a part in all aspects of health and well-being.
The body has the power to heal itself if given the right tools to support the healing process.
By White Sparrow, Medicine Woman Practitioner
Chemotherapy is not a treatment for cancer that is recommended by Natural Healers. This simply is because of the high expense, proven more effective treatments, and the harm it does to the "good" cells of the body.
The modern medical establishment uses chemotherapy, a simple treatment that involves the use of chemicals, to stop cancer cells from growing. More than half of the people diagnosed with cancer receive chemotherapy. It is designed to kill cancer cells and is administered through a vein, injected into a body cavity or taken orally in the form of a pill. Yes the “chemo” kills cancer cells, but it also kills fast growing healthy cells like your hair cells and blood cells.
Some cancer cells grow slowly while others grow rapidly. There are different chemotherapy drugs that target the growth patterns of specific cancer cells. Chemotherapy kills the cancer, but one of the side effects is a lowered white blood cell count. This means that the immune system is weak and increases the risks of infection. Most cancer patients become very ill during these treatments.
There are other side effects that are temporary but can be life-threatening:
There is a lot of profit in proscribing chemotherapy and radiation treatments for cancer. The proven more effective but lower cost treatments are almost always ignored. (For example, scientific studies have proven that taking Black Cumin internally was more effective than both chemotherapy and radiation treatments and at almost 1/100th of the cost.) Also, physicians normally do not share with their patients that 80% of them will have cancer again in a few short years. The cancer returns simply because the chemotherapy or radiation treatments do not address the bodies original reason to why it developed cancer in the first place.
Natural Healers will turn to remedies that address fixes to why cancer was allowed to grow in the body in the first place. For example, Shiaqga gives the proper nutrition to the body to modulate the body's immune system and therefore naturally increase your body's ability to eliminate cancer.
Shiaqga is also safe to take while undergoing the modern medical establishments treatments. Shiaqga so effectively builds up the healthy cells that are killed during such treatments, healers often hear the physicians express how amazed they are that the patent is responding so well to their chemo treatment while taking Shiaqga.
by Man Found Standing, Native American Medicine Man
Cholesterol is naturally produced by the body consisting of a combination of lipid (fat) and steroid. Our bodies need only a moderate amount of cholesterol as a building block for cell membranes, forming bile acids, for hormones (both estrogen and testosterone), and other internal processes. About 80% of the body’s cholesterol is produced by the liver and the rest of comes from diet.
After you eat, cholesterol in the food is absorbed from the intestine and stored in the liver. The liver regulates the cholesterol levels in the bloodstream and secretes cholesterol to replenish the body. Too much cholesterol and the body begins to develop health problems that can end in heart disease and stroke.
LDL & HDL Cholesterol
LDL (low-density lipoprotein), is considered the bad cholesterol. LDL elevates the levels of cholesterol that increase the risk of coronary heart disease. LDL causes cholesterol (plaque buildup) on the artery walls causing a narrowing and hardening. This process is called atherosclerosis. Diets that are high in saturated fats (from meat and dairy) and cholesterol raise the levels of LDL in the blood.
Through the lowering of LDL cholesterol, one can prevent or reverse atherosclerosis, angina (chest pain caused by too little oxygen-carrying blood reaching the heart), and heart attacks. This also prevents or stops the formation of plaque on the artery walls, reduces existing plaques, and prevents blood clots forming, as well as decreasing the risk of a heart attack.
HDL (high-density lipoprotein) is considered the good cholesterol. HDL cholesterol prevents atherosclerosis by extracting plaque from the artery walls and disposing of it through the liver. Diets that are high in unsaturated fats (from vegetable sources like coconut, avocado, and palm) assist the body.
What to do?
Scientific studies show that when people with life-threatening cholesterol issues switch to an all plant-based diet, their health improves rapidly. So, eat healthy nutritional plant-based foods and take high-quality herbal supplements like Shiaqga. This will ensure that your body gets the fuel it needs to live a healthy life, have a strong immune system, and activate the body's healing stem cells. The human body is designed to heal itself. By giving it the proper building blocks miracles of healing can will.
Crohn's Disease (also Colitis & Granulomatous)
by Man Found Standing, Native American Medicine Man
Crohn’s disease is a chronic inflammation of the digestive tract that is most often diagnosed in the young. This disease affects portions of the bowel so severely that it can inhibit digestion. This disease generally involves the small bowel and can restrict the absorption of nutrients, leading to malnutrition and deficiencies of vitamin B12, calcium, folic acid, and vitamin D. Getting enough calories for adequate nutrition for normal body function and growth is often difficult.
Ulcerative colitis symptoms are very similar to Crohn's disease. Ulcerative colitis begins at the bowel’s inner surface, where Crohn’s disease begins below the mucosa and spreads into the deeper layers of the bowel wall but can affect the small or large intestine (colon).
Symptoms include:
Modern medicine has no known cure for Crohn's disease and their treatments consists of the use of powerful anti-inflammatory medications, such as steroids. Other treatments involve surgically removing areas of the bowl, that never fully heal and scars that cause bowel obstructions. I personally never met any Crohn’s patients that felt that medicine adequately controlled their symptoms.
Natural remedies would include high quality supplements like Shiaqga, avoiding toxins, and making sure you are only eating foods with the proper nutrition. As your body's immune system and stem cells are activated, your body will heal itself.
by White Sparrow, Medicine Woman Practitioner
Depression paralyzes the mind. Life seems to have no direction. Everyone has experienced these mood swings, but depression happens over a period of time. With depression, the whole body suffers.
Western Medicine ranks depression by the severity of the symptoms with levels of mild, moderate, or severe. Depression is twice as common in women as in men and could be a a precursor to a stroke due to a reduction of blood circulation that inhibits normal body functions.
The brain is made up of over 100 chemicals called neurotransmitters. The four basic neurotransmitters are norepinephrine, serotonin, dopamine, and acetylcholine. A difficult life situation, a change in hormones, food allergies, inflammation, immune system suppression, abnormal brain activity, nutritional deficiencies, hypoglycemia, environmental problems, Parkinson’s disease, Alzheimer’s dementia, addictive disorders, heart disease, cancer, diabetes, or schizophrenia can cause an imbalance of some of these chemicals resulting with some level of depression. Using medications for blood pressure, sleep disorders, infections (antibiotics), and birth control pills have also been associated with depression.
Modern medicine’s answer for depression is to prescribe antidepressants, psychotherapy (talk therapy), or even electroconvulsive therapy (ECT) where an electric current is passed through the brain to produce seizures and sort-term memory loss. These have side effects that range from weight gain or loss, dry mouth, diarrhea, nausea, constipation, insomnia, anxiety, restlessness, decreased sex drive, dizziness, tremors, sweating, sleeplessness, fatigue, headaches, or being suicidal.
Modern medicines do not cure and there are natural healthy alternatives. The best therapy is to exercise, meditate, eat a healthy diet, and take supplements to feed the body, soul, and mind. The human body is designed with an immune system that is the natural defense against disease and infection. When you feed the whole body, the body will heal itself. As Hippocrates said, “Make food your medicine.......”
The “depression diet” will destroy nutrients, over stimulate the glands, interfere with the way the body processes nutrients, weakens the immune system, and causes other harmful effects. You should avoid or use in moderation the following:
Many have found that simple lifestyle changes help soothe and prevent the re-occurrence of depression symptoms.
Several therapeutic oils that are beneficial to cope with depression include:
The Native American Medicine Woman, Paway, states,
“I use half as much of the "I Am" Essential Oils and get better results! (The oils company I was previously using stated that they were the experts and supplied the best oils in the world.) I have been using oils for over thirty years, and your oils are truly the most therapeutic I have ever encountered.
I would recommend anyone who suffers from depression to look into the "I Am" Essential Oils and read about their different properties. Try the oil you feel would work best for your situation. I have seen many who have used their oils and experience a miracle".
by Man Found Standing, Practitioner Medicine Man
Diabetes starts with problems with digestion. The human body digests food for fuel to repair, heal, and rebuild. Everything that we put in the mouth starts the digestive chemical process. Food travels from the mouth, then to the stomach, and onto the small intestine.
Food is broken down and turned into glucose (sugar) and absorbed from the small intestine into the bloodstream. This causes the percentage of sugar in our blood to rise and stimulates the pancreas to release a hormone called insulin. The pancreas is a small organ that is located in the upper abdomen next to the small intestine and automatically releases insulin when the blood sugar is high or releases the glucagon hormone when the blood sugar is low. These hormones play their part by keeping the blood glucose level at the right percentage for the body.
Once the insulin removes sugar from the bloodstream, it is used for energy, converted into a molecule (glycogen) that functions as a secondary long-term energy (stored in the muscles and liver), or stored as body fat. There is a lot for the body to accomplish from the food that is eaten in order to supply the cells with energy to function. When this process is not working properly, this is called diabetes.
Diabetes is the condition in which the body has a high blood sugar (glucose) level, either because the pancreas does not produce enough insulin or because the cells of the body don’t properly respond to the insulin that is produced.
Diabetes is the 6th leading cause of death and scientists estimate that 90% is preventable by simple lifestyle choices of diet and exercise. Not correcting diabetes can lead to other problems in the body such as heart disease, blindness, kidney failure, possible amputation, and more.
Diabetes falls into two types. Type 1 diabetes happens when the endocrine gland in the pancreas does not produce enough insulin or stops making it all together. The body is unable to metabolize glucose which results in an abnormally high level of glucose in the blood.
Western Medicines' treatment of Type 1 diabetes is to inject or take insulin pills. This mindset will never lead to a cure since it addresses the symptoms rather than the cause of the problem. It is like having an automobile with a leak in one of its tires. By filling up the tire with air, can you expect it to be fixed? No! It is only by addressing the cause of the problem that a cure be obtained.
Type 2 diabetes is a metabolic disorder where the body does not respond to the effects of insulin. This type can almost always be prevented or cured through proper nutritional support.
Understanding Western Medicines’ limited knowledge of what proper nutrition really is, along with understanding the lack of proper nutrition in our food supply, contributes to diabetes being the 6th leading cause of death.
The Fix:
Modern medicals' focus for curing diabetes is directed towards transplants and stem cells research. Stems cells are very unique, they reproduce quickly, indefinitely, and have the potential to become any type of cell in the body. Stem cells are simply waiting for instructions. The Diabetes Research Institute is undergoing tests to transform or coax the stem cells to develop or regenerate into islet cells to assist the pancreas in returning to its normal function. (See the March 2005 issue of Journal Diabetes.) This could ultimately be a cure for type 1 diabetes. These high-cost procedures are out of the question for most of the world's population however this is a cost effective natural health solution.
The Shiaqga supplement gives the body the nutritional support to modulate its immune system and to naturally activate its stem cells.
Addressing the diabetes problem is all about getting the body the proper nutritional building blocks to allow itself to repair and regenerate. This cure can easily be obtained through diet (avoid meat and dairy) and high-quality supplements. Since proper nutrition and alternative herbal medicine do not generate massive amounts of income for the medical establishment, they probably will never be approved or intensely researched by Western Medicine.
by Man Found Standing, Practitioner Medicine Man
Diverticulitis refers to a medical condition where the small pockets or sacs called diverticuli in the mucus membrane of the bowel become inflamed. The disease occurs almost exclusively in the elderly and is far more common in countries where poor nutrition foods (processed foods) are eaten regularly. The modern diet has a lack of fiber/roughage which slows the bowel transit time and contributes to toxic buildup in the bowel. This toxic buildup causes inflation.
Diverticulitis Symptoms:
The modern medical treatment of the disease will prescribe antibiotics and advise the patient to avoid foods (like seeds, nuts, grains, and so forth) that could lodge in the diverticular pouches. Sadly, this advice tends to complicate/worsen the disease due to the harmful destruction of the friendly flora and the further reduction of dietary fiber needed to speed up bowel transit time.
Proper nutrition and supplements that contain Shiaqga have shown wonderful results when dealing with diverticulitis by strengthening and speeding up bowel transit time. Shiaqga alone in many cases is enough to reduce the worst symptoms of the disease. The Shiaqga contains Beta-glucans that in scientific research shows an expediential increase in a body’s immune response, anti-inflammatory action, and controls infection in the diverticuli. Also, the Triterpenes found in Shiaqga will affect the production of bile and enzymes in the liver which are then passed down into the bowel. This will regulate digestion and prevent constipation.
Testimonial: Speaking about Shiaqga, P. Landis from Humansville, Missouri said, “I am a cancer survivor of twelve years and it has made all the difference in the world to me. My diagnosis is T-cell Lymphoma of the bowel with 4th stage metastasis to the liver, prostate, vocal cords and lymph nodes of the abdomen and throat. No treatment was suggested as my cancer was too far advanced to do anything about it.”
Earache and Ear Infections
By Paway-yatanatu way-akt, Medicine Woman
Earaches, that are described as an inner ear infection are common. Everyone has probably experienced this at some time in their life. The inner ear contains nerves that go to the brain that regulate balance. An inner ear infection consists of the nerves become inflamed because of a virus and will result in some pain, sometimes hearing problems, and possible vertigo.
Ear infections affect the middle ear, the otitis media, and the Eustachian tubes that is directly behind the eardrum and connects the ear to the throat. These tubes can become infected, swollen, or clogged with fluid from the nose and throat that create an ideal environment for bacteria to thrive.
Ear infections often happen to young children because their tubes are small. The symptoms can result in a sense of fullness inside the ear, loss of hearing, a ringing tone that won't go away, a persistent itchiness, and a pain to the outside ear. The pain will be worse at night because the body is lying down flat and it is more difficult for the eustachian tubes to drain out the phlegm.
Earaches and ear infections can cause damage and need to be treated quickly. (Scientists have discovered that you are six times more likely to have a reoccurring ear infection if you use pharmaceutical drugs rather than natural means to cure the condition.)
Other Earaches and Ear Infections symptoms are:
As expected, ear infections are more frequent in bottle-fed infants than those that are breastfed. Cow's milk produces inflammation and blockage of the infant's eustachian tubes that can cause infection from outside. Breast milk contains 'immune globulin A' that assists to strengthen the infant’s immune system that is developing. When a child is fed with a bottle while lying down, it may cause a problem with the ears.
Swimming in public pools can increase chances of getting ear infections. The “Swimmer’s Ear” is an infection of the outer ear canal that can result in a foul-smelling drainage from the ear. As a precaution, you may want to use earplugs when swimming, or put in a small amount of vegetable oil in the ears before going in the water.
Ear pain can happen when the pressure changes and can be relieved by yawning or swallowing to reduce the pressure by opening the valves, or also by contracting the muscles of the Eustachian tubes by blowing your nose while holding both nostrils closed till you hear a small pop. A smart tip is to chew gum while traveling on a plane to help relieve the pressure.
Ruptured or perforated eardrums may be caused when the tympanic membrane in the eardrum separates or is broken and can cause a temporary hearing loss. The bones and nerve endings in the middle and inner ear send a nerve impulse to the brain. This can happen from an inner pressure buildup from infection, outer pressure from buildup, foreign objects stuck in the ear canal, or from trauma. Put nothing in the ear until the eardrum is healed. A fomentation (warm moist compress) on the outside of the ear can be helpful. This can be treated by putting warmth on the ear, keeping the ear clean, and using the Therapeutic Essential Oils for healing, like Helichrysum Italicum. Impacted ear wax can be loosened by taking a hot shower. (The steam will soften the wax buildup.)
Allergies, sore throats, colds, or sinus infections can cause the mucous membranes in the Eustachian tubes to produce fluid and swell, blocking the fluid in the ear and not allowing it to drain naturally. Although not common, sometimes the ears will ache because there is trouble with the teeth, not because of infection. If you have an ear pain in the ear, pull firmly on the earlobe. If the pain increases, then you probably have an ear infection. If the pain does not increase, you may have a dental problem.
Natural remedy treatments for ear infections:
To improve drainage of pus, lay on the bed with infected ear down, as you continue to hold the onion in place. Relief normally comes within 3-5 minutes.
Things to avoid:
The immune system in the human body is designed to destroy cells foreign to the body. That’s the body’s natural defense against disease and infection. A weak or non-functioning immune system, poor diet, an unhealthy environment, and age all contribute to infection. If you are deficient in nutrition, minerals, smoke, or use alcohol, this can put the immune system on overload. Rebuild and strengthen the body’s natural immunity (or defenses) to destroy infections.
Herbs and plants are the oldest medicine. Plant essences, derived from herbs, seeds, and leaves, were the first medicines of our ancestors. Therapeutic Essential Oils contain hundreds of molecules that work together to kill viruses and bacteria. The modern world of medicine looks to pharmaceutical drugs for the cure, but all pharmaceutical drugs cause damage to the body and in almost all cases are not as effective as the alternative treatment.
As a natural, alternative healer, I have found that the use of Helichrysum Italicum is extremely beneficial for earaches caused by nerve damage, allergic conditions, bacterial, and fungus, virus, inflammation, and tooth or sinus infections. It is an excellent pain reliever, infection fighter, and assists in healing and repairing.
Improve your lifestyle by eating healthy, taking high-quality supplements, drinking water, and moving. The body has the power to heal itself given the proper tools.
Take charge of your body and your health.
by Man Found Standing, Medicine Man Practitioner
The cause of eczema is usually attributed to an imbalance of the liver/kidney and a malfunction of the elimination of toxins. Modern medicine will prescribe steroids that can be a remedy for a short-term fix but does not address the cause of the problem. Over time, eczema will get worse. (You may want to avoid using essential oils because they may compound the problem due to their detoxification properties.)
A natural fix can be made just from the juice of fresh bitter greens, the more nasty and bitter the better, combined with good eating habits. Bitter greens include dandelion, watercress, wheatgrass, and others that will assist the body to heal itself.
To begin this natural fix, start early in the morning upon awakening. Do not eat or drink anything. Prepare 3-6 oz. of the greens drink and swallow it down. Wait about 45 minutes before you eat or drink anything. Over the next couple weeks, you should begin to witness improvement to your health.
Once your body is back in balance, you will be able to reduce your intake of greens. Just “listen” to your body and follow what works for feeling better.
There are many other “good things” for you to do to assist your body healing. For example, one of the most powerful natural products I have come across for assisting the body heal from many conditions is Shiaqga. (Please be cautious because there are a couple companies claiming to sell the real Shiaqga when in fact they are selling the much cheaper and less effective Chaga.) As you improve your diet, take the bitter greens, and supplement with Shiaqga your body will receive the nutrition it needs to heal itself. Just take one healing-step-at-a-time and soon you will reap the benefits.
Understanding Therapeutic Essential Oils
Radio Interview
Welcome to this health interview between Dr. Troy Frazier, founder of Absolute Health an Integrated Health Care Clinic in Orem Utah, and Man Found Standing.
* Hello, I’m Dr Troy Frazier, and today I’ll be speaking with Man Found Standing, a Native American Medicine Man Practitioner. Welcome.
Thank you Dr. Frazier, it’s good to be here. As you know, Dr. Frazier, there are many paths to travel to obtain good health.
*Yes. Everyone chooses his or her own path to excellent health. It is my personal belief that, given support and opportunity, the body will usually be able to heal itself from many conditions. Tell me how you became interested in Therapeutic Oils.
From my earliest beginnings, I have always been associated with alternative medicines. I was raised with the philosophy that nature provides us with everything we need to keep ourselves healthy and happy. My first major introduction to Therapeutic Essential Oils was over two decades ago in the early 1990’s. I remember my mother calling me up and excitingly telling me about her wonderful new discovery.
Through a minor accident that happened two weeks after that telephone conversation, I was fully converted to the use of Therapeutic Oils. Instead of being on crutches for a month, I was out running in a week! I attributed my speedy return to complete mobility after the injury to the use of Therapeutic Oils.
Over the next several years, I had many wonderful healing experiences with the Therapeutic Oils. I saw first-hand many miracles involving the oils. Let me share one experience involving my daughter.
For the first two and a half years of my daughter‘s life, she had chronic bronchitis. This was due to being subjected to powerful antibiotics that compromised her immune system. We started her out on the essential oils by applying them twice a day. In less than two weeks of putting an immune building blend on her feet and a respiratory blend on her chest, she was completely clear of all problems and has stayed clear now for over five years.
Through experiences like this, I knew that I wanted the Therapeutic Essential Oils to play a major role in my life. Because of my love for the Therapeutic Oils, in 1997, I went to work for a company that supposedly supplied the world’s best Therapeutic Oils. Over the next few months while I worked, I listened to countless hours of Therapeutic Oil audio tapes. The more that I gained knowledge through learning from others and through my own personal experiences with the Therapeutic Oils, the greater my excitement became.
As I became more involved in the company, I also became saddened by what I personally witnessed; what was being said and what was actually being done were two separate things. After one particular shocking experience, I came to the conclusion that if I was going to continue using the essential oils, I wanted to be sure that the quality I was paying for was what I was actually going to receive. What this meant was I was going to have to do the job myself.
*So, what are Therapeutic Essential Oils Oils?
Therapeutic Essential Oils are the end result of plant metabolism. They are produced by the plant and circulated through the stems, leaves, flowers, fruits, seeds, and roots. Each plant produces an essential oil that is unique to that plant.
When you walk through a pine forest, you can easily smell the Therapeutic Essential Oil from the trees. Oils are essential for the plant’s survival. What I have found most exciting is their ability to contain the intelligence or life force of the plant and assist in healing the plant when injured or attacked. Just as blood is a key component to our survival, essential oils are a key component to their survival of the plants. Essential Oils are highly concentrated plant medicines. Some components in the essential oils can be a 100,000 times stronger than in the dried herb. For example, it takes more than 100 pounds of eucalyptus leaves to produce one pound of eucalyptus oil. A few thousand pounds of rose petals produce only one liter of essential oil. Try replacing your peppermint teabag with one drop of pure Therapeutic Oil, it is quite powerful.
When chemists studied the Therapeutic Essential Oil constitutes, they discovered that these oils are extremely complex substances. Chemists have identified more than 3000 different aromatic molecules and new ones are continually being discovered. For example, rose oil has over 300 compounds with over half of them not yet identified. In our modern day society, chemists studied the compounds and plants to determine the effect these may have on the human body. Some of these constitutes may be synthesized artificially to make modern medicine. But such synthetic compounds cannot be made to work biologically in the same way as the compounds made by nature.
*How long has man been using essential oils?
Essential oils have been around for thousands of years. Plant medicine forms part of every cultural tradition. You can read about their use in the Bible. In the 19th and 20th centuries, with the advent of manmade drugs and modern surgical practices, man almost completely forgot these gifts of nature.
During the 1920’s, a French cosmetic chemist, named Rene-Maurice Gattefosse by accident burned his hand. Gattefosse applied Lavender oil to his wound and to his surprise, it relieved the pain and after a few days, there was no blistering or scarring on his hand. Excited by the possibilities, he spent the next years in more research and experimentation. Because the essential oil had aromatic properties, he coined the phrase “Aromatherapy”.
*Is scientific research available to backup the claims of the healing properties of essential oils?
Yes. Chamberlain did one of the first early studies on Therapeutic Essential Oils in the 1880’s. Chamberlain studied the anti-bacterial properties of the vapor of oregano, cinnamon, angelica, and geranium essential oils. He tested these against certain disease causing illnesses. He found that they were effective against several bacteria in vapor form.
In 1918, Chevelle conducted experiments with essential oils. He found that even in diluted amounts, the Therapeutic Essential Oils showed antiseptic action. For example, clove bud oil was found to kill tuberculosis at the rate of one part Therapeutic Oil to 6000 parts TB.
In the 1930’s, Belgium Researchers tested Therapeutic Essential Oils and learned even more of their beneficial properties. Since the 1960’s, France has made many discoveries and is one of the leading countries using essential oils for medical purposes. Therapeutic Essential Oils are continuing to amaze researchers with their healing properties and excitement is growing for their many uses.
*How do you get the essential oils from the plants?
There are many ways of extracting the oils from the plants. Each plant has unique requirements in terms of how the plant should be handled before and during the extraction process. The most commonly used extraction process is through steam distillation. In the steam distillation method, plant material is put into a chamber; steam is then injected into the chamber causing the plants to release their Therapeutic Oil. The steam and Therapeutic Oils are carried out of this chamber and deposited into a cooling container where the Therapeutic Oil raises to the top and is separated and gathered.
Hydro-distillation and expeller pressing are two other common methods used to extract the essential oils.
*Is the time and temperature during extraction important?
Most definitely! To produce superb quality Therapeutic Essential Oils, one must be conscious of temperature, pressure, and the amount of time the plant is to be distilled. For example, Bergamont distilled at a lower temperature produces a nicer smelling, higher quality Therapeutic Oil. However, it is photo-sensitive. If you were to wear it on your exposed skin and go out in the sun, you will get sunburn.
When Bergamot is distilled at a higher temperature, it removes the phototoxic fuorocoumarins which makes the oils safe to use on exposed skin.
With most all essential oils, vital chemical constitutes for medical properties will be destroyed if the proper care has not been taken place. Many thousands of tons of essential oils are produced each year for the use in the flavor and fragrance industry. These oils are inferior in quality and are not as useful for our healing practices. Sadly all around the world I have found that almost every distiller is more concerned about how much oil they can extract from the plant rather than the therapeutic qualities. Almost all the oil produced worldwide have some of the healing properties destroyed.
*Do some plants that produce Therapeutic Oils grow better in certain parts of the world?
Yes. Different soil conditions and climate affect the way the plants grow and that in turn affects the quality and chemical composition of the essential oil. For example, Helichrysum Italicum, one of my personal favorites, is grown in Europe. It's oil is found to be far superior, more that twice the quality of the same plant grown and distilled in the USA, India, or other parts of the world.
*I have noticed that there could be quite a difference in price between two Therapeutic Essential Oils. Why do some Therapeutic Oils cost more than others?
Each plant produces a certain amount of oil. For instance, you can get more oil from the peppermint plant than from the same amount from Melissa or Rose. The distillation time required and the demand for certain high quality essential oils also determines the price.
*How can the general public benefit from knowing about Therapeutic Essential Oils?
Just a few years ago, most people believed that the threat of epidemic infectious disease was a thing of the past. But now, infectious diseases of all types are suddenly front page news again. The way things have changed since September 11, 2001, and the subsequence anthrax attack, suddenly leave everyone feeling much more vulnerable to the threat of biological warfare.
For the first time, we now understand clearly how likely we are to experience such attacks and how poorly prepared we are to face them. Twenty well-known infectious diseases, including TB, malaria, and Cholera have recently re-emerged and are spreading globally, often in more deadly or drug-resistant strains than before and since 1973, at least thirty new previously unknown disease causing microbes have been identified. These include diseases with no cures available such as HIV, Ebola, and Hepatitis C.
The findings from the CIA indicate that health conditions will decline before they get better and the threat from infectious diseases will increase. In an epidemic, health officials rely on stockpiles of vaccines and antibiotic drugs which have been stored away for their use in an emergency. However, no one can be sure that the medication stored away will be effective against the particular infectious agents causing the epidemic. We know that viruses mutate and that bacteria become resistant to modern treatment. Who is to say when nature or someone or something else will adjust things to introduce a new bad boy into our society?
One reason for the increase in antibiotic resistant strains of bacteria is the widespread misuse of antibiotics. One benefit of Therapeutic Essential Oils is that they can reduce our dependence in antibiotics, especially since antibiotics are not effective against viral diseases. I’ve personally seen and experienced the Therapeutic Essential Oils powerful effects on viral diseases. Due to the inability to patent a natural product, there may not be a great deal of formal research to backup what I’m saying, but there a lot of impeccable evidence to support it.
Essential oils have been proven effectively to kill bacterial as well as to inhibit their growth. One of the main reasons for using Therapeutic Essential Oils is that germs can develop a resistant to antibiotic drugs, but they have yet to develop a resistance against Essential Oils. Essential Oils contain certain chemical compounds that are lethal to germs and are also so numerous that disease causing microbes cannot form a defense against them.
Let me share a story. A few years ago, I was lecturing about the Therapeutic Essential Oils. During this meeting, I spoke about the oil of Oregano which I happened to be studying at the time. A week later, I did a follow-up meeting. Before the lecture started, I asked if there were any questions or comments about last week’s meeting. In the audience, a lady jumped out of her seat, raising her hand said she had something to share. She shared her experience of being unable to breathe through her nose for a solid year. Her doctor had tried everything without any effect at all. She was told that the next thing to do was to operate and to manually go in and clean everything out. She was quite apprehensive about the procedure because of the price and also because her doctor told her that there was no guarantee that she would not be completely clogged back up again in six months.
Well, after my first lecture, she made a small purchase of 15ml of oregano. According to her, she went home and mixed the Therapeutic Oregano Oil with olive oil in a 50/50 mixture. She then proceeded to flavor her water with 3 drops of this mixture in a glass of water 3x a day. On her 3rd day, her sinuses started to drain. By the 5th day, she was completely clear of any problem. She stood in front of the audience, and after taking a deep breathe through her nose, she stated how much she appreciated the Therapeutic Essential Oils.
Why do we need to know about the Therapeutic Essential Oils? Because they are so effective and powerful, not only against illness or disease, but against physical injury, pain, emotional trauma, and more.
*Could you share with us an example of how effective Therapeutic Essential Oils are with pain?
My brother and a few of his friends stopped by my house for a visit. As it so often happens, the conversation moved to a discussion about Therapeutic Essential Oils and how powerful they are. In order to show the oils’ effectiveness, I asked if anyone had any pain. One gentleman told me that he had sustained an injury over a year ago and was unable to raise his hand above his head without having pain in his shoulder. I took out a Therapeutic Essential Oil synergy like Deep Heat and had him rub a few drops on his shoulder. We continued to talk about the essential oils and about 10 minutes later, I asked him to raise his hand and see how he felt. Well, he raised his hand above his head and then started waving it around. He was amazed. He stated that he was completely pain-free and was now able to freely wave his hand over his head. Something he had been unable to do for over a year. This is just one of many cases, literally, for less than ten cents; this gentleman was free of pain.
This brings up the subject of using Therapeutic Essential Oils with wisdom. Just because this gentleman was free of pain does not mean his problem was immediately fixed. He must allow time for his body to heal the injured area. Yes, the Therapeutic Essential Oils will assist your body at repairing itself at a rapid rate. I have seen injuries that would normally take a few weeks to heal completely better in a couple of days or less. No one wants to go out and incur greater damage just because they did not want to take it easy for a few days. Learn about the Therapeutic Essential Oils and use them with wisdom.
*I have a two-part question for you. You stated that Therapeutic Essential Oils might be effective against emotional trauma? I understand how emotions affect our health, but many people do not. Could you share your thoughts on how our emotions affect overall health and how many essential oils assist us with our emotions?
Edward Bach, who discovered the flower remedies for emotional healing, taught that disease is in essence a result of conflict between soul and mind. As long as our souls and personalities are in harmony, all is peace, joy, happiness, and health. If our mind and soul are in conflict, problems may arise.
Emotions cause reactions that upset our body chemistry. For example, emotions such as deep-seated fears, mistrust of others, anger, trauma, and stress result in physical symptoms such as anxiety or depression. Emotional tensions may result in aching shoulders, headaches, neck pain, rapid pulse, high blood pressure, sweating, butterflies in our stomach, rapid breathing, cramps, tingling in our arms and legs, weakness, dizziness, and much, much more. Some feel that in many cases, chronic illness may be the result of deep-seated emotional conflicts.
Now essential oils can play a major role into bringing into balance our mind and soul. As a matter of fact, I have not yet discovered anything that works better than the Therapeutic Essential Oils for bringing balance back into the mind, body, and soul. Have you ever walked into a room and smelled a familiar smell that brought back memories? Smell is the fastest way to alter moods and is why Therapeutic Essential Oils are so effective and beneficial. In my experience I have found that all Therapeutic Essential Oils seem to work on altering moods and affecting the emotions one way or another.
For example, a lady from our neighborhood, quite unexpectedly, lost her husband. She found it hard to adjust to the loneliness and pain. Having never used Therapeutic Essential Oils before, she was skeptical. One evening, she took some of the diluted rose oil we gave her and rubbed it over her heart. The next morning, we received a call thanking us for the oils and their great ability to relieve her pain. She was able to get the support she needed to let go of the emotional conflict. Imagine where she would have been in a year or two if she had been unable to let go of this emotional conflict.
Emotional healing is part of your total healing. Let’s face it! We have all been hurt emotionally in some way or another. Using the Therapeutic Essential Oils may assist us in getting the support we need to allow ourselves to deal with and let go the pain of the past and present. This allows us to have the opportunity for a better future.
*How are Therapeutic Essential Oils used?
Therapeutic Oils are used in various ways. The quickest way to receive the benefits of essential oils is through smell. Diffusing the oils puts out a fine mist that floats through the room where everyone can benefit. When oils are used on the feet, they are absorbed quickly and via the bloodstream reach the whole body in a matter of a few minutes. Therapeutic Essential Oils are wonderful for a full body massage, in a bath, or just to rub into a specific spot. They are very beneficial in facial massages and delightful to use in cooking.
*In your opinion, what is the number one problem with the Therapeutic Essential Oil industry?
Adulteration; all over the industry I’ve come across this problem. I have tested a so-called 100% pure Therapeutic Grade Essential Oils from one competitor and the results came back indicating it was 75% propylene -glycol, an odorless liquid used as industrial antifreeze. I even had the top expert in America say, “Everyone does it”, when we had mentioned that he had altered his Therapeutic Essential Oils.
There are many ways Therapeutic Essential Oils can be adulterated. What I find most upsetting is when synthetic or other such adulterants are added to the oils. Therapeutic Essential Oils used for medicinal purposes should be free from all manmade chemicals including contaminants such as herbicides and pesticides.The one exception to this rule would be the absolutes.
Some plant material is very fragile and the plant is unable to release its Therapeutic Oil through “natural means”. For example, because of the flower’s delicate nature, there is no such thing as Jasmine Therapeutic Essential Oil. The proper term is Jasmine Absolute, since the oil is obtained through using a solvent. Rose oil, on the other hand, can be extracted through steam distillation. You should always use rose Therapeutic Essential Oil over a rose absolute. With our absolutes, we are very fussy about the percentage of chemicals remaining in the end product. One of the determining factors of the high quality absolute would be the percentage of the solvent remaining in the end product. An excellent absolute will have below 1% solvent remaining. Also, due to the ability to extract more oil from the plant, many places will use solvents partially or entirely in their distillation process.
Adulterating the Therapeutic Oils and doing things that compromise the quality of the oils is very rampant in the industry. I find it interesting that France exports more than 100% pure French lavender oil each year than they actually produce. While some companies are very conscientious about correctly labeling their Therapeutic Essential Oils, others are not. The secret to obtaining Therapeutic Essential Oils of good quality is to locate a reliable source: A provider who adheres to sound testing, manufacturing, and labeling standards. When purchasing medicinal Therapeutic Essential Oils, insist on purchasing the species that produces the best medicinal results.
Not all the essential oils of Lavender are alike. There are some 30 different species of Lavender. Each of these has different chemical constituents and medicinal characteristics. On the open market, their quality and price can vary greatly. Just because you go into a shop and purchase 100% pure lavender oil does not mean that you are getting anything worth using. There may be considerable difference in prices of Lavendula angustifolia and Lavender hybrid, but this difference is meaningless if the less costly Therapeutic Oil has few therapeutic properties. Lavender is often adjusted using linalool and linalyl points vacuumed off higher quality lavenders or those chemicals maybe manmade and may be added to “sweeten a batch”.
Again, I want to stress how important it is to purchase your Therapeutic Essential Oils from a company with integrity. I have personally seen cases where companies love to use marketing hype that states where they have, “The highest quality, organic, therapeutic grade, essential oils in the world”, unable to produce organic certificates for most all of their essential oils. This is due to the fact that they have not grown them organically.
If this is not bad enough, I have also witnessed labels on bottles with the wrong species of oil. Their label states that they have a higher quality, more expensive species of oil, when in actuality they have lower quality oil in the bottle. Without proper testing or good education, the average person would never know that they were not getting the Therapeutic Essential Oil they are paying for.
*What is the difference of a blend and a synergy?
Even though those terms are used simultaneously for the same thing, really there is a big difference. Synergies are considered to only contain pure Therapeutic Essential Oils and sometimes high quality absolutes, combined together to enhance the properties of all the oils and intended to produce a specific result. It is like the whole is greater than the sum of the parts.
Now Blends are almost the same as synergies. The difference is with a Blend there has been a carrier oil added to either make the expensive oils more affordable or making the stronger synergies ready to use right from the bottle.
When a company uses the term blends, it is usually because they have carrier oil in their combinations.
*What carrier oils do you use and why?
Because of their long shelf-life and beneficial properties, I use Fractionated Coconut Oil or Jojoba. Most companies use lower quality carrier oil in the blends like sesame seed or grape seed oil. With the short shelf-life of these carriers, the blends go rancid quickly.
For a long time, most companies would not admit to ever using a carrier oil, but thankfully, I’ve seen more and more beginning to……….well at least they’re beginning to tell the truth if specifically asked about the blend even if they don’t put the carrier oil on the label.
Unlike carrier oils that have a short shelf-life, Fractionated Coconut Oil or Jojoba have practically an indefinite shelf life. If you use a blend that has carrier oil with a short shelf-life, make sure to use the blend quickly. If you wait too long, the carrier oil will go rancid and spoil your blend. I had this happen to me when I purchased oils from companies who did not label their blends honestly.
*I was wondering why you sometimes have two Therapeutic Essential Oils that are the same but from different countries.
That all comes down to price and quality. Let’s take two popular but different peppermints for example. Cheaper therapeutic peppermint is grown organically and has a sharper crisper smell. The oil is distilled at a higher temperature. Now the U.S.A. 1st Distilled Peppermint, even though it is conventionally grown, is truly the higher quality Therapeutic Oil. Due to its herby smell, some people have a harder time getting used to it.
While I’m talking about peppermint, I wanted to share a little more on the subject of the adulteration. Most all people who are use to using peppermint, even those that think they are only using the certified highest therapeutic quality, are using adulterated or poor quality peppermint. There is an easy way to tell, just take you peppermint out and smell it. If you peppermint is sharp and clear smelling, you are using low quality peppermint.
If the oil is pure, this sharp clear smelling peppermint is food or even the lower quality soap grade peppermint. True high quality peppermint will have a nice herby undertone. Many tons of peppermint adulterated with corn mint, or peppermint distilled to extract all the oil (through high temperature distillation, solvent distillation, or reinstallation techniques) will be sold as high quality Therapeutic Essential Oil.
My experience is if a company is selling low quality or adulterated peppermint, they are also selling many other adulterated or low quality oils. Sadly there is truly only a small amount of pure high quality Therapeutic Essential Oils being sold each year.
*Since there are so many Therapeutic Essential Oils, where would you suggest a person begin?
If you are new to Therapeutic Essential Oils, an easy way to begin is through purchasing some of the basics like Lavender, Lemon, Peppermint, Rosemary, and Tea Tree. These oils will assist in numerous aliments including balancing the body, increasing one’s energy, relieving discomfort, soothing the emotions, and in bringing feelings of love and joy into your life.
*What would you say to someone who is currently using Therapeutic Essential Oils from a company but not sure if they are truly therapeutic.
If the oils you have are working for you, that is great. If you are open to experimenting, I suggest you compare the "I AM" essential oils with what you are currently using. I am positive you will notice a quality improvement. I hear reports back all the time from avid oil users who believed they are using the highest grade therapeutic essential quality oils now tell me they’re amazement at what the I Am oils do. They use half or one-fourth as much oil as they normally would use and still get better results from our oils.
*What are "I Am" Essential Oils goals for the Therapeutic Oils?
Their goal is to produce and locate the truly high quality Therapeutic Oils grown throughout the world and supply the same quality to the public. Over the years, I have seen first hand the shocking extent of Therapeutic Essential Oil adulteration and misinformation that runs rampant throughout the industry. This has only firmed my resolve to use the best quality Therapeutic Essential Oils. The "I Am" Essential Oils company is dedicated to provide quality and truly make a difference in the world.
One of the ways they can do this is by assisting people from third world countries. For example, a couple of years ago I visited Africa to begin a Therapeutic Essential Oil farming project. We have a small impoverished village growing Citronella for us there. It is wonderful to see the joy on the villagers faces when I pick up the oils.
Upon my return home, I gave a sample of the Citronella to a friend who was going over to Europe for a Oils meeting. Two of the top experts in Europe tested this oil. They both agreed that it was the best Citronella that they had ever had the pleasure of smelling.
Through assisting people who love and care for their plants, and then by using the proper distillation techniques, they are able to produce Therapeutic Essential Oils that are the best of the best.
*What are some basic safety precautions we should be aware of when we are using the essential oils?
Those of you, who are new to using essential oils, start out slow. The Therapeutic Oils can have a powerful detoxifying effect, so you’ll want to use a small amount. Using an excess of oil may cause you to detoxify too quickly and you may experience headaches, diarrhea, or flu-like symptoms. If this happens, drink plenty of water and get fresh air. Remember, one drop of pure Therapeutic Essential Oil will go a long way.
Using a carrier oil along with the Therapeutic Essential Oils is also a safe practice. That way, you can experience how your body is going to react to the oil that you are using. Some oils like oregano, cinnamon bark, and red thyme are hot on the skin. Mix a carrier oil with these oils to slow down the absorption. If you are not careful, these hot Therapeutic Essential Oils may burn or blister the skin.
You’ll want to keep all Therapeutic Essential Oils, absolutes, synergies, and blends out of the reach of children. They are a part of nature’s pharmacy. Use them with respect and wisdom. Educate yourself and your family about their proper use. Keep the Therapeutic Essential Oils away from the eyes and other sensitive areas of the body. If an accident happens, immediately flush with vegetable oil or cold, full-fat milk to dilute. If stinging is not alleviated, seek medical assistance.
Although some of the oils have been used internally for thousands of years and some have been approved by the FDA for internal use, ingesting any oil should be undertaken with care and by the supervision of a professional health advisor. Never exceed the suggested amount because taking too much essential oil can damage you beneficial intestinal bacteria.
If any kind of problem is observed when using a particular Therapeutic Essential Oil, immediately stop using it. If you are under the care of a doctor who is open to working with Therapeutic Oils, contact your doctor and discuss the problem. Also, a basic rule of thumb is no more than 20-25 drops of pure Therapeutic Oil on an adult’s body during any 24 hour period of time.
*I know this is a tough question, but quickly in closing, I just wanted to ask you one final question. If you could have only one Therapeutic Essential Oil, what would it be and why.
Well, my personal favorite is Helichrysum Italicum. It’s like having a first-aid kit in a bottle. Having this oil has literally saved me thousands of dollars. I just absolutely love this essential oil. It has so many wonderful properties.
I have seen many wounds that before I knew about the Therapeutic Essential Oils, I would have rushed down to the emergency room. Now I find they’re easily taken care of with a few drops of Helichrysum. In just a few short hours, I’ve seen injuries look days or weeks old. I’ve seen old scars fade, pain and swelling disappear, feeling restored to areas that supposedly would never have feeling again, and many more miracles all from a few drops of this Therapeutic Oil.
Thomas Edison, the inventor said, “The doctor of the future would give no medicine but will interest his patients in the care of the human frame, diet, and the prevention of disease”.
Fluoride Reduces IQ
By Man Found Standing, Medicine Man Practitioner
I ran across a recent study published by Harvard University that showed once again the harmful effects of fluoride in our drinking water. The study concluded that children in areas with highly fluoridated water have "significantly lower" IQ scores than those children who live in low fluoride areas.
This along with many studies published during the last century, clearly show the harmful effects of fluoride to the brain and overall body health. Below are a few articles to assist you in understanding how harmful fluoride can be.
Dr. Dean Burk, who in 1937 co-founded the US National Cancer Institute, in a taped interview equates the fluoridation of the public drinking water to being "public murder." Studies at that time clearly demonstrated dramatic increases in cancer cases and deaths in as little as one to two years after instigating fluoridation.
On October 1, 1944 the Journal of the American Dental Association stated: "Drinking water containing as little as 1.2 ppm fluoride will cause developmental disturbances. We cannot run the risk of producing such serious systemic disturbances. The potentialities for harm outweigh those for good."
In the book “Fluoride, The Aging Factor” by Dr. Yiamouyiannisa, long term exposure to fluoride are documented. Even in minute amounts, as little as 10% of the amount of fluoride used in normal fluoridated water, fluoride was shown to cause cumulative tissue damage, gastrointestinal disorders, osteoporosis, skin rashes, acne, suppressed immune system, cancer, and many other health problems.
The United States Center for Disease Control and the Safe Water Foundation has reported that areas containing fluoride of only one part per million added to the drinking water in the United States show an increase in the death rate compared to areas not exposed to fluoride. They estimate that around 40,000 deaths occur annually in the United States that are directly linked to fluoride poisoning.
In 2006 the U.S. National Research Council concluded the fluoride is linked to learning disorders, neuro-developmental delays, and neurotoxicity in laboratory animals. Rats exposed to as little as 1 part per million of fluoride in their drinking water not only showed structural alterations in the brain but also increased levels of aluminum. (Aluminum toxicity has been linked with Alzheimer disease and other debilitating diseases.)
Currently in the United States, over seventy percent of the public drinking water contains added fluoride. Fluoride toxicity has been shown in scientific research to lead to the following other variety of health effects not mentioned above:
The Shiaqga product assists the body in detoxification and restoring the body's ability to heal from fluoride poisoning.
By Dennis Willmont
Telling It Like It Isn’t
The Kellogg’s Company recently announced in their support of genetically modified food that seventy percent of all food now packaged in the US is genetically modified. You wouldn’t know this by reading the label because genetically modified food is not required to be labeled. That’s because if they labeled it, nobody would buy it. They know this and the FDA, who makes the labeling laws, knows it too. Genetically modified food is part of what is called the Green Revolution, an Orwellian double-speak term used by the chemical pesticide companies to disguise the toxicity of their products. George Orwell worked for the CIA and based upon what he saw there wrote his infamous book Nineteen-Eighty Four, which described how the government planned to manipulate, control, and enslave the population by a certain date in the future―1984. In that book he described double-speak as a term used by government and industry to make the population think one thing was happening when the reality was just the opposite. So while the pesticide companies like Monsanto are spewing poison all over the world and especially in third world countries with toxic pesticides, herbicides, and fertilizers, they disguise what they are really doing by telling everyone they are making the world “green.” One example of how “green” the world has become after their efforts is that 30,000 varieties of brown rice have become extinct in India after only three years of these “life-saving” practices.
If efforts like these weren’t enough, now the same companies are genetically modifying foods so they can withstand this chemical onslaught even more. The pesticide companies buy up all the seed companies so only their hybridized or genetically modified seeds are available to farmers while all the natural seeds that took thousands of years to perfect become extinct. Companies like Monsanto state that one of their main goals is to have one hundred percent control of the world’s seed bank. This means that when and if they reach this goal, the natural seeds required to grow authentic human food will no longer exist and everyone will be totally dependent upon the genetically modified ones. People will then no longer be able to freely trade seeds with each other like they have done in the past. They will then only have access to the seeds that have produced from the limited imagination of company profit and control.
Subsidiary companies like Kellogg’s claim that genetically modified food is safe for the environment, healthy for human consumption, and will help save the food shortages they predict for the future. But if this doublespeak is really true, why have two hundred and fifty thousand Indian farmers committed suicide recently after they were bullied into growing Monsanto seeds? The financial pressure produced by this chemical alternative to traditional farming gave these farmers no other choice but to use them? By regulating the price of crops, which are always at the cheapest possible level, the cost for raising them has to keep decreasing for farmers to survive. After being stuck with the Monsanto seeds, the farmers needed so much more water than they were accustomed to using that they couldn’t afford to water them so they never reached harvest. Even more troubling is that the Monsanto seeds are genetically modified to self-destruct each week that they are not given their toxic dose of Roundup, a pesticide that gets stronger and more toxic and dangerous each year it is used. The Indian farmers couldn’t afford to buy the Roundup either. Even worse, their agricultural communities became so saturated with these chemical toxins, as are others around the world that use these chemical practices, that the cancer rate in their communities goes up and up each year these artificial seeds are grown.
What is Food Anyway?
What happens to the people who eat these foods? Do these toxically produced foods also cause cancer? Thanks to the tobacco industry, nobody will ever be able to prove that they do. The tobacco lawyers may have temporarily lost the battle with cigarette smoking but they apply what they have learned to protecting the toxins we now have in food. The legal proof is now so cumbersome it is impossible to fulfill. Are these foods really as healthy as the companies that produce and promote them claim them to be? The answer depends on what people think food is or should be. One startling and shocking image of modern food production comes from the documentary Food Inc. This film shows the true condition of industrially produced cows as an example of the foods we commonly eat today in the US market. They are so sick and so weak that they can’t even walk and have to be fork-lifted to their own slaughter. You have to see this picture to really believe it and I encourage you to do so. If you don’t, your efforts won’t go far enough to prevent the catastrophe that we are all headed for in the near future. Even Paleolithic man would have enough intelligence not to eat these animals! Unfortunately, modern man doesn’t seem to have the intelligence of a cave man because millions of US citizens continue to eat this trash year after year. No wonder we have such a health crisis and no wonder even our best and brightest can’t figure out how to solve it. They eat this crap too!
But even these horrid conditions are nowhere near the abominable state that genetically modified food creates. The big lie that the regular person is led to think is that genetically modified food is just like the normal hybridization of food that has been going on for the last century and that it’s totally harmless. Here’s how the average American thinks that genetically modified food is produced: Take the genes from wheat that grows in the cold and combine it with those that grow in the heat, those that grow wide, those that grow fat, those with more protein and any other quality we desire and stir them up to make a super wheat. Right? Wrong! Usually these different genes don’t even come from the same species like at least they did with hybridization. Instead genes from insects, reptiles, fish, a wide variety of mammals, and even bacteria―creatures that would NEVER and could NEVER combine in the wild―are violently forced together to produce a new Franken-Creature, one that totally serves the vested interest of those who make them. Yes, you are going to wish you are a Paleolithic person by the time you finish this article. At least that way you’d have the common sense it takes to stay alive.
Franken-Foods and Beyond
One of these vested interests is so that the Franken-Creature can tolerate the heavily toxic chemical environment it is expected to withstand. Another was written about in the Bulletin for the Union of Concerned Scientists around 2006. They documented how sixty percent of the food grown in the Midwest at that time was genetically modified, not to produce Franken-Foods mind you, but to produce chemical medications for the pharmaceutical industry. That’s right! They call it Big Pharma. Imagine tomatoes producing Prozac as a by-product and your string beans producing Lipitor―your food is now a veritable drug store and you don’t even need a prescription. I’ll bet you didn’t know that Monsanto is now prescribing these drugs without a license because even if you don’t want them, they are spreading into the food supply. Somebody should call the AMA and put them in jail where they belong.
What do they care if we suffer as long as they make their profit? What they do care about is that their genetically modified foods shouldn’t be grown by anyone without a license. They want to insure that they get paid for the use of their seeds. They do this by patenting the seeds so no one else can use them without paying their price. If they do, or even if they spread accidentally into a neighboring field, the owners of that field can be sued for stealing Monsanto’s patent. Why farmers growing organic food for several generations in the same fields would ever want these seeds in the first place is totally beyond comprehension, but many of our organic farmers in the Pacific Northwest are being sued and their land is being stolen from them legally for just these reasons. This has been going on for more than ten years already. I wouldn’t be surprised if these genetically modified seeds blew off a truck as it was driving by or even, more insidiously, by secret agents flying over in a plane or helicopter and sowing them illicitly.
Nevertheless, the fact that Monsanto has been suing these farmers for stealing their patented crap for decades now proves in court that they know their seeds regularly escape. The problem is that only lawyers and judges hear the farmers and they have their own agendas about the truth.
The rest of us are too busy to listen or we only want to listen to positive things. God forbid if Paul Revere acted like this. Can you imagine―“the British are coming!” “Now, now, think positively my dear. I don’t want to hear anything negative like that.” Well my friends, the British are coming but this time they aren’t coming from England and they aren’t wearing red coats. They are dressed in suits and they are coming from corporate America and their clones in Washington DC. These people try to hide their despicable actions with their unjust laws and their doublespeak language. They tell us from one side of their mouths that genetically modified food is beneficial to all and basically just like any other food. That’s why they don’t have to label it they tell us. From the other side of their mouths they tell us that genetically modified food is radically different from every other kind of food. That’s why they get to patent it.
Another great documentary exposing the horrific dangers of industrial food is called Fresh. Fresh makes the link between not having to label genetically modified food because it is the same as everything else and getting to patent it because it is so radically different to one Supreme Court Justice―Clarence Thomas. How much money, power, and prestige is it worth to twist American justice to such a perverted end? You would think these people would at least want to protect their own children wouldn’t you? They must be a race of extraterrestrial reptiles that are totally immune to natural law. Maybe they think they can just buy everything. Maybe they have just been eating too much Cornflakes!
All the King’s Men
In fact, much of the confusion we have about genetically modified food comes from what we think food is. During World War I and II, industrial food companies began to emerge. They typically refined food to give it a longer shelf-life. That way they could ship food overseas to the military and keep the shelves stocked for long periods without the food going bad. They did this by removing parts of the food that would spoil more easily―especially the vitamins and fatty acids. They threw in all the minerals too for good measure. The result was that many people started coming down with diseases never before seen―what we now call vitamin and mineral deficiencies. The very food industries that started the problem then created a team of investigators to solve it. These people became the nutritionists. They analyzed the industrialized food and discovered that it was vitamin and mineral deficient. You would think that would be a reason to return to the whole foods of their ancestors? But no, that wouldn’t be good for profit! Instead they added a little bit of what they took out back in. Maybe it even came from an entirely different plant. If you are in my generation, you will remember the fake cereals “fortified” with some of the vitamins and minerals they took out. The rest of these nutrients they could sell back to the public as nutritional supplements at an even greater profit. Thus, the supplement industry was born. Was it really any different than the refined food industry that spawned it? Were the vitamins and minerals they sold separately any less refined than the white flour and white rice products they were doctoring up? How in the world were they supposed to know how much of this or that nutrient people were supposed to be getting? They only pretend to know the answer. The truth is that these so-called scientists are like Humpty Dumpty who fell of the wall and all the king’s horses and all the king’s men couldn’t put him back together again. Humpty Dumpty is the whole egg and symbolizes whole foods in general. The king’s horses and the king’s men symbolize the scientists and doctors who, in spite of their efforts and claims, have never been able to reinstate the fractured whole. Like the Paleolithic hunters who would never eat a cow who couldn’t even walk to its own slaughter, the people who created this fairy tale knew something about whole foods that we have forgotten today. Just how and why we have forgotten brings us back to Kellogg’s and Monsanto and the fractured nutritional world view we have about food and why this attitude blinds us from seeing the even more dangerous problems that now confront us with genetically modified food.
The Systematic Extinction of Whole Grain
One of the main industrially refined foods that replaced the whole foods of our fairly recent ancestors was whole cereal grain. In most traditional societies whole cereal grain was eaten as a principle food, meaning that it was eaten with each meal in a substantial proportion. For example, breakfast would consist of wheat, barley, corn, or oats that were either cracked or ground fresh and then cooked into porridge with water and a little salt. This type of whole grain provided the most nutritious breakfast with the least amount of work at the cheapest price. However, once it was refined by companies like Kellogg’s, it could be just poured into a bowl with a little milk and eaten without cooking. The time it took to prepare was much, much less but the price we paid was in the loss of nutrition. As a nation, we have lost around seventy-five years of health from this poor nutrition. Therefore, we are now three generations weaker than our ancestors who never had the heart disease, cancer, diabetes, and obesity we have today.
We also lost the inclusion of whole grain in the rest of our meals and, even more important, we lost our traditional concept of whole food and whole grains in general. Today, the food industry staffs the FDA, which then passes laws and regulations favorable to the food industry at our expense. The FDA says that the food industry can state on the label that a food is whole grain as long as it contains at least sixty-five percent whole grain. This is whitewashed doublespeak. It is not the truth and it is not whole grain. Even Health Food stores carry this junk. I recently went to the local Health Food Store to get real whole wheat bread and couldn’t find a single loaf. That’s because I know how to read the double-speak labels. If any grain is listed that doesn’t explicitly state “whole,” then you know it is refined by default. It might as well read, “STAY AWAY FROM ME, I WILL TURN YOU INTO A SICK INDUSTRIAL SLAVE!” You don’t get to pay sixty-five cents on the dollar at the fake food store or pay sixty-five percent of your taxes do you? No, you have to pay the whole thing while they just rake in the profits! Then they want us to pay more and more money to subsidize the Health Care Industry. Are they kidding? We can’t even walk to our own demise! It’s time for Paleolithic Man to make a comeback, don’t you think?
In addition, the whole meaning of breakfast cereal has been systematically changed from whole grain to the fake, artificially produced, nutritionally poor boxed cereals that line the shelves of supermarkets today. That way, when they Jimmy the labels we have nothing to compare them with. We don’t remember what a whole grain cereal really is so we just believe whatever they tell us. I tell people that they can tell whole grains from their industrial counterparts because whole grains could be planted in the garden and they will actually grow something. Wheaties won’t do that. Nevertheless, they just stare at me as if they don’t know what I am talking about. If you are one of these people you need to wake up! You can’t really be free OR HAPPY unless you do. You won’t get any justice from the food industry, the government, or the legal system either.
We also believe their chemical nonsense about nutrition that tells us that any chemical nutrient is just the same as any other. All carbohydrates are the same, the chemists, doctors, and nutritionists tell us. Well, pardon me but my Paleolithic inner self tells me that sugar, potatoes, and whole wheat aren’t the “same” at all. The carbohydrate contained within them may be chemically the same but these foods are radically different. I never see “carbohydrates” on the shelves at the grocery store. I see potatoes, white rice, and fake wheat bread. Potatoes are a tuber that grows under the ground and whole wheat is a grain that is formed by the combination of the fruit and seed of a grass and rises above the plant upon an erect stem. How could these be the same? People must be eating too many sick cows to believe nonsense like this. Even if we look at these two foods strictly from the chemical perspective and, just for the sake of argument we say that these two foods contain the same vitamins and minerals, which they don’t; the relationship between them is very, very different.
Whole wheat is very small in size, several thousand times smaller in fact than a potato. Therefore, the percentage of carbohydrate (the white stuff in the middle of the potato or the entire kernel of white rice) to the vitamins and minerals (the skins of the potatoes and the hulls of the whole wheat) is vastly different. The potato is carbohydrate rich and vitamin and mineral poor in comparison to the whole wheat or the brown rice. This extra carbohydrate in the potato feeds the lower part of the body, especially the abdomen, and serves to create the quick energy needed for physical work. The potato originated in the Andes of South America where it is still eaten in combination with very tiny whole grains like quinoia and amaranth to give the people who eat it more vitamins and minerals. The extra vitamins and minerals in whole wheat as well as other whole cereal grain feeds the upper part of the body, especially the brain.
The traditional way of understanding this difference is through common sense. The whole grain, being a combination of fruit and seed, gives us the capacity to understand whole cycles in nature―for example, how things begin and end. The seed of a plant is the beginning and the fruit is the end. Most seeds, like nuts, have a very hard and inedible fruit―the shell of a walnut, for example. Most fruits, like apples or oranges have very hard, slightly toxic, and inedible seeds. Therefore, you don’t eat the “fruit” part of nuts or the “seed” part of fruits. You throw them away. Only whole grains have the edible parts of their seeds and fruits combined. This amazing combination of the seed and fruit in whole grains serves to nourish the brain and give us the capacity to understand how to see how our present actions will turn out in the future. This type of thinking is what gives us Judgment. It enables us to create a sustainable world, one that we and our children can be responsible for. Without whole grains as the principle food in our diet, we will not be able to understand what it takes to have this sustainability as our present culture so aptly demonstrates!
Native American culture called the awareness of the “beginning and end” the Circle of Life. They taught that to be a True Human Being you have to walk this circle in Beauty. To complete this walk, you had to look seven generations behind you and another seven generations ahead. At this point, the walk becomes the dance of sustainability. In conquering America, the white man built his church of territorial expansion, profit, and greed upon the holy circle of the Native American to destroy him. Now, the excess has come back to haunt the white man and it could even be his demise.
Genetic Chaos
Without whole grains, we also can’t think for ourselves. We then trust others with our wellbeing. The result is a catastrophe. Nowhere is this catastrophe as great as in the threat of genetically modified food. At the very best we will have genes of all sorts forced together in the same organism. Each of these genes was once a part of a whole that had very different evolutionary goals. Now they are left struggling for dominance with each other within a life form that was originally designed by nature for something else―a chaotic situation indeed!
In the past, our food would co-evolve with us. Each type of food would strengthen or balance a different organ or group of body tissues. For example, squashes nourish the stomach and spleen, root vegetables nourish the intestines, beans nourish the kidneys, green leafy vegetables nourish the liver and eyes, and flowers like cauliflower and broccoli nourish the heart. Chinese medicine makes further correlations between these organs and their corresponding emotions, spirits, and empowerments. The Stomach and Spleen correspond to sympathy, worry, mental focus, and Faith; the Lung and Large Intestine correspond to grief, the instinct to survive, and Justice; the Kidney and Bladder correspond to fear, willpower, and Wisdom; the Liver and Gall Bladder correspond to anger, mental perspective, and Freedom; and the Heart and Small Intestine correspond to excitement, joy, conscious awareness, and Happiness. These are the empowerments that enable us to be fully human.
Without these empowerments, genetic internal chaos will manifest in the external world emotionally, socially, economically, and politically. These realms will manifest this chaos because our Body/Mind/Spirit is one whole unity no matter how we treat it. The inherent conflict contained within genetically modified food will create extreme upheaval in the Body/Mind/Spirit of people who eat it causing these parts of us to disconnect. You are what you eat.
The nature of genetically modified food will prevent humanity from achieving its higher purpose and rapidly create its downfall. If a person eats food that is genetically modified to self-destruct when it doesn’t receive regular doses of toxic materials, the person who eats it will also self-destruct when he or she doesn’t get their regular dose of toxins.
You may think you can protect yourself biologically by eating whole food even while the culture degenerates into this madness. But I ask you, where will the seeds come from to grow it? Even worse, is how can you maintain any form of stability if the genetic chaos in the general population pervades the entire culture? What will happen to the banks when the people who run them can no longer think straight? They can’t even do this now. What about our relationships and families? What will hold them together? And what will keep our nation afloat? Already we have leaders who can only think of spending more and more.
Is such a vision really sustainable? When the nation becomes genetically chaotic, the problem will get much, much worse. If seventy percent of the population is eating genetically modified food now and Monsanto has been secretly spending over a trillion dollars a year on genetic modification for over two decades, then by next year more than ninety percent will be eating genetically modified food. Most all of the population will then have very different values than we can hope to understand now. The probably won’t be able to understand their values themselves.
One thing is for certain, these values will express the chaos of our genes. This expression can only result in more and more struggle, a struggle that will persist and dominate every factor of life. The worst part of this scenario is that once all the natural seeds are gone, the damage to human life and society will be irreparable. People talked about the catastrophes of 2012. Even in the worst case of these scenarios (if the axis shifts or if volcanoes erupt or if water floods the land) we will still have the ability to pick up and start all over again IF our natural genetic foundation is preserved. But if our genetic integrity is lost, we will have nothing to build from but more chaos. Paleolithic man will truly have the last laugh if this vision comes to pass.
But I say to you, this is not my vision and I hope, no matter who you are, that it is not yours either. If you want to stop this madness, you must act now as if your life and the lives of your children depended upon it. You must insist on eating only organic food that is preferably local. Every penny spent on industrial food increases the coffers of the industrial monsters even more. Don’t give them that penny and don’t believe the lies they tell you. Organic food is only more expensive now because of the subsidies given by the government for junk food like high fructose corn syrup, a label that they are trying to doublespeak as this article is being written. I saw an interview on the Charlie Rose show on PBS where a spokesperson for the genetic engineering industry was being interviewed. After all the normal lies he told about the safety and global need for genetically modified food, Charlie asked him what he ate himself. Don’t be surprised when he said organic food or when he said organic food was too expensive for the rest of us. Who does he think he is!
Please inform yourself by reading more on this subject and watching informative documentaries like the ones mentioned below. Even more important, warn everyone you know with as much intelligence and kindness as you can muster and tell them to do the same.
Please feel free to copy this article and distribute it widely. We must take this situation into our own hands now before it is too late.
Further Resources
Good Health
by Man Found Standing, Medicine Man Practitioner
Good health is important to everyone: feeling fit and fine, having lots of energy, being disease-free, and living an active lifestyle well into advanced years. Good health does not come automatically; it’s having the proper lifestyle. It all starts with eating the proper foods and getting enough exercise to be able to have the strength and energy to be physically and mentally fit. Why be 90 years old and be in poor health for the last 20 years? Live to be 90 years old and have an active, full life. Heck, why don’t you feel so good that you can go out and run a marathon for your 90th birthday if you want to?
Eating healthy, what does that really mean? “You are what you eat.” What you eat affects your health in more ways than most medical doctors realize. Whole foods, fruits, vegetables, and greens contain the nutrition that the body needs. The human body uses food to repair its self. Many people suffer from diseases and the simple answer is poor habits.
When you eat a balanced all plant-based diet, your body receives the right nutrition. You will see your body quickly improve in health while reducing its risk of chronic diseases such as heart, stroke, and cancer. Eating the right food is not only for prevention but for the cure as well. It is an everyday decision. It is not too late to start eating healthy. Simple changes in your diet can cause a great difference in a short period of time.
In our modern world, the people of the Earth experience many scientific advancements. Sadly, those advancements have come at a severe price. The environmental toxins have increased exponentially over the last 100 years. Just imagine, at your age, you are taking in more toxins in a single day than your parents did at your same age in an entire year.
Along with our toxic environment, we are also experiencing a shocking lack of nutrition in the foods we eat. Because of modern farming techniques of quantity rather than quality, the plants we eat have become less nutritious. We all have probably experienced the major quality difference between a homegrown tomato and a regular store-bought tomato. The wonderful taste of your garden tomato is all from the nutrition it receives!
So, with our toxic environment and lack of nutrition, what do you think is happening to your body? Simply put, our bodies are so overworked with repair and detoxifying that we can no longer live a healthy life. How many 90-year-olds do you see moving around working all day? Did you know in some cultures, where the modern diet has not yet been introduced, it is normal to see 90-year-olds out working in their field all day long? With their family and villagers willing to assist them, they don’t do this out of necessity but out of the simple joy of being active.
It is not too late to turn your health around. Our bodies have tremendous healing abilities and by giving your body the proper building blocks, miracles can and do happen. Try these simple approaches:
With our modern lifestyles, almost every single one of us is not getting the nutritional support we need for optimal health. Just like there is a difference in the nutrition you get from your garden versus the nutrition you get at the fast food restaurant, there is a difference in supplements. Are you wasting money on low-quality synthetic supplements that really don’t do any good and can even harm your body? Look at high-quality whole-food derived supplements that are all natural and free from harmful fillers.
There is a wide range of lifestyles so the supplemental requirements of each individual will vary. Below are three of the top supplemental suggestions that should be in almost everyone’s life:
Immune System – The immune system not only protects the body but it also assists all other body systems. Literally, by having a better immune system, your body functions better on all levels. Make sure you purchase a supplement, like Shiaqga that modulates your immune response (produces healthy more active cells) and does not just stimulate it (makes your cells work harder).
Enzymes – Living cells and tissues require nutrients to be able to divide and grow. The human body is able to absorb nutrients that create energy from the food we eat. Enzymes are the catalysts that help process the digestive and metabolic systems of the body. Digestive enzymes help break down the food so it can be absorbed by the body. With about 3000 known enzymes, they are considered the fountain of life. They are responsible for all of the functions of every organ of the body. Food that has been heated to 118 degrees F for more than 15 minutes destroys all the enzymes. It is better to eat foods raw to get the necessary enzymes.
Probiotics - To assist in restoring the internal balance that protects us against illness and promotes optimal health, we need probiotics. They provide protection in a toxic world and have a far-reaching impact on your overall health.
Greens – The chimpanzee is the closest genetically related animal to us humans. If you look at the wild chimpanzee’s diet, you will find that they eat about 40% greens and even more fruit. The building blocks of health are found in the greens. Modern eating habits don’t even get near to that percentage of greens in the diet. Greens assist the body in the detoxification process and they give it the vital vitamins, minerals, and other nutrients necessary for optimal health.
Take charge of your life and seek your own path to good health. Make the changes that work for you and your lifestyle and reap the benefits for years to come.
Thomas Edison said, “The doctor of the future will give no medicine, but will interest his patients in the care of the human frame, in diet, and in the cause and prevention of disease.”
“Let food be your medicine and medicine be your food.” -- Hippocrates, 400 B.C
By White Sparrow, Medicine Woman Practitioner
Headaches are generally classified as pain in the upper portion of the head. With over 45 million Americans have headaches on a regular basis and about 18 million Americans experience those as migraines; understanding headaches is important part of holistic medicine.
Headaches may be caused by numerous different conditions like dehydration, toxins, stress, and even distension of arteries at the base of the brain from fever, hangovers, or high blood pressure.
Research shows that women tend to have headaches three times more than men. It also shows that 80% of all headaches go away within thirty minutes of drinking a liter of water.
Headache Triggers:
Symptoms that indicate a more serious medical condition that may need medical attention are:
The treatment for headaches depends on the underlying cause. Headaches that are caused by a certain specific problem will frequently return. Try to identify what is causing the headache to avoid recurring headaches in the future. (What is sometimes thought to be a sinus headache is actually a tension headache, migraine, or cluster headache. When the headache is recurring, it is probably not sinus trouble.)
A very powerful way to deal with a headache is to apply one of the following Therapeutic Oils to the area and massage it in:
Other possible remedies:
There are many types of headaches but below are a few types with simple remedies. (Remember, that any of the Therapeutic Oils mentioned above, and many others, may be beneficial for headaches.)
Treatment of this most common of headaches includes application of therapeutic oils on the neck and upper back followed by an ice pack if desired. Drink water, relax or meditate, get some exercise by going for a walk, take extra vitamin C with bioflavonoids, and avoid sugar, caffeine, and food allergens.
Heart Disease
By White Sparrow, Medicine Woman Practitioner
Heart Disease is a term used to describe a variety of diseases that affect the heart. The heart pumps the blood throughout the body, supplying oxygen and nutrients to tissues. All organs in the body, like the brain or kidneys, are dependent on the heart pumping blood efficiently so the heart is considered by many to be the most important organ in the body. If the heart stops, death occurs within minutes.
Heart disease can happen to anyone at any age. It is the number one killer in the USA and the major cause of disability worldwide. Sometimes, there are no symptoms. Heart disease is known as the silent killer because it can take years to develop. What this means is that this starts to happen at a very early age.
Western Medicine focuses on treating the symptoms of the problem, not treating the cause of the problem. Through proper nutrition Natural Medicine has shown that not only does your body have the ability to avoid Heart Disease, but it also has the ability to heal itself from those conditions.
There are many types of heart disease:
Prevention and education are the real preventative and cure for heart disease. Simple, healthy lifestyle decisions that are made everyday will contribute to a healthy, active, and long life. Start today with learning to eat properly, taking supplemental support, dealing correctly with stress, and exercising the heart.
Heavy Metal Toxicity
By Man Found Standing, Medicine Man Practitioner
Heavy metals become toxic when they are not metabolized by the body and accumulate in the soft tissues. Heavy metals may enter the human body through food, water, air, or absorption through the skin when they come in contact with humans in agriculture and in manufacturing, pharmaceutical, industrial, or residential settings.
Industrial exposure accounts for a common route of exposure for adults; whereas ingestion is the most common route of exposure in children. (Children, who come in contact with contaminated soil or other toxins like paint chips, may develop toxic levels of heavy metals just from the normal hand-to-mouth activity they perform.) Less common routes of exposure are during a radiological procedure or from inappropriate dosing or monitoring during intravenous nutrition therapy.
Products that we use every day in our homes to provide us with a better quality of life also can be potential toxic heavy metal sources. Medications, pain, pesticides, batteries, electroplated metal parts, dyes, steel, light bulbs, and thermometers are just a few sources of potential heavy metal poisoning.
For some heavy metals, toxic levels can be just above the background concentrations naturally found in nature. Therefore, it is important for us to inform ourselves about the heavy metals and take protective measures against excessive exposure.
In most parts of the United States, heavy metal toxicity is an uncommon diagnosis by practitioners simply due to their lack of knowledge on this subject. Doctors most often contribute illnesses that are significantly linked to heavy metal toxicity to other causes. (Example: There are scientific studies that prove an association between aluminum exposure and the higher risk of developing Alzheimer’s.) If heavy metal toxicity is unrecognized or inappropriately treated, the result is significant illness that reduces the quality of life.
There are 35 metals that concern Natural Healers the most because of occupational or residential exposure. Of these 23, are the heavy elements or "heavy metals".
They are as follows:
• antimony
• arsenic
• bismuth
• cadmium
• cerium
• chromium
• cobalt
• coppergallium
• gold
• iron
• lead
• manganese
• mercury
• nickel
• platinumsilver
• tellurium
• thallium
• tin
• uranium
• vanadium
• zinc
Interestingly, small amounts of these elements are common in our environment and diet and are actually necessary for good health, but large amounts of any of them may cause acute or chronic poisoning. These metals, when ingested in the body, will target the brain, kidneys, central nervous system, digestive system, immune system, skin, bones, blood, thyroid glands, liver, lungs, heart, and gastrointestinal system.
Heavy metal toxicity can result in damaged or reduced mental and central nervous function, lower energy levels, and damage to blood composition, and other vital organs. Not only can long-term exposure mimic or cause severe medical conditions like Alzheimer's disease, Parkinson's disease, muscular dystrophy, multiple sclerosis, and cancer, it can also mimic or cause common simple health problems like allergies.
The association of symptoms indicative of acute toxicity is not difficult to recognize because the symptoms are usually severe, rapid in onset, and associated with a known exposure or ingestion.
Some of these symptoms are:
The symptoms of toxicity resulting from chronic exposure (impaired cognitive, motor, and language skills; learning difficulties; nervousness and emotional instability; and insomnia, nausea, lethargy, and feeling ill) are also easily recognized; however, they are much more difficult to associate with their cause.
Symptoms of chronic exposure are very similar to symptoms of other health conditions and often develop slowly over months or even years. Sometimes the symptoms of chronic exposure actually abate from time to time, leading the person to postpone seeking treatment, thinking the symptoms are related to something else.
As a rule, acute poisoning is more likely to result from inhalation or skin contact of dust, fumes, vapors, or materials in the workplace. However, lesser levels of contamination may occur in residential settings, particularly in older homes with lead paint or old plumbing.
The Agency for Toxic Substances and Disease Registry (ATSDR) in Atlanta, Georgia, is a part of the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services and was established by congressional mandate to perform specific functions concerning adverse human health effects. The ATSDR is responsible for assessment of waste sites and providing health information concerning hazardous substances, response to emergency release situations, and education and training concerning hazardous substances.
In cooperation with the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency, the ATSDR has compiled a Priority List for 2001 called the "Top 20 Hazardous Substances."The heavy metals arsenic (1), lead (2), mercury (3), and cadmium (7) appear on this list.
Natural Treatments:
The Therapeutic Essential Oils contain hundreds of molecules that not only work together to kill viruses and bacteria but also to detoxify and heal the body.
Beneficial Heavy Metals
In small quantities, certain heavy metals are nutritionally essential for a healthy life. Some of these are referred to as the trace elements (e.g., iron, copper, manganese, and zinc). These elements, or some form of them, are commonly found naturally in foodstuffs like fruits and vegetables.
For the most part, I consider most all mineral supplements as non beneficial and even harmful. Almost always the minerals contained in the supplements are in the incorrect form for proper body healing. (Example: Coral Calcium contains 93% “bad” or improperly utilized calcium and only 7% “good” calcium.) Make sure any mineral supplements you take are completely from the plant source.
As noted earlier, there are 35 metals of concern, with 23 of them called the heavy metals. Toxicity can result from any of these metals. This protocol will address the metals that are most likely encountered in our daily environment.
Briefly covered will be four metals that are included in the ATSDR's "Top 20 Hazardous Substances" list. Iron and aluminum will also be discussed even though they do not appear on the ATSDR's list.
1. Arsenic is the most common cause of acute heavy metal poisoning in adults and is number 1 on the ATSDR's "Top 20 List." Arsenic is released into the environment by the smelting process of copper, zinc, and lead, as well as by the manufacturing of chemicals and glasses. Arsine gas is a common by-product produced by the manufacturing of pesticides that contain arsenic. Arsenic may be also be found in water supplies worldwide, leading to exposure of shellfish, cod, and haddock. Other sources are paints, rat poisoning, fungicides, and wood preservatives. Target organs are the blood, kidneys, and central nervous, digestive, and skin.
2. Lead is number 2 on the ATSDR's "Top 20 List." Lead accounts for most of the cases of pediatric heavy metal poisoning. It is a very soft metal and was used in pipes, drains, and soldering materials for many years. Millions of homes built before 1940 still contain lead in painted surfaces, leading to chronic exposure from weathering, flaking, chalking, and dust. Every year, industry produces about 2.5 million tons of lead throughout the world. Most of this lead is used for batteries. The remainder is used for cable coverings, fuel additives, plumbing, and ammunition. Other uses are as paint pigments and in PVC plastics, x-ray shielding, crystal glass production, and pesticides. The organs the lead targets are the bones, brain, blood, kidneys, and thyroid gland.
3. Mercury is number 3 on ATSDR's "Top 20 List" is mercury. It is generated naturally in the environment from the degassing of the earth's crust, from volcanic emissions. It exists in three forms: elemental mercury and organic and inorganic mercury. Mining operations, chloralkali plants, and paper industries are significant producers of mercury. Atmospheric mercury is dispersed across the globe by winds and returns to the earth in rainfall, accumulating in aquatic food chains and fish in lakes.
Mercury compounds were added to paint as a fungicide until 1990. These compounds are now banned; however, old paint supplies and surfaces painted with these old supplies still exist. Mercury continues to be used in thermometers, thermostats, and dental amalgam. Medicines, such as mercurochrome and merthiolate, are still available. Algaecides and childhood vaccines are also potential sources. Inhalation is the most frequent cause of exposure to mercury. The organic form is readily absorbed in the gastrointestinal tract (90-100%); lesser but still significant amounts of inorganic mercury are absorbed in the gastrointestinal tract (7-15%). The target organs are the brain and kidneys for mercury.
4. Cadmium is a by-product of the mining and smelting of lead and zinc and is number 7 on ATSDR's "Top 20 list." It is used in nickel-cadmium batteries, PVC plastics, and paint pigments. It can be found in soils because insecticides, fungicides, sludge, and commercial fertilizers that use cadmium are used in agriculture. Cadmium may be found in reservoirs containing shellfish. Cigarettes also contain cadmium. Lesser-known sources of exposure are dental alloys, electroplating, motor oil, and exhaust. Inhalation accounts for 15-50% of absorption through the respiratory system; 2-7% of ingested cadmium is absorbed in the gastrointestinal system. The target organs for cadmium are the liver, placenta, kidneys, lungs, brain, and bones.
5. Discussion of Iron toxicity in this protocol is limited to ingested or environmental exposure. Iron overload disease (hemochromatosis), an inherited disorder, is discussed in a separate protocol. Iron does not appear on the ATSDR's "Top 20 List," but it is a heavy metal of concern, particularly because ingesting dietary iron supplements may acutely poison young children. As few as five to nine 30-mg iron tablets for a 30-lb child be toxic.
Ingestion accounts for most of the toxic effects of iron because iron is absorbed rapidly in the gastrointestinal tract. The corrosive nature of iron seems to further increase the absorption. In the past most overdoses appear to be the result of children mistaking red-coated ferrous sulfate tablets or adult multivitamin preparations for candy. Fatalities from overdoses have decreased significantly with the introduction of child-proof packaging.
Other sources of iron toxicity are drinking water, iron pipes, and cookware. The iron target organs are the liver, cardiovascular system, and kidneys.
6. Although Aluminum is not a heavy metal, it makes up about 8% of the surface of the earth and is the third most abundant element. It is readily available for human ingestion through the use of food additives, antacids, buffered aspirin, astringents, nasal sprays, and antiperspirants; from drinking water; from automobile exhaust and tobacco smoke; and from using aluminum foil, aluminum cookware, cans, ceramics, and fireworks.
Studies began to emerge about 20 years ago suggesting that aluminum might have a possible connection with developing Alzheimer's disease when researchers found what they considered to be significant amounts of aluminum in the brain tissue of Alzheimer's patients. Although aluminum was also found in the brain tissue of people who did not have Alzheimer's disease, recommendations to avoid sources of aluminum received widespread public attention. As a result, many organizations and individuals reached a level of concern that prompted them to dispose of all their aluminum cookware and storage containers and to become wary of other possible sources of aluminum, such as soda cans, personal care products, and even their drinking water.
Sadly however, the World Health Organization concluded that although there were studies that demonstrate a positive relationship between aluminum in drinking water and Alzheimer's disease, the WHO had reservations about a causal relationship because the studies did not account for total aluminum intake from all possible sources. Although there is no conclusive evidence for or against aluminum as a primary cause for Alzheimer's disease, most researchers agree that it is an important factor in the dementia component and most certainly deserves continuing research efforts. Therefore, at this time, reducing exposure to aluminum is a personal decision.
Workers in the automobile manufacturing show a significant increase in their likelihood of developing degenerative muscular conditions and cancer. They are now becoming concerned about long-term exposure to aluminum in the workplace (contained in metal working fluids). The target organs for aluminum are the central nervous system, kidney, and digestive system.
The Many Viruses of Hepatitis
By White Sparrow, Medicine Woman Practitioner
Hepatitis is an inflammation of the liver caused by a virus, infection, or autoimmunity, but this can also be caused by toxins: alcohol, drugs, certain medications and plants. More than 680,000 people die each year due to Hepatitis.
There are many different groups of viruses that causes Hepatitis: A, B, C, D, and E, mononucleosis, cytomegalovirus disease, or yellow fever. Many times, when the virus enters the body, there are no symptoms for awhile. Liver infection is a common occurrence in all types of hepatitis and can be fatal if left untreated.
The basic symptoms of Hepatitis are muscle and joint aches, fever, nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, headaches, fatigue, loss of appetite, abdominal discomfort, jaundice, dark urine, and a decrease in the bloods clotting ability.
Hepatitis A (HAV)
This virus is contagious and has an incubation period of about 2 months. The highest group-at-risk is children from the ages of 5-14. It is spread by fecal-oral, poor sanitary conditions, poor personal hygiene, person-to-person contact, or by ingesting contaminated food or water. This is usually prevented by immunizations, with their potential harmful side effects, or the proper modulation of the immune system through high quality supplements.
Hepatitis B (HBV)
This is a DNA virus infection of the liver caused by the Hepatitis B virus. This virus triggers the immune system to cause inflammation to the liver as the body tries to eliminate the virus and heal. Having a strong immune system to fight the virus makes your chances of recovery very likely and the body develops a life-long immunity for the virus.
Some of the known risks are sexual transmission, shared needles with illicit drug use, exposure to infected blood that could also be by tattooing, piercings or acupuncture, and a mother passing the virus to an unborn child.
Hepatitis C (HCV)
This is caused by the Hepatitis C virus and is made from RNA genetics (ribonucleic acid). (RNA is naturally found in the body. RNA is a molecule that is similar to DNA and crucial in protein synthesis and other cell activities.) This type of hepatitis is the leading cause of liver transplants. Without proper immune system modulation the immune system will have a difficult time eliminating this virus. The age risk group ranges from 40-60.
The virus cells have an outer coat that contains enzymes and proteins that allow the virus to reproduce within the cells of the liver. This will trigger the immune system to cause inflammation of the liver. (Inflammation is the body’s immune systems first response to start the healing process). Prolonged inflammation causes scarring of the liver which could eventually lead to cirrhosis and cause liver failure.
Risks are sexual transmission, shared needles with illicit drug use, passed from mother to unborn child, and exposure to infected blood that could also be by tattooing, piercings or acupuncture.
Hepatitis D (HDV)
This virus causes liver inflammation and can only propagate in the presence of the Hepatitis B virus. Transmission is by infected blood, needles, and sexual contact with an infected person. Modern medical HBV vaccine can eliminate the risk of this virus, but only with the potential harmful side effects of vaccination. A healthier, all natural alternative is modulating the immune response through proper diet or supplementation.
Hepatitis E (HEV)
This is a form of liver disease and an inflammation of the liver caused by infection due to the Hepatitis E virus. Transmission is from food or drinks that are handled by an infected person, an infected water supply due to poor sanitary conditions, and uncooked deer meat. The modern medical establishment does not have an established treatment or vaccine for this illness.
All of these viruses affect the body and trigger the immune system response. The immune system is the first line of defense against preventing infection and disease. Without the proper building blocks, the immune system cannot do its job properly. If you are deficient in nutrition, minerals, smoke, use alcohol or are surrounded by environmental toxins, or under stress; this can wear down the immune system. Start by eating healthy, taking high quality immune modulation supplements like Shiaqga, drink more water, and exercise.
Herpes Simplex
By White Sparrow, Medicine Woman Practitioner
This viral disease is caused by both herpes simplex virus type 1 (HSV-1) and type 2 (HSV-2). These infections, oral herpes (type 1 - usually above the waist) or genital herpes (type 2 - usually below the waist) are categorized by the site of the infection. Both types have visible symptoms that resemble cold sores or fever blisters and are capable of infecting the skin at any location of the body.
Many people are infected with this virus and have no symptoms. This is because the immune system is producing antibodies against the herpes virus. This response assists to reduce a recurrence for the virus and makes it hard for the virus to get a “foothold” anywhere else in the body. Since the family of herpes simplex viruses can become latent and hide from the immune system in the cell bodies of nerves, it is vital to maintain a modulated immune system. If the infected person’s immune system is weakened (most often due to poor nutrition, stress, or toxins) the virus can reactivate and an outbreak can occur.
The family of herpes simplex viruses also causes other disorders such as herpetic whitlow, herpes gladiatorum, ocular herpes (keratitis), cerebral herpes, infection encephalitis, Mollaret’s meningitis, and neonatal herpes. These viruses are contagious and can be transmitted by person-to-person contact by touching an infected area, through salvia and bodily fluids.
To the modern medical world, there is no cure or vaccine for the herpes; this is a life-time virus. With Natural Healers the modulation of the immune system can prevent the virus and also be the treatment. Through having a modulated immune system and by keeping the body healthy, your natural defenses can fight and win. For this purpose, nature has provided us with plants that contain wonderful healing properties. (All medications proscribed by your doctor can find their roots in nature.) Therapeutic Essential Oils contain high concentrations of anti viral properties.
If you are like most people in our modern society, your immune system is already on overload. Start improving your defenses with eating a healthy diet, taking supplements like Shiaqga, drinking enough water, and exercising the body.
Man Found Standing states, “I want to share with you my personal experience with the herpes simplex virus type 1. When I was in my mid teens about every six months a cold sore would appear that would last for about two weeks. They were not only quite painful but very embarrassing as well.
During one of my outbreaks that was halfway formed, my Grandfather happened to see me and suggested an ancient Australian Aboriginal remedy. This oil extracted from the wild Tea Tree leaves was my first introduction to Therapeutic Essential Oils. He gave me a bottle and told me to test it out.
I put a drop on my finger and then rubbed it on the blister. There was a painful burning sensation that lasted about thirty seconds and then the area was pain free. I continued to put a drop of oil on the area every four or five hours when the pain started to return.
Within days the area was completely healed. I was further amazed that no blisters returned. Now, over thirty years later, I still have not had another outbreak. I thank my Grandfather for sharing this wisdom with me.”
High Blood Pressure / Hypertension
By White Sparrow, Medicine Woman Practitioner
Blood pressure measures how hard the blood pushes against the walls of the arteries and moves through the body. It is normal for the blood pressure to fluctuate throughout the day. When the blood pressure stays up, that is called hypertension. Sometimes routine activities during the day can cause the blood pressure to rise: driving, smoking, family meetings, and even going to the doctor’s office.
High blood pressure damages the blood vessels, heart, brain, eyes, kidneys, and other areas of the body. It can lead to heart attack, stroke and other life treating problems. Serious symptoms for high blood pressure include: headaches, chest pain, vision problems, nausea, and vomiting. Often people may not have any symptoms so high blood pressure is known as a silent killer.
When taking someone’s blood pressure, it consists of two numbers: Systolic (heart pumping) and Diastolic (between heartbeats). Normal pressure readings would be around 120 /80 or lower. That is read as 120 (systolic) over 80 (diastolic). You are considered to have hypertension with a reading of 140/90 or higher.
Normal: less than 120 over 80 or less
Pre-hypertension: 120 to 139 over or 80 – 89
Stage 1: 140 to 159 over or 90 – 99
Stage 2: 160+ over or 100+
Emergency Care Needed: 180+ over or 110+
What do doctors suggest?
Doctors tell us that your risk of high blood pressure increases as you age. They state that many high blood pressure problems can be regulated by a change in lifestyle like loosing that extra weight, eating less salt (2300 milligrams of sodium per day – that’s one teaspoon of salt), exercising, limiting your alcohol intake (two drinks a day), and getting 3500 milligrams of potassium in the diet. They also state that in some people, high blood pressure cannot be regulated without medication.
Is there a cure?
Really having high blood pressure all comes down to not taking the proper care of your body. With our modern lifestyles of stress, environmental toxins, and poor nutrition, hypertension is rapidly becoming a major epidemic. Being overweight, drinking too much alcohol, being inactive, long-term use of pain medicines or other synthetic drugs, and not having enough potassium or calcium in you diet will just compound your risk of having high blood pressure.
Blood pressure commonly rises as you get older due to the body’s accumulation of toxins and lack of regeneration. By giving your body the proper building blocks of good health through the food we eat or the supplements we take, the body heals itself. It’s that simple.
The Shiaqga supplement activates the body's ability to eliminate toxins and regeneration so naturally there are many testimonials about it assisting hypertension.
By White Sparrow, Medicine Woman Practitioner
Hypoglycemia is considered a diet related condition simply because a proper diet can eliminate this condition. Scientists consider as many as 100 million people in the U.S.A. suffer from it. Simply put, Hypoglycemia is low blood glucose often called low blood sugar (when the blood glucose drops below a normal level). The food that we eat is broken down and turned into glucose in the small intestine and absorbed into the bloodstream and carried to the cells. When the blood glucose falls, glucagon (a hormone made by the pancreas) signals to the liver to release stored glucose into the bloodstream. In-between meals, during exercise, or when you sleep, the liver releases stored glucose to supply the body with energy.
With hypoglycemia, the pancreas sends out too much insulin and the blood glucose plummets low. When the blood glucose is too low, in a sense, it starves the cells that need the glucose for fuel, thus causing physical and emotional symptoms. This usually happens in people with diabetes. There are two types of hypoglycemia that can occur in people who do not have diabetes: Reactive hypoglycemia (post-prandial hypoglycemia) that occurs within 4 hours after meals and Fasting hypoglycemia (post-absorptive hypoglycemia) that could be related to an underlying disease.
Severe hypoglycemia can cause a person to pass out and can even be life threatening. The known causes are:
Since the brain is one of the first organs affected by low glucose, the symptoms of hypoglycemia can happen suddenly. If left untreated, confusion, clumsiness, or fainting may occur. Severe hypoglycemia can lead to seizures, coma, brain damage, and even death. (The brain is dependent on a continual supply of glucose from the blood and tissues within the central nervous system.)
Some of the symptoms that can vary from person to person, are: hunger, shakiness, nervousness, sweating, dizziness (light-headedness), sleepiness, confusion, difficulty speaking, anxiety, and weakness. Hypoglycemia can even happen during sleep that includes crying out or having nightmares, sweating, feeling tired, being irritable or being confused after waking.
If you are not diabetic, and when you feel like you are experiencing hypoglycemia, try this:
Depending on the frequency and severity of the hypoglycemia, you may want to keep a diary to document the time of day, time since the last meal, previous episodes, what you ate or your physical and mental state to help recognize what the cause may be. If hypoglycemia is due to a chronic pancreas related condition, look into supplements like Shiaqga that active the cellular communication, especially stem cells.
Hypotension -Low Blood Pressure
By Man Found Standing, Medicine Man Practitioner
Low blood pressure is supposed to be a good thing, right? That means that the heart is not working too hard. Why do I need to be concerned about low blood pressure?
The body’s blood pressure is measured by the amount of blood that is pumped by the left ventricle of the heart into the arteries and the resistance of the flow of blood caused by the walls of the arteries or veins.
Blood pressure consists of two numbers: Systolic and Diastolic.
Normal pressure readings would be 120 /80. That is read as 120 (systolic) over 80 (diastolic). The 120 number shows how hard the blood pushes when the heart is pumping. The 80 number shows how hard the blood pushes between heartbeats and when the heart is relaxed and filling with blood. A resting heart, for a healthy adult, will beat between 60-80 beats a minute. The strengthened heart of a trained athlete can have a resting heart rate as low as 40-50 beats per minute.
Having a blood pressure too low can be unhealthy. Low blood pressure (hypotension) can cause symptoms, due to the low flow of blood through the arteries and veins, so that not enough oxygen or nutrients can be delivered to the brain, heart, and kidneys. This can cause permanent organ damage. Symptoms may develop if the blood pressure drops to 100/60 or below.
There are nerve sensors that sense the blood pressure in the walls of the arteries and send signals to the brain that will transmit messages to the heart, arteries, and kidneys to make changes that will lower or increase blood pressure. The heart can adjust the speed, contraction, and amount of blood to adjust the pressure that causes the veins to expand and narrow. When the veins expand, more blood can be stored in the veins and less blood returns to the heart and this makes the blood pressure lower. When the veins narrow there is less blood stored in the veins and that makes the heart pump more, which makes the pressure higher.
Even the kidneys respond to the changes in blood pressure by the increase or decrease in the amount of urine that is produced. (When the kidneys make urine, water is taken from the blood; this makes an increase in the blood pressure.)
When the blood pressure is low, there is not enough blood supplied to the organs of the body. This can cause symptoms of dizziness, fainting, chest pains, a heart attack, shock, and kidney failure.
Some conditions that may lead to low blood pressure are:
How should low blood pressure be treated?
Sadly it seems that Modern medicine‘s answer for every ailment is to take a toxic drug. This also seems to be the case for low blood pressure. Despite the known serious side effects of synthetic drugs, this form of treatment only addresses the symptoms and not the root cause of the problem.
In order to live a long, active, and health life, the body needs to have the building blocks to regenerate. Being healthy requires a lifestyle that includes nutritional food, the proper high quality supplements, exercise, fresh air, water, and learning to deal with stress.
By White Sparrow, Medicine Woman Practitioner
Leukemia is a cancer of the blood or bone marrow. All blood cells develop from bone marrow stem cells. The white blood cells fight infection, the red blood cells carry oxygen to tissues throughout the body and platelets help form blood clots that control bleeding.
Stems cells can mature into a myeloid blast that form red blood cells, platelets, or a type of white blood cell. Other stem cells mature into lymphoid blast cells that form the white blood B and T cells.
Leukemia cells are abnormal that do not die and end up crowding out the normal white, red, and platelet cells. Leukemia cells travel through the bloodstream and will collect in different parts of the body. When the human body allows leukemia cells to develop, that means that the immune system is not working properly.
The immune system is the body’s natural defense against disease and infection. The immune system is like an army with soldiers that locate, attack, and destroy disease. The normal process is for macrophages (white blood cells) to locate foreign invaders (disease) and send messages to antibodies (immunoglobulins) to mark the invaders for destruction. Through toxic buildup and the lack of proper nutrition, the body’s immune system can become confused thus allowing the leukemia cells to grow.
The types of leukemia are grouped into two categories based upon how quickly the disease develops.
Quite often people with leukemia may not have any symptoms. Down the road when the leukemia cells increase in the blood, symptoms such as swollen lymph nodes, fevers, night sweats, easy bleeding / bruising, bleeding gums, weight loss, pain in the bones/joints, swelling in the abdomen (from a swollen spleen or liver), feeling weak, or frequent infections appear.
There are four common types of leukemia:
The modern medical establishment state the cause for leukemia is unknown and there is no cure. Their medical treatments include the use of drugs or surgery, but since they have no cure it really is a lost cause. Doctors do state that the following risk factors would increase the odds for leukemia to develop:
Alternative medicine takes a different approach to leukemia and your body’s overall health. With the understanding that we all grew from a single cell into the being we now are, Natural Healers see the body as having the ability to heal itself from any condition provided the proper building blocks are available. They also understand the risk factors listed above, and all cases of leukemia, really fall into the two categories of toxic buildup and lack of proper nutritional support.
Modern medicine’s treatments use drugs or surgery, but this only addresses the symptoms and does not address the cause of the leukemia. The real problem is the body is overloaded and cannot perform its job properly. By modulating the immune system and giving your body the proper nutritional support, miracles can and do happen.
Natural Healers know that the treatment for leukemia is the same as the treatment to prevention leukemia in the first place. Keeping the body healthy means a healthy modulated immune system. If you are deficient in nutrition, minerals, smoke, use alcohol, or engulfed by the environments toxins, your immune system will suffer and your body will not regenerate the way it should. By eating healthy, taking high quality non-synthetic supplements that modulate the immune system, drinking plenty of water, and getting exercise, your body can heal and maintain optimal health.
Lungs - The Breath of Life
by Man Found Standing, Native American Medicine Man
Let’s take a few minutes and talk about our lungs. We can’t live without them, unless we want to be hooked up to a machine for the rest of our lives. With oxygen being such a critical component of life, why then, do we not take better care of our lungs?
We need to remember just how much we need them, even though they are not something we consider very often. Anyone who has experienced lung diseases and illnesses, such as Asthma, Peripheral Edema, and Lung Cancer, know how it important it is to have healthy lungs. Often if better care was taken, many would not have to experience any of the painful episodes mentioned above.
The lungs are quite fragile, yet resilient. Their main purpose is to bring in oxygen to the bloodstream and release carbon dioxide. The lungs are made up of a sponge like substance, and therefore tend to soak up whatever we inhale into them. With our modern day lifestyles, we are bombarded with toxins and many of our “bad” habits cause damage to the lungs, due to this sponginess. When our lungs soak up pollution, smoke, pollen, and so forth…, they retain these substances and end up damaged. (Like a sponge, the lungs will retain only so much of anything and then end up oversaturated and unable to perform its duty to any extent.) The healthier these lung cells are, the healthier our entire bodies will be.
Since the environment of the lungs is very moist, if the body’s natural defenses get weakened, the lungs make a very hospitable location for bacteria to breed. Many respiratory illnesses are the result of bacterial or viral infection of the lungs. (Inflammation of the lungs is known as pneumonia. Pleurisy is the inflammation of the pleura surrounding the lungs.)
Taking proper care of your lungs starts with healthy living choices. Proper eating habits, good supplementation, and body detoxifying protocols all play their part in leading the body back to optimal health.
Some wonderful Therapeutic Essential Oils for the lungs are as follows:
Just rub a few drops on the chest or diffuse the oil in the home.
Lupus - An Autoimmune Disease
by Man Found Standing, Native American Medicine Man
A healthy immune system means that the body is communicating properly and in control of its natural defense against infection or disease. (For example: When a break happens in the skin the immune system attacks quickly to prevent any foreign invaders like germs from entering the body and the healing process begins.) The organs of the immune system are thymus, spleen, lymph, bone marrow, white blood cells, antibodies, complement system and hormones.
When you have Lupus, the immune system is malfunctioning. It does not recognize parts of your body and starts the attack just like it was a foreign invader. Lupus is considered a chronic (long-lasting, persistent) autoimmune disease that attacks healthy tissues of the body. Lupus causes inflammation of the tissues that can damage the heart, joints, skin, lungs, blood vessels, liver, kidneys, and the nervous system.
According to the Lupus Foundation of America Inc., there are at least 1.52 million Americans that have lupus. The hormone, estrogen, seems to have a role in the diagnosis of lupus and is more common in women of childbearing ages (15-44), about 90 percent, but men and children can also develop lupus.
The modern medical establishment spends billions of dollars in research and still has not isolated the cause for lupus. They understand that there are certain ethnic groups (African, Asian, Hispanic/Latino, Native American, Native Hawaiian, or of Pacific Island) that are considered to have a greater risk for this disease as well as risk factors that may increase the chance of developing lupus. Still the medical establishment considers Lupus as having no cure.
Doctor’s risk factors for an increased chance of developing lupus:
Interestingly enough, all of the above factors above would bring about potential problems to the immune system. If you also add the factor of our modern lifestyles, toxic environment, and lack of nutrition it is quite easy to see why a person could develop lupus.
Doctors sometimes have a hard time diagnosing lupus because it can affect so many different organs and the symptoms can mask as other diseases. Lupus has been called ‘the great imitator’ because the symptoms are often like rheumatoid arthritis, blood disorders, fibromyalgia, diabetes, thyroid problems, and heart, lung, muscle, and bones diseases. Doctors consider lupus as an unpredictable disease; it can flare up at times or go into remission for years.
Some of the most common symptoms of lupus are:
Since this autoimmune disease has been declared my modern medicine as having no cure, the doctor’s treatments for lupus will all be, in the long run, futile. Are you ready to look at alternatives? No, you do not have to stop your doctor’s treatments; all you need to do is take charge of your own health.
Alternative Healers understand that we all grew from a single cell into the being we now are. They see the human body as having the ability to heal itself from any condition provided the proper building blocks are available. When the body is being overloaded or lacks the proper building blocks, problems will arise. Whether its lupus, cancer, diabetes, or other health issues the cause is the same! The body is lacking the ability to function and regenerate properly.
Keeping the body healthy means having a healthy immune system. By giving your body the proper nutritional support and modulating the immune system, miracles can and do happen. If you are deficient in nutrition, minerals, smoke, use alcohol, or engulfed by the environments toxins of modern society, your immune system will suffer and your body will not regenerate the way it should. By eating healthy, taking high quality supplements, drinking plenty of water, and getting exercise, your body can heal and maintain optimal health.
Lyme Disease
By Man Found Standing, Medicine Man Practitioner
Lyme disease is the fastest growing infectious disease in the United States. There is an estimated 225,000 new cases of Lyme disease each year. This disease was first discovered in 1975 in Old Lyme, Connecticut, and is transmitted by the bite of an infected deer tick.
Not all ticks carry the bacteria (Borrelia burgdorferi) for Lyme disease and only a small minority of deer tick bites leads to infection. The longer the tick remains attached to your skin, the greater the risk of getting the disease. You can have an allergic reaction from tick saliva that occurs at the site of the bite, but that will disappear after a few days and is not Lyme disease.
If you have been bitten by an infected tick, this bacterium is transmitted from the skin into the bloodstream and will flow to different parts of the body including the joints, connective tissues to the heart, spine, brain, and other areas. This bacterium the causes the immune system to jump into action.
The body’s natural defense is the immune system. The normal process of the macrophages (white blood cells), sound the alarm when disease (foreign invaders) are in the body that need to be destroyed. Antibodies (immunoglobulin), proteins produced by B cells, mark the invaders for destruction. The macrophages send messages to the T (lymphocyte) cells that seek and destroy the Lyme spirochetes and repair and replenish the body.
The true warriors for this battle against disease, comes from having a healthy immune system. If you are like most people living in modern society, your immune system will be deficient due to lack of proper nutrition, toxic overload (environmental pollutions), stress, use of alcohol, or long-term use of antibiotics. Because almost everyone’s immune system is in a weakened condition, it is unable to properly do its job when attacked by the Lyme disease bacteria.
If you have been bitten by an infected tick, quick action is your best protection. Apply a Therapeutic Oil (my favorite to use is Clove Bud), to the bite, and take the Shiaqga supplement for immune system modulation. (I would suggest you double or triple up the normal suggested dosage to be completely safe.) Most ticks rarely transmit a disease unless they have been attached for four or more hours. If Lyme disease is left untreated, it can cause severe neurological problems and pain.
The major symptoms are:
Ticks thrive in the humid wooded areas with long grasses, weeds, and leaves. Some precautionary measures would be to keep the grass and weeds around your home cut. Avoid wooded areas. Walk in the center of trails. Wear light-colored clothing to more easily see ticks on them. Where long sleeves and pants that can protect the skin.
The best prevention to Lymes is to have a healthy immune system. With our modern day lifestyle it is critical to be on a supplement that feeds the immune system so it can stay properly modulated. (For long term use, make sure you do not use supplements that stimulate the immune system. Stimulation causes the immune system to be overworked and that is harmful for the long term. For long term health, use supplements that modulate the immune system like Shiaqga.) You may also consider taking a couple of drops of a powerful antibiotic therapeutic oil, like Oregano, in water.
Our bodies are bombarded by toxins and infectious diseases are quickly spread worldwide. It is always wise to be prepared with immune system modulation before an issue or pandemic strikes!
If you have been suffering from the lyme disease for a while, the bacterial overload in your body will be great. As you modulate your immune system, your natural defenses will begin to kill off the foreign invader. This kill off can create a very toxic environment inside your body and can actually cause you to feel sicker. To avoid this "improvement reaction" your body must eliminate the toxins quickly. Do things that can assist in eliminating the toxins like drinking more water, adding lemon to your water, take hot baths, eat easily digested and healthy foods, and fasting for a few days have all been effective.
I personally had an interaction with lyme disease myself. About seven years ago I was thinking I was immune to everything because I was taking the Shiaqga for such a long time. I went out into the Southern Missouri Wilderness and was traipsing around for many hours. When I came back I started not feeling very well. For the next three days, I was the sickest I have ever been in my life. (I really worried my wife I was so sick. I stayed in bed -- something I normally never did even when I was feeling sick because there is always work to be done.) After three days I was all better and happened to be talking to a doctor friend of mine. He tested my blood and was amazed to find the antibodies for lymes but no lymes in my system. He said I must have completely processed that bacteria in the three days I was sick.
By Paway-yatanatu way-art, Medicine Woman Practitioner
Malaria is an infectious disease caused by a parasite, Plasmodium that infects the red blood cells. It is transmitted to a human when an infected Anopheles mosquito bites a person and injects the malaria parasite (sporzoites) into the blood. The sporozoites travel through the bloodstream to the liver to mature and eventually infect the red blood cells.
When a mosquito bites an infected human, it ingests the red blood cells that contain the parasites that travel through the mosquitoes’ system and is re-infected through the salivary glands. Some of these parasites can remain dormant or hibernate for years in the liver cells.
There are four types of malaria: Plasmodium falciparum, P. vivax, P. malariae, and P. ovale. (Plasmodium flaciparum can be deadly.)
The symptoms are flu-like with fever, chills, muscle aches, headaches, sweating, sometimes nausea, vomiting, coughing, and jaundice to the skin and whites of the eyes. A severe case of malaria can cause bleeding problems, shock, liver or kidney failure, central nervous system problems, and even death from complications of an infection.
The incubation period is measured from the time of being bit by the mosquito and the beginning of malaria takes about one to three weeks. A simple blood test can be used to diagnose malaria. This disease affects more people in the world that any other, and generally occurs only in tropical climates; but it can, and does occur in the United States as well.
By keeping yourself healthy your immune system has a better chance of fighting the parasites. The human body has an immune system that is designed to heal itself. The macrophages (white blood cells) are the first soldiers of the immune system that send messages to the body’s troops: antibodies, when disease is in the body that needs to be destroyed. The body treats disease as a foreign invader and attacks. Inflammation is one of the body’s first responses of the immune system.
The first type of treatment should be the same as preventing the health issue in the first place. Keeping the body healthy means you need to have a healthy, modulated immune system. If you are deficient in nutrition or minerals, smoke, use alcohol, stressed, or surrounded by environmental toxins, your immune system is most likely on overload and your body is wearing down.
The immune system is working to keep the body living. By eating healthy, taking high quality supplements, drinking plenty of pure water, and exercise, this can assist in giving the body proper fuel to fight the battle. You are the one that needs to take charge of your health. Educate yourself and start living a lifestyle to promote your optimal healthy.
The Therapeutic Oils that have been known to be beneficial in assisting Malaria:
by Man Found Standing, Medicine Man Practitioner
Minerals, vitamins, and phytochemical assist the body to function properly and repair itself. They regulate the body’s pH to prevent acidosis, an increase in acidity in the body, and maintain the body’s proper cellular alkalinity. Because of modern farming practices and our modern diets, people are usually not getting the nutrition they need for optimal health. I like to look towards herbs and superfoods to assist in giving my body the building blocks of good health and to achieve a homeostatic balance of the body’s chemistry. Taking supper food drinks or green shots daily is a wonderful way to assist the body in getting the proper nutrition it needs.
We should understand the importance of minerals. Every living cell on the planet, plant or animal, depend on minerals for their proper structure and function. Vitamins often outshine minerals, but minerals truly are the life-sustaining elements. We could not live without minerals and trace minerals. Getting the proper mineral supplementation assists us in living a long, healthy, and active life. Minerals have two main functions:
1) As an actual constituent of the body in both hard and soft tissue.
2) As buffers and catalysts necessary to perform all body functions.
Some important roles minerals play in the body:
Through Dr. Linus Pauling's research, he came to the conclusion... “You can trace every sickness, every disease, and every ailment ultimately to a mineral deficiency.” It is believed that most all people are mineral deficient because of modern eating habits. Sadly most of the supplements and processed foods on the market today have been fortified with minerals in the improper form and size for our cells to be able to absorb and use. These supplements and foods are actually harmful for our bodies. For the average person, it is vital to take supplements that actually work.
When larger mineral particles are taken, the blood eventually absorbs them, but because they are too large to be absorbed by the individual cells, they stay in the bloodstream and are eventually deposited in various locations resulting in toxic or “heavy metal” build-up. To get the proper ionic minerals, vitamins, and phytochemical in your diet you need to look for them in the plants and superfoods you eat.
By eating or supplementing with plenty of vegetables, fruits, nuts, seeds, sprouts, berries, and herbs, we are actually assisting our bodies to get the proper ionic size minerals as well as eliminating the build-up of heavy metals. Not getting enough vital nutrients causes acidosis. In Dr. Baroody’s book “Alkalize or Die,” he states, “The countless names of illnesses do not really matter. What does matter is that they all come from the same root cause… too much tissue acid waste in the body!”
There are many high quality greens, superfoods, and supplements in nature’s pharmacy. Here are a few of my favorites:
Dandelion Greens: Rich in vitamins and minerals A, B1, B2, B3, C, E, calcium, chromium, iron, magnesium, manganese, phosphorus, potassium, sodium, selenium, silicon, and zinc. The therapeutic properties of the dandelion leaves assist to regulate blood sugar levels, cleanses the kidneys and liver, stop allergies, fix skin conditions, is considered a diuretic, laxative, choleretic, tonic, antioxidant, and is anti-inflammatory.
Watercress: Contains beta-carotene and vitamins B1, B2, B6, C, and E. High in minerals such as copper, calcium, phosphorus, magnesium, potassium and sodium. Watercress has antioxidant and anti-cancer properties, protects the eyes, assists to maintain the skin, promotes healing of wounds, burns, or tendons, and promotes bone formation.
Elemental Magnesium: An essential mineral for more than 300 biochemical reactions in the body and aids the body’s absorption of calcium. The health benefits of magnesium include the transmission of nerve impulses, body temperature regulation, detoxification, keeping the heart healthy, regulates blood pressure, maintains muscle function, and the formation of healthy bones and teeth. Magnesium is also good for backaches, migraines, insomnia, depression, and diabetes.
Broken Cell Wall Chlorella: Has large amounts of chlorophyll, enzymes, vitamins B-complex, C, B-carotene, B1, B2, B6, B12 and K. Includes minerals such as niacin, pantothenic acid, folic acid, biotin, choline, lipoic acid inositol, phosphorus, calcium, zinc, iodine, magnesium, iron, and cooper. The therapeutic properties include stimulating the immune system to protect from infections and cancers, stimulates the production of interferon, tissue repair, and the production of red blood cells, increases oxygen to the cells, increase brain function, aids in digestion, cleanses the bloodstream, liver, kidneys, and feeds the friendly flora in the bowels.
Royal Jelly: High in vitamin B, A, C, D E, and K, minerals, and 18 amino acids and 15% Aspartic acid (α-amino acid). The therapeutic properties include accelerating healing, strengthening the immune system, is antibiotic and antiviral, lowers cholesterol, builds tissue and muscle, and regenerates cells. Also beneficial for chronic fatigue, liver disease, kidney problems, insomnia, stomach ulcers, skin disorders, nervous disorders, and arthritis.
Ionic Crystaline Calcium: Despite all of the hype, coral calcium for the most part is harmful to the body. There is only a small percentage, less than 8%, of good, useful calcium found in coral calcium. Due to a special process, the good aragonite crystalline calcium is able to be extracted out of the coral calcium. It takes 13 pounds of regular coral calcium to make 1 pound of ionic crystalline calcium. This extract is a very fine powder, only 3.3 microns in particle size. The size, structure, and ionization of the calcium concentrate enables better absorption and effective calcium assimilation. According to scientific studies by Dr. Yamauchi, our calcium concentrate is at least 6 times more soluble in water than that of calcium carbonate CaCO3. It also does not build up in the system causing bone spurs and heart valve problems, like most all other calcium supplements.
Sulfur: All cells need sulfur. It is beneficial for skin conditions, allergies, asthma, emphysema, arthritis, diabetics, kidney problems, and high blood pressure.
Turmeric: Rich in fiber, iron, manganese, potassium, and vitamin B6. The therapeutic properties of turmeric include detoxification of the liver, reduces inflammation and cholesterol levels, improves blood circulation, and encourages the growth of digestive flora.
Wild Native American Shiaqga: The 3-beta-D-glucans, which make up part of the cellular structure of Shiaqga, cause a pan-systemic modulation of T-Cells. Shiaqga contains bitter triterpene compounds that support the thymus and spleen (essential to insuring that immune cells are properly programmed), anti-tumor polysaccharides, blood pressure-reducing angiotensin re-uptake inhibitors, and perhaps the highest source of germanium in nature. Germanium is an oxygen catalyst and one of the most powerful free-radical scavengers found in nature.
Wild Native American Chapara: Is antibiotic, antioxidant, analgesic, expectorant, and anti-inflammatory. The health benefits include treating conditions such as cancer, arthritis, skin disorders, and colds. It also assists to improve liver function and is cleansing to the urinary tract.
Multiple Sclerosis
By Medicine Woman Practitioner - Paway-yatanatu way-akt
Multiple Sclerosis (MS) is a progressive, degenerative disorder of the central nervous system. MS destroys the nerve covering called myelin, leaving scar tissue (called plaques) in its place. Eventually, the nerves themselves become hardened and stop functioning. More than 350,000 people in the US have Multiple Sclerosis. It usually begins between the ages of 25 to 40, but cases have been found in children and the elderly as well. This disease occurs twice as often in women than in men. It is the most common acquired disease of the nervous system in young adults.
Multiple Sclerosis affects the central nervous system including the brain and spinal cord. Myelin acts as insulation wrapped around the nerves and helps transmit electronic signals from the brain to all parts of the body. MS causes inflammation and deteriorates the myelin on the nerves, causing the electronic signals to be intermittent or broken. The nerves are attacked and become damaged. When these attacks happen, this affects vision, speech, walking, writing, and memory.
It is interesting, that researchers have found that there are a few things people with MS have in common before the diagnosis. Some of them are being overworked, emotional stress, fatigue, acute respiratory infections, chemical poisoning, and a poor diet. These common factors are all issues that compromise the immune system response.
The human body is designed with an immune system that protects the body. With disease and infection, the immune system sees theses and treats them as foreign invaders and attacks. This process depends upon rapid communication among the immune cells and white blood cells that then attack the invader (disease).
With Multiple Sclerosis, confusion will enter the immune system and it will perceive the myelin sheath as an invader and attack, damaging normal, healthy tissue. This process, where the immune system attacks itself, is called autoimmunity disorder.
Some of the main possible causes of Multiple Sclerosis are:
MS is categorized into four types:
All of these categories are just stages in a compromised immune system and body health. During an attack in the earlier stages a person may experience:
In later stages a person may experience:
In still later stages a person may experience:
These attacks can be followed by a period of remission until another attack happens. These attacks may be weeks to decades between relapses.
Modern science had no known cure for MS and since 1993 medications have been used to “alter” the immune system to manage the symptoms of MS. All of these medications have harmful side effects. These drugs also just treat the symptoms, not the cause.
Natural Medicine goes about treating illnesses through treating the whole body. By assisting the entire body, many health conditions are reversed.
Here are some potential beneficial solutions for MS:
Here are other special helps you might find beneficial:
Some of the Therapeutic Oils available from "I Am" Essential Oils that would be beneficial for repairing the myelin sheath are:
Keep the body healthy by building-up and strengthening the immune system. The immune system is the body’s natural defense against disease and Shiaqga is the most powerful natural medicine I have ever come across for supporting the immune system.
If you are deficient in nutrition, minerals, smoke, use alcohol, are under severe stress, or are surrounded by environmental toxins; this can all put the immune system on overload and weaken the body. The body is in battle every day.
The immune system is working to keep the body living. Learn how to eat healthy, relax, and look for positive ways to bring happiness into your life.
By Paway-yatanaut way-art, Medicine Woman Practitioner
Osteoporosis simply means porous bones. It is a reduction in the total mass of bone, so that the remaining bone is fragile or “brittle.” This weakening continues to increase, making the bones actually become thinner. This loss of bone mass occurs because bone formation is slowed and bone reabsorption increases. Bone reabsorption means that the body is removing calcium and other minerals from the bones to use some other place.
A common result of having osteoporosis are fractures that can occur in the spine, hip, or wrist. Bones can become so brittle that even coughing or bending can cause a fracture. This is just a result from low levels of calcium and minerals in the bones.
Osteoporosis was once thought to be just a woman’s disease. About 25-30 percent of all white females in the U.S. reveal symptoms of this condition, especially after menopause. White females tend to lose 30-40 percent of their bone mass between ages 55-70. Research indicates that osteoporosis often begins early in life rather than just after menopause, however, bone loss definitely accelerates after that time due to drops in estrogen levels.
Older men, above 50, can also have osteoporosis, but normally to a lesser degree than women. Osteoporosis is rare in black men, but somewhat common in black women. People with larger and denser bones tend will naturally tend to have less trouble with osteoporosis later in life because they started out with a more boney structure.
There are two types of osteoporosis:
Note by Man Found Standing, Native American Medicine Man: To understand nutrition/calcium you must understand there is “good calcium” and “bad calcium”. Although most doctors and chemists don’t differentiate between the two, there are dramatic differences in their healing properties. No matter how much you eat of the good calcium, it will only do good in the body. Your body uses what it needs and dumps the rest. Now in contrast, if you take too much of the bad calcium, your body will use it to do some good things but it will also have bad effects like creating bone spurs and heart valve problems.
The main difference between the good and the bad calcium is found in their structure and energy makeup. The simple rule to go by with all minerals and nutritional support is the “good” is found in the plant source and the “bad” is found in the animal and mineral source. Example: Calcium found in spinach is “good” and the calcium from cow’s milk is “bad”.)
Weakened bones often are not too obvious until the bones are quite weak. Symptoms are:
Bones are continuously changing – new bone is made and old bone is broken down (desorption) – this process is called remodeling or bone turnover. Normally, the body makes new bone faster than the body breaks down old bone and bone mass increases up to the age of 30, where it reaches peak bone mass. After that, bone remodeling continues, losing slightly more bone mass that the body rebuilds.
The strength of the body’s bones depends on the size and density of the bones. Bone density is part calcium, phosphorus, and other minerals. If there is a deficiency of minerals in the body, the minerals will be taken from the bones.
Causes of osteoporosis are:
Keeping the bones healthy:
It is never too late to take steps to keep the bones strong. Calcium and magnesium is essential for the body to build and maintain teeth and bones. The bones contain these minerals and when there is not enough in your daily diet, the body will rob the minerals from the bones, thus creating osteoporosis. The body steals minerals from the bones when the body is in an acid pH state. To be in an acid pH means not enough alkaline foods and water have been taken in to balance the body’s natural acid/alkaline state.
When the acid gets out of balance the body steals minerals from the bones. The main foods and drinks in the modern diet that are acid forming are sodas, dairy products, most grains, sugar, meat, alcohol, and drinks that contain caffeine. When sugar, for example, is consumed regularly over a period of time the health of the bones are sacrificed.
Remember, that when items containing these acid forming foods are eaten, the body requires extra alkaline minerals such as calcium, potassium, and magnesium to keep the alkaline/acid balance. This is why vegetables and especially greens are important in the daily diet. (I find the best source for getting my minerals, including calcium and magnesium for the bones, is 2oz of green juice a day. Minerals are necessary for energy production, cellular maintenance, bone and tooth formation, muscle function, nerve transmission, hemoglobin and hormone production. A daily shot of green juice from plants like spinach, wheatgrass, watercress, kale, dandelion greens, basil, and so forth does wonders for your health.
Another time when the calcium intake needs to be increased is when a woman is pregnant since she is supplying calcium for both her body and the growing baby. Keeping the body’s pH in balance is also beneficial to the bones. Acids build up in the body and will deplete the body of potassium, calcium, and magnesium that are essential for the organs and bones to be healthy.
Try these tips:
Healing the body!
There is a massage technique called “tapotement” that builds bone mass. It is a light tapping on the body that mimics the bone-building stimulation from exercise. Bring the fingers of each hand together so there is no space between them (as if you were about to take a swimming stroke. Next, bend the palm and fingers to make a cup shape. Then, using the tips of your fingers and bottom of your palms, tap very lightly over your hips, ribs, and (with one hand at a time) your forearms. These are the three areas commonly weakened by osteoporosis.
A few of the Therapeutic Oils to massage over the area before starting this technique would be: Marjoram, Peppermint, and Wintergreen.
Alternative healing regards the whole body. Maintain a healthy lifestyle by eating a balanced diet that is high in greens, fresh fruits, and vegetables, drink sixteen 4oz glasses of water a day, exercise, and take natural quality supplements .
By Paway-yatanatu way-art, Medicine Woman Practitioner
Parasites are organisms that live inside the human body. They are dependent on the host body for food. They tend to eat your food and reduce the amount of nutrients which are absorbed into your bloodstream. They feed on the host and eat away body tissue and cells. The parasites also produce toxic waste which is harmful to your body. An estimated 55 million people, worldwide, are infected with intestinal parasites. Parasites kill and disable millions of people every year.
Parasites live mostly in the gastrointestinal tract and irritate the intestinal lining or burrow from that tract into the muscles. The degree of infestation is determined by examination by the type, size, and number of worms found. Several types of parasites can live in human intestines including:
Parasitic infections are prevalent in rural or underdeveloped countries. There are more than 100 types of human parasites. These cases are on the rise in the United States due to the increase of travel to underdeveloped countries. Nearly half of all Americans have at least one form of parasite and don’t know it because parasites can live inside the human body for years without any symptoms. Parasitic infections can also affect people with a weakened immune system, such as those who have AIDS or who take drugs that suppress the immune system and are more common in places with poor sanitation.
There are two main types of parasites:
Parasites are everywhere and infection can happen through many different ways such as:
The risk factors for getting parasitic infections include a weakened immune system caused by:
Symptoms include:
To Purge Worms:
Treatment also should include improving nutrition and taking supplements to strengthen the immune system. Take a supplemental probiotics to assist cultivate normal intestinal flora and suppress the spread of parasites. The immune system is designed to fight and kill infection and disease, the body’s natural defense against parasitic infections.
Start by eating a diet that includes fiber, vegetables, fruits, whole grains, nuts, and seeds. Good nutrition improves immune function and protects the body. Try to limit dairy, sugar and hydrogenated fat. Parasites feed on these foods.
Preventive measures that should assist to prevent parasitic infections are:
By White Sparrow, Medicine Woman Practitioner
Parkinson’s disease (PD) is a gradual degeneration of the nervous system. The nerve cells in the basal ganglion of the brain are gradually destroyed. It was discovered in 1817 by a British physician, James Parkinson, who called it “the shaking palsy”. This disease is thought to not have existed before the industrial revolution. One possible cause of this disorder is that too many toxins have been released in the body for the blood to filter out through the liver. An excess of chemicals, drugs, and toxins in meat eating, and so forth are thought to be involved. One of the chemicals in heroin directly destroys the key brain cells which prevent Parkinson’s. A chronic poor diet, over many years, is also considered to be a significant factor.
This is one of the most common debilitating diseases in the United States affecting more than 450,000 people. More men are affected with Parkinson’s than women and most of those are over 60. This disability takes 10-15 years before onset of symptoms is actually noticed.
Although the actual underlying cause is not known to the medical establishment, free-radical damage could be the cause, when there is a lack of dopamine in the brain. Dopamine is made by the body and carries messages from one nerve cell to another. In Parkinson’s, the problem generally is the destruction of cells which make dopamine. Sometimes the cause is blockage of the dopamine receptors in the brain. With the loss of dopamine, this results in an abnormal nerve “firing pattern” within the brain and impairs movement. Parkinson’s disease occurs when nerve cells or neurons in an area of the brain die or become impaired. The body, in a sense, is losing communication with itself; it’s like an electric circuit that has a short, there is not a constant current transmitting and it just keeps getting worse.
There are the four main symptoms that can often begin on one side of the body and progress:
These symptoms begin gradually and worsen with time; this is a chronic and progressive disease and with symptoms that vary from person to person:
In Parkinson’s patients, many of the brain cells contain Lewy bodies, which are unusual deposits or clumps of proteins. These clumps may prevent the cells from functioning normally. Scientific researchers believe that environmental toxins or virus exposures may increase a person’s risk of developing Parkinson’s. Other research has suggested that mitochondria, an energy-producing component of the cells, are a source of free radicals. This causes damage, called oxidative stress and results with free radical damage to DNA, proteins, and fats that have been detected in the brains of Parkinson’s patients.
A person afflicted with Parkinson’s must keep very active because muscles that are not used atrophy more quickly. The person’s own determination and a faithfulness in an exercise program will forestall the progress of the disease better than almost anything else. It is important to use a wide variety of simple exercises that will keep the muscles moving. Here are some ideas:
Some things that will slow the effects of Parkinson’s:
L-dopa in the form of the drug brand, Levodopa, is a synthetic dopamine which is given to patients to supply the missing dopamine. Interesting enough, actual dopamine from animal sources cannot be given, because it is rejected by the blood-brain barrier. So Levodopa is given, which is accepted (through conversion to dopamine in the basal ganglion). But two facts should be noted:
L-dopa and carbidopa can aggravate and speed up the progress of Parkinson’s disease in many cases; they are said to have little beneficial effect in over half the cases.
The Therapeutic Essential Oils that have shown to be beneficial for Parkinson’s disease are: Vitex Berry, Cedarwood, Myrrh, and Sandalwood.
Rusty C. from Maramec, Oklahoma
"I gave a bottle of Shiaqga to my dad who has Parkinson's. He had Tremors very bad and had to shuffle his feet to walk. He has been taking it for approximately 1 month and told me how it has helped slow with the trimmers down and he can walk much easier. He plans on continue taking it. Thank you very much. "
Probiotics the Friendly Bacteria
By Man Found Standing, Medicine Man Practitioner
We are exposed to bacteria constantly. Bacteria are everywhere, but don’t be too worried because you have been living with them ever since you were a baby. Some bacteria are “friendly” and highly beneficial to obtaining optimal health and some bacteria are "harmful" and can do damage in the body. It is up to you to keep your “friendly” bacteria healthy and assist them in outnumbering the bad harmful bacteria.
When there is a bacterial imbalance inside of you, you can struggle with symptoms such as fatigue, poor digestion and suppressed immune function for weeks or months before an ideal balance can be re-established.
Here are some things that probiotics do for us:
Many people experience a bacterial imbalance due to some of these key reasons:
It is certainly in your best interest to keep your friendly bacteria in abundance and your digestive system stocked with them. Your good bacteria continuously die off and are eliminated from the body. It is vital to replenish your supply of flora continually to offset the bad bacteria that make their way into your system via food, air, water, and so forth.
Shiaqga is a super nutritionally dense mushroom that contains immense amounts beneficial healing compounds that have been scientifically demonstrated in their health benefits and addressing serious chronic conditions such as cancer. Referred to by the Southern Nez Perce as Shiaq’ga, which literally means “To Give Life” or “To Give Healing”.
In the world today, we are constantly bombarded with radioisotopes from testing nuclear weapons, global fallout from nuclear accidents, fracking, coal-fired power industries, and so forth. Now add the onslaught of medical, cell phone, wifi, air travel, and other modern-day exposures and we literally have a silent epidemic. Radioisotopes are accumulating in our food and bodies and are a major concern for those of us who desire to live a long, productive, and healthy life.
One of Shiaqga’s healing compounds that combat the radioisotopes in our environment is melanin. Melanin has been proven to display radioprotective (protects from radiation) and radiotrophic (radiation transforming) properties. Below is a few of the interesting research for you to look up and review:
Spider Bites
By White Sparrow, Medicine Woman Practitioner
There are more than 29,000 known species of spiders. There are many spiders in the United States that are poisonous, but many of those have fangs that are too short to cause any damage. The Tarantula is the world’s largest spider and lives as far north as the southwestern U.S. , however, its bite is no more dangerous to a human than the sting of a bee or wasp. Most bites of spiders will cause minor reactions and they are excellent at insect control. The two spiders that are extremely dangerous are the Black Widow and the Brown Recluse.
The Black Widow Spider is the most dangerous spider in the U.S.A. It is a small black button-shaped spider with a red hourglass mark on the underside of the main body segment. Only the female Black Widow Spider is dangerous to man and death usually results from complications, not from the actual bite.
The venom of the Black Widow spider, drop for drop, is more potent than the poison for a rattlesnake, copperhead, or cotton mouth, yet each spider bite injects only an extremely small amount of venom. The bites of this spider will release a toxin that can cause damage to the nervous system. Four out of every 100 people bitten by a Black Widow die due to anaphylactic shock.
Some of the symptoms include:
The Brown Recluse Spider, also known as the violin spider, is about 3/8-inch long, with a dark, violin shaped mark on its upper back near the head. It prefers to hide in dark places in the house like basements, closets, and attics. Contrary to belief, this spider is not aggressive but will usually attack if trapped or held against the skin.
It spins a sticky, irregular web, with threads running in all directions. It can live for days without food or water and is found all over the U.S. The venom of a bite from the Brown Recluse spider causes the flesh to decay and can require extensive treatment but death from a Brown Recluse is extremely rare.
Some of the symptoms include:
Stop Smoking with Shiaqga
The following is for Individuals who have risen to the consciousness to stop smoking.
Thank you for having the desire to improve your optimal health by stop smoking. Fully read the entirety of this information so you can have a complete understanding of how to stop the cravings. With this information, we suggest you to use the Shiaqga supplement to assist in your detoxification and healing.
Nobody can convince you to quit smoking, and we are not going to try. Wanting to quit is up to you because it does take effort and determination and only you can do it. Once you have the desire, we can give you the method that will make it possible.
The hardest thing you will have to do in this program is to decide to quit. You’ve already made a big step in that direction by starting to read this information. There are 15 proven simple steps that enable you to quit without pain or discomfort of any kind.
Much of what we will be asking you to do will seem a bit weird, strange, or even silly. You may not understand how some of these steps could possibly assist you to quit. Nevertheless, we want you to know that if you will trust us and follow each of the steps that we will teach you, to the letter, every day, for the next seven days, you will be a non-smoker.
No smoker can do the things we are going to ask you to do this next week and still be a smoker. This system is designed to turn off the longing, the desire, the craving for a cigarette that, in the past, has stopped your efforts to quit. If, indeed, this system will really turn off that longing for a smoke, wouldn’t you agree that it would be easy to quit?
We have a sincere promise that we would like to make to you, and then we would like you to make one to us. Our promise to you is this:
If you will forget all the past experiences you have had trying to quit cigarettes and follow every single one of the 15 Steps we will soon teach you, you will be a non-smoker, seven days from now!
It is true. But there is only one way for you to find out how great this system is – you have to do it. You can never honestly say the system does not work unless you have put it to the test.
We are going to ask you to make a commitment that you will follow the steps for seven full days.
First off, click the "Declaration of Independence” button at the VERY END OF THIS HEALTH ARTICLE SECTION. Read, and then sign it. This is essential because you are telling your subconscious mind you have made up your mind you are going to follow the steps for seven days and you deserve its support.
Back when you first started to smoke, you had to learn how. It took a bit of time. Does it make sense that once you have learned “how” to smoke, you must learn how “not” to smoke?
There was a famous scientist named Pavlov. He did an experiment with some dogs, which you might have heard in school. He put a dog in a cage with a special device attached to his throat that would measure each time the dog would salivate. Whenever Pavlov would put food in front of the dog, the machine would register.
Pavlov began to ring a bell just before he would show the dog some food. He did this over and over, again. Finally, he rang the bell without showing the dog the food. The machine registered just as if the food had been shown. The dog was conditioned to the bell. When the dog heard the bell, he thought the food was coming next, so he began to salivate.
Smokers are similar in that they have a bell as well. Smokers have been conditioned to all kinds of “bells” which send a signal to the brain that says: “Time for a cigarette”.
If we could turn off that bell, the desire for a cigarette would never come, and you could quit with no problem, right? Well, that is exactly what this system of quitting is based on. It is designed to turn off that bell. You learned how to turn it on when you first started smoking, now you must learn how to turn it off.
How would you like to turn off that smoking bell? This is where your commitment comes in, you must want to turn it off. We can teach you the system, but you get to be willing to make it work. But, before we do that, there is one more important thing we would like you to do. This could be the hardest thing we are going to ask you to do. Right now please take out your pack of cigarettes. . . now go throw them into the trash. You will also need to gather up all smoking materials and throw them away.
That was great!!! Now that is done everything else is really easy from here on. Well, congratulations! You are now a non-smoker. The purpose of this lesson, from here on, is to learn how to stay a non-smoker.
We ask everyone who uses this Stop Smoking Protocol to begin each day with a short meditation or prayer to ask for assistance. Get your subconscious mind to work with you. Picture yourself as a non-smoker and use an affirmation that says, “I am now enjoying my new environment and I am bringing happiness to others around me”. Make the affirmation fit you. Use an affirmation that uplifts you and assists you to see yourself as a smoke-free person. Avoid using “negative” words like I am not smoking or I don’t smoke anymore. Because the subconscious does not recognize the words not and don’t, it is reinforcing what you have committed to stop. If you do your very best at this you will be successful.
You have already begun working on this step by discarding those cigarettes. But that isn’t the end of it. Just like a person on a diet should not sit and look at a bowl of sweets, a person quitting smoking should avoid placing himself in a position to have to fight off temptation. Get rid of all smoking materials from around you if possible. Even the sight of a pack, or an ashtray, or even a box of matches can cause that bell to ring. Stay away from places where people are smoking. Avoid trying to be strong and put up with these things. As long as you let that bell keep ringing, you will be asking for trouble.
If we were to stand here ringing a real bell, and if you couldn’t stop us, it could eventually drive you crazy. The same thing happens if you let any smoking “bells” keep ringing.
Many people are afraid to stop smoking, so they keep a pack of cigarettes at hand “just in case”. That is like keeping a loaded gun on the kitchen table “just in case” someone tries to break into your house. Sooner or later, it will go off, most likely when you do not want it to.
Note: If you have questions about what to do about other people who smoke, we will cover that when you get to Step 12.
There are two ways to prepare. The first is to gain knowledge of how to quit, and the second is to have all the items necessary to make the system work. We can assist you with the knowledge and understanding along with two powerful essential oil combinations, but you must be the one to go to the store and buy any other items you may need.
Each day, please remember to read over the 15 steps so you will have them fresh in your mind throughout the day. Remember, we are not asking you to do these things for the rest of your life, just for seven days.
So far, is there anything in this program that you do not think you can handle? Then let’s get into the real meat of the program.
Every step of this program is vitally important. None can be left out, and none is “the most important” or “least important”. But, this one must be considered one of the most important steps, because it is designed to start your day on the right foot. Do not ever leave it out.
As we mentioned earlier, there are many bells that cause you to want to smoke. This first step is designed to stop the first bell of the day. The moment you wake up in the morning, you just jump right out of bed and head for the bathroom, brush your teeth and rinse your mouth with a strong natural mouthwash. Now put a few drops of Shiaqga in your mouth. (You decide how many drops and how often that will best work with your body type. Usually, five to ten drops are sufficient at this stage. The more Shiaqga you take, the more healthy building blocks and cleansing effect you will receive.
The recommended dose of Shiaqga is three dropper squirts a day (that is about 1/3 to 1/2 of the dropper full). Taking more will greatly compound the detoxification and healing effects. Slowly build up and take the amount of Shiaqga that feels good for your body.)
The purpose of this step is to drastically change the taste in your mouth, assist your body in its detoxification efforts, support your body in building healthy cells, and overcoming cravings. You see, you have been conditioned to want a cigarette first thing in the morning when you have that “morning mouth taste” in your mouth. If we can make a drastic change in the taste in your mouth and give you a little assistance, you won’t have the first bell go off.
Even if you don’t usually have a cigarette, right away when you wake up, this step is essential and must not be skipped. It will help you to get your day started without a first cigarette, no matter when you usually have that first one.
Do you have breakfast in the morning? Most smokers do not. For the next seven days and hopefully from now on, you must have a good, healthy, nutritious breakfast to get your day started on the right foot. You will be surprised at how good it will help you feel.
Look what you have been doing. You have been putting pollution into your body with very little good nutrition. When you quit smoking, your body needs as much “good” coming in as possible to assist you in being strong and able to easily overcome the effects of smoking. You can clean the pollution out by putting lots of “good” in.
What is meant by a good breakfast is some healthy whole-grain cereal, either hot or cold. Having fruit and then waiting 10-15 minutes for your cereal is best. You can add anything else you want to that, but those are some basics you can include in your breakfast for each of the next seven days.
As you put better “fuel” into your body, doesn’t it make sense that your body will run better? When you smoke, all kinds of impurities get into your system. In order to get them out, you deserve to use a good cleansing system. Good nutrition will not only clean up the garbage inside you, but it will also fuel your system and give you lots of energy. It is so much easier to quit smoking when you are feeling good.
As soon as you finish your breakfast, we want you to drink a cold glass of grapefruit juice. (Note: If you are currently on a prescription medication that does not allow for grapefruit juice to be consumed, if you really have to, orange juice will also work, but grapefruit juice works so much better.) We know that most people do not care much for grapefruit juice, but for one week you can handle it.
The reason for this is that the taste of grapefruit juice is not a taste that you have been conditioned to. When you drink a glass of grapefruit juice, a bell does not go off making you want a cigarette. Changing the taste in your mouth the moment you stop eating, will turn off the cigarette bell.
In fact, this simple step works so well at turning off the after-meal cigarette bell, we want you to do this after every meal. After every meal, for the next seven days, finish with a good size glass of grapefruit juice. (Freshly squeezed is always the best for its nutrition, but if you don't have the time the pre-bottled grapefruit juice will do.)
The other benefit of freshly squeezed grapefruit juice is that it contains Vitamin C. Vitamin C is the fastest known substance for cleaning nicotine out of the blood system. In fact, can you see that everything we are asking you to do is good for you? We can help you quit smoking by doing good, healthy things for your body.
Since Vitamin C is so helpful in quitting cigarettes, we want you to also take a Raw food (not synthetic) Vitamin C capsule after every meal. Buy a bottle of Raw Vitamin C capsules, and get the highest quality and strongest dosage you can get. You cannot overdose on natural raw Vitamin C. Your body uses what it needs, and the rest is eliminated. In this way, you will constantly have plenty of Vitamin C in your body working fast to clean out all the nicotine from your blood. It is great and assists you to feel better and be healthier too.
So, let’s review. Every morning, you will have a good nutritious breakfast, ended with a cold glass of grapefruit juice and a Vitamin C tablet. You will also finish each meal of the day with grapefruit juice and Vitamin C.
Is there any reason why you could not do these things for the next seven days? Can we count on you to follow these steps?
This time, when you floss and brush your teeth, it is not to change the taste in your mouth like we did first thing in the morning, although that will be helpful. The main reason we are having you floss and brush your teeth is simply to clean them. When you eat, particles of food get stuck in your teeth. Later in the day those particles may come out and hit a taste bud, causing a bell to go off. It is totally a psychological thing. It happens subconsciously. By following this step, you will be taking precautions to prevent the bell from ringing.
Once your teeth are brushed, place another five to ten drops of Shiaqga on your tongue.
If you will carefully follow each and every one of these steps we have given you so far, you will eliminate about 90% of the bells that will cause you to desire a cigarette. It will take some effort on your part. You will have to think and plan in advance, but you can do it.
Is there any step we have given up to this point that you do not understand or which you do not think you can follow?
If you answered in a positive way, congratulations. If your response was negative you need to know you are making excuses, procrastinating, and are failing to abide by your agreement to have faith in the system, give it a chance and believe it will work for you and the next seven days will prove it.
As we just mentioned, the steps we have discussed so far will stop the bell 90% of the time. There will be times when the bell will ring even though you have done everything we have told you to do, so far. When that happens, have no fear! We have several emergency procedures for you to follow that will turn off the bell when it rings.
The first step is quick and easy to use. You can do it anywhere. All you have to do is a little deep breathing exercise. (Incorporating a couple of drops of Shiaqga on the tongue while doing this may assist you greatly.) Deep breathing does two great things for you. First, it stops the bell by sending five times more oxygen to your brain than normal. Your brain would much rather have oxygen than nicotine, so it turns off the bell calling for a cigarette.
Secondly, all that extra oxygen assists in cleaning out the poisonous gases from your blood system and in cleaning your lungs. In order to get the bad gases out of your blood; you have to put something good in. The goodwill pushes out the bad very quickly. Normally, it will take weeks for this to happen, but by following this step, and others, it will get your system cleaned out in days. Deep breathing also speeds up the process of cleaning out the garbage from your lungs. This may be a long process, but that does not affect the bell, so that is okay.
If you should develop a cough (more than normal), don’t let that scare you. It is to be expected. As soon as your body discovers that you have stopped smoking, it will begin to “clean up” right away. Coughing is your body’s natural response to making that effort. Using the Shiaqga will assist your body in cleaning out the garbage quicker.
Another “side effect” of the deep breathing is that you may get a bit light-headed from all the oxygen rushing to your brain. This is to be expected and is not harmful in any way. Because of smoking, you are just not used to all that oxygen. Oxygen cannot hurt you, so don’t be concerned.
Not only can you use this as an emergency step, but you can also do this three or four times a day as a way to assist your body in overcoming the effects of smoking faster. Do it often and you will feel great.
The idea is to empty your lungs of all the air that is in them, and then fill them up with as much air as possible through your nose. Start by breathing out all the air you can. When you think it is all out, say the word “assist” to get the last little puff of air out, and that will also remind you that we all need assistance in this life. You then slowly fill your lungs right up to their capacity, hold your breath a few seconds, (start with two or three seconds and build up to ten, do not go more than ten), then blow the air out through your mouth and repeat this process at least two more times. Try this right now and see how you feel. It really is a marvelous thing to be able to get rid of the longing for a cigarette just by breathing.
The next emergency step is to just take five to ten drops of Shiaqga.
If you would like more assistance you can then take a drink of grapefruit juice. You will see what I mean, once you give it a try. It quickly takes away that desire, and it gives you extra Vitamin C.
If you want something even more powerful than the grapefruit juice, try natural mouthwash. Just swish a little in your mouth and it will last from one to two hours.
Many people are concerned that they will gain weight when they quit smoking. That is, indeed, a possibility. When you stop smoking, it is normal to have a desire to munch. That’s great! We want you to eat, but we want you to eat only those foods that will provide good nutrition. Remember that good nutrition will assist you to quit smoking.
All this week you want to eat as much fruit and vegetables as you can get. Stay away from “junk food” and sweets as much as possible. When you want to munch, use fruits and vegetables. A good snack that many people have found helpful is to slice carrots, celery, broccoli, cauliflower, and other vegetables, put them in a bowl with some water to keep them fresh and keep them in the refrigerator. In another bowl, have some healthy salad dressing or fresh olive oil mixed with lime juice and salt. When you feel like munching, you can just dip some of these raw vegetables in the dressing for a tasty, nutritious snack that will assist your body become healthier and fight off the effects of smoking.
Fruit, also, works well, so have a good variety on hand to choose from. Please, no cakes, cookies or sweets of any kind for these seven days.
If you allow yourself to sit around bored, with nothing to do, chances are a bell will go off telling you to have a smoke. Prevent this by making an extra effort to stay busy all the time. Find projects you have put off for a while and do them. Go assist a neighbor, friend, or relative. Volunteer to assist with a civic group or organization. There is plenty to do. If nothing else is available, take a quick walk. There is nothing like a brisk walk in the fresh air to avoid a cigarette.
This is vital. There is no way around it. You know for a fact that if you drink coffee, tea, or any kind of alcohol, you will want a cigarette. That bell will ring. If you let the bell ring, the system will not work.
Fortunately, the same steps that turn off the cigarette bell also turn off the longing for coffee, tea, or alcohol. If you follow all the steps exactly, it will work great.
Remember, we are asking you to just follow the program to find out for yourself that it will work.
Is there any reason you cannot follow this step, exactly?
You know yourself that coffee, tea, alcohol cause the bell to ring. If you tell yourself that you can be strong and not smoke while you drink them, you will be asking for trouble. If you let the bell keep ringing, you may be able to deal with it for a while, but sooner or later your willpower may slip and you could end up on cigarettes, again.
Remember, if I were to stand here ringing a real bell, and if you could not stop me, before long, it would get very frustrating and painful. That is what will happen if you let the cigarette bell keep ringing.
It is only one week, seven days one day at a time. We are not asking you to change your life. We are just asking you to change for a few days. At the end of the seven days, it will be up to you what you do from there. Of course, we recommend that you think carefully about the advantages to your health by not drinking these things anymore, but after seven days you should be able to stay away from snacks with or without these drinks.
You deserve all the assistance you can get. Don’t keep your efforts to stop smoking a secret. Wear your badge proudly by telling all your friends and family. Everyone deserves a little pat on the back, and when you tell them what you are doing they will naturally give you encouragement and support. Some of your smoking friends may joke and give you a hard time, but most will give you great support. No one knows how hard it is to quite like a smoker.
We know that it would be idealistic to think that you could avoid all smokers for a full week, but we know you can substantially reduce your contact with people who are smoking. The idea of this system of quitting is to make it easy for you, not difficult. We know the things that will make quitting easy.
Certainly, you realize that it will be easier if you avoid being with a smoker.
You are now a non-smoker, so go to non-smoking sections of restaurants, and visit shops where smoking is not permitted. Stay away from parties, bars, and meetings where people smoke. Remember, this is just for seven days, not for the rest of your life. You can make an adjustment for one week.
Is there any reason you know of why you cannot follow this step, exactly?
Signs are designed to be a gentle reminder of the commitment you have made to follow these 15 steps. They are designed to make you smile and make this task a bit more pleasant. (See the enclosed signs. Write a few of your own to add.)
Click the "SIGNS” button at the VERY END OF THIS HEALTH ARTICLE SECTION. Put them up all over the house. Put them in your car and at work. Wherever you go, you should see these signs.
Don’t think of them as a silly extra. As the week goes on, you will come to realize how these signs assist you. Use them, and you will be glad you did.
As one of your signs, use the “DECLARATION OF INDEPENDENCE” you signed when we began. Put it in the most prominent place in your house, so everyone will know of your efforts to quit.
When others see your signs, they will ask you about them. This will give you a chance to tell them what you are doing, which will bring you some friendly support for Number 11, and it will assist you to get other smokers interested in quitting, also.
The more people who know of your success, the more likely you will be asked by your friends how you were able to do it. Tell them about this program and invite them to learn the 15 steps, themselves.
The reason this is such an important step for you to follow is that whenever you teach something to someone, it also reinforces that principle or teaching for yourself.
Just as you began your day by meditating or praying for assistance, we want you to end your day with thankful meditation or prayer. Get your subconscious mind working for you again. Picture yourself as a non-smoker and say a thankful affirmation. You may try something like this. “I thank the Universe for assisting me in being smoke-free this day.” Once again make the affirmation fit you. Use positive language and celebrate your success
By Man Found Standing, Medicine Man Practitioner
Drug-resistant bacteria, or “superbugs,” have developed due to the overuse of antibiotics. Last year these superbugs killed over 700,000 people worldwide and in thirty short years, these superbugs are estimated to be more lethal than cancer. Because of these superbugs, Dr. Margaret Chan with the World Health Organization stated, "things as common as strep throat or a child's scratched knee could once again kill."
These superbugs are lifestyle and life threatening. I would like to share with you an experience from my daughter.
“My boyfriend got bit by a poisonous spider that caused an open wound in his leg. During the doctor’s treatment of this condition, he also picked up a very bad flesh-eating superbug to the injured area.
I also had a small open injury on my elbow and a couple days later, when I discovered the wound had grown to the size of a ping pong ball, I realized that I too had picked up the superbug. (Sadly, I had been neglecting my Shiaqga intake.) Having been raised with alternative medicine, I knew what to do. First, I boiled up some water and thoroughly soaked a rag in it. With the rag, I deep cleaned the infected area.
Next, I got out my therapeutic "I AM" oregano essential oil. Yes, I know that oregano is extremely ‘hot’ and powerful and should not be used directly on the skin. Still, I was dealing with a potentially fatal bacteria so I decided to become extreme myself. Because of my education, I knew that no bacteria or virus can survive contact with oregano. I took the oregano oil and put a few drops into the open wound.
The oregano started my wound ‘burning’. To ensure that the oregano reached every part of the affected area,I did another extreme treatment. I scrubbed in the oregano with a clean toothbrush until I was sure the oil completely saturated the affected area. (Yes, this also was quite painful.)
I then wrapped the wound and forgot about it. Occasionally a couple times a day I would allow it to air out. In less than two weeks my wound was completely healed.
Now my boyfriend had watched me undergo my extreme treatment and when I offered to do his wound he said, ‘No way!’
A couple weeks later he came to me and said, ‘I just came back from the doctor. He thinks that I might have to have my leg amputated. There is no way I am going to do that so you can do your thing.’
I followed the same regiment but with a bit more all-around treatment because his wound was larger. He did not return to his doctor and his leg was all better in just over two weeks.”
Essential oils are wonderful when dealing with killing superbugs on the skin. Sadly, these superbugs often will find their home inside our bodies. Taking large amounts of essential oils is not recommended to deal with that situation due to their ability to kill the “friendly” bacteria in your body. What really works best for internal superbugs is having a modulated immune system.
Having a modulated immune system also heals or avoids the current health epidemics of cardiovascular disease, diabetes, cancers, autoimmune disorders, and so forth. With Shiaqga supplements you can restore your family’s health and protect them against superbug bacteria and viruses. Another added benefit of long-term use of Shiaqga is its ability to activate your body’s own adult stem cells.
You can literally turn back your biological clock through stem cell regeneration of your organs.
Ulcerative Colitis
By P. Landis, N.D., Medicine Man Practitioner
Ulcerative colitis generally strikes adults in the second, third and fourth decades of life, with the majority of cases being women and young adults. It is a chronic (prolonged duration) inflammatory disease for which no definite cause has been identified, but which many health care professionals consider the product of our modern diet and lifestyle. Jewish origin, Caucasian race and having a close family member with the disease are considered risk factors.
Although no absolute cause has been identified, it is generally understood by medical doctors that infection, dietary triggers, immune dysfunction or genetic causes are to blame. Because some evidence has been noted in leading publications regarding the role of immune dysfunction in the development of the disease, most medical research in this area is working toward shutting down the immune-inflammatory response as a method of treatment. This type of focus is unfortunate, especially in view of the fact that other immune dysfunction diseases have been most effectively treated with immune modulation – working with the immune system rather than against it.
From my own personal experience in battling the disease, I believe that the cause is multi-factorial and involves dietary impropriety and the consequent infection which triggers immune dysfunction. It is my belief that genetic factors are less important than the inherited lifestyle that predisposes whole families to the disease.
Ulcerative colitis has an insidious onset with relatively silent inflammation beginning deep in a fold of the large bowel. Damage to the mucous membrane is caused by the inflammatory cells of the immune system which are confused by the relative non-self environment of the toxic, infected mucosal lining of the intestine. In this environment, the process of healing never really finishes, the damaged mucosa eventually ulcerates, and the inflammatory process begins to involve the deeper layers of the bowel wall.
Mucosal destruction causes cramping, bleeding and the constant urge to defecate. The disease process described to this point occurs at multiple sites in the bowel and results in blood-tinged, pus-laden diarrhea. Patients can have up to 10 to 15 stools a day.
While serious bleeding is rare, usually occurring only in severe disease involving extensive portions of the colon, anemia from blood loss is not uncommon. Dehydration, weight loss, low grade fever, and constant cramping pain render patients truly miserable and often disabled entirely. Strictures of the bowel and anal fissures or abscesses are frequent problems. Worst of all, after years of the disease, the risk of colon cancer increases significantly. In fact, sufferers of ulcerative colitis are as much as twenty times more likely to develop cancer of the colon and related organs.
Modern treatments are aimed at decreasing inflammation, but the steroids and anti-inflammatories used both orally and rectally have numerous, dangerous side effects. In extensive disease, hospitalization for IV rehydration or antibiotic treatment of infection is not an uncommon occurrence.
The Role of Shiaqga in Ulcerative Colitis
To complete the process of healing requires that the neutrophils and macrophages of the bowel perform their function without confusion. Because these cells are also involved in the overall cleanup of the environment of the bowel, their healing function can be overridden by the need to transport toxic materials away from the affected mucosa. In the chronically infected and toxic state of the bowel in ulcerative colitis, these important cells are not able to perform their healing functions. More cells are needed. Beta – glucan causes a modulation (dramatic increase) of the important cells so that both functions may be carried out simultaneously.
Beta – glucans cause a systemic (body-wide) immune cascade as well. This so enhances the body’s response to infection that mucosal damage is reduced. Healing is allowed to take place because the chronic nature of the triggering infection is overcome.
In addition to its Beta – glucan content, Shiaqga contains powerful, steroid-like triterpenes that help to control bowel inflammation without the side effects of chemotherapeutic anti-inflammatory drugs. These triterpenoid compounds also assist the liver in proper bile and digestive enzyme production ensuring a more toxin free bowel environment.
I am a cancer survivor of twelve years and it (Shiaqga) has made all the difference in the world to me. My diagnosis is T-cell Lymphoma of the bowel with 4th stage metastasis to the liver, prostate, vocal cords and lymph nodes of the abdomen and throat. No treatment was suggested as my cancer was too far advanced to do anything about it.
For addition knowledge on Beta-glucan, please carefully read the information provided for you, located at the very bottom of this page. Thank you.
Rise of the Medical Epidemic
By Paway-yatanatu way-akt, Medicine Woman Practitioner
and Man Found Standing, Medicine Man Practitioner
Over the last decade, the United States government has increased their interference with our personal health freedoms. There have been many laws secretly passed regulating how citizens can use and talk about the healing, properties of plants, and the therapeutic benefits of alternative health care devices. The laws have gotten so bad that your grandmother technically is committing a felony, practicing medicine without a license, every time she suggests that her chicken soup will make you feel better.
If you have been watching carefully you will also have noticed the government has been steadily moving forward their agenda of forced vaccines.
With a century worth of scientific research showing that vaccination has become the problem and is no longer a solution, why would they continue to push such an unhealthy practice?
It's quite simple, who is profiting from the practice?
Early in the 20th Century, natural practitioners were twice as large as those practicing allopathic medicine. Between the years 1910 to 1925, the laws were dramatically changed through the influence of the financially elite and the American Medical Association. Because of these new laws all but twenty five percent of the existing medical schools were shut down. With this single attack, the financially elite took over medicine in the United States.
Back in 1983 the World Health Organization (WHO) set forth their program to vaccinate the world's children. One year later the UN passed laws that basically replaced any rights and authority of the parents over their child's health care and gave that authority to the WHO.
In 1997 the financially elite further extended their control through WHO in their the Declaration of Alma Alta. WHO, through the United Nations, imposes it's control of the world's health policies and forces all governments to comply. They now imposed the “scientific” medicine as the ONLY valid system of medicine. Since the manipulation of scientific evidence is geared towards the ones funding the research, literally the financially elite control the system of medicine as they desire. Again following the money trail shows that all this is done for financial reasons not the welfare of people.
The control of our individual and family's health freedoms has basically vanished except for some protections found in religious worship. The financially elite influence the politicians that in turn make laws that further strengthen the elites control over the system. Vaccinating the masses is a major agenda for the ruling elite because huge profits are reaped for Big Pharma and profit generating side effects.
For example, every few years you will hear of a new pending epidemic. Remember the Swine Flu epidemic, then the Bird Flu epidemic, and now the Zika epidemic. Remember all the all the little scares in between like "flu season will be particularly hard this year so get your vaccination now." Why does this happen? Simple math.
When you hear the media spewing out the latest health concern, remember that Big Pharma immediately generates revenue with their upwards of 100 times profit margin for one single vaccine. A vaccine can generate tens of billions of dollars in profit. The swine flu vaccine alone generated Big Pharma over 100 billion dollars in profits in a short period of time.
The huge immediate profits for a vaccine is not even close to being the most lucrative reason for Big Pharma's vaccination agenda. Nearly all of the vaccines created also include toxic substances like mercury (cleverly hidden under the name thimerosal). Vaccines, through billions of dollars in scientific research, have been proven to "confuse" the body's immune system and cause the immune response to focus only on the specific vaccine antigen. These vaccination issues create major long term harmful effects on the body's overall health.
Fact: Why are the vaccine makers and federal officials are exempted from lawsuits involving their vaccines? The simple answer is, they willing know the harmful effects that their vaccinations cause and they do not want to be held liable for their deception. Legally they get all the profit and none of the responsibility.
The long term harmful effects of vaccination secondarily allows Big Pharma to continue to supply more of their other products all throughout your life. To those who have not yet looked into these non transparent issues, products may be seen as beneficial, but in reality it further reduces your body's ability to maintain optimal health. The medical coercion feeds off of the people causing the inspecting public to be continually dependent on the system. The coercion has shown time and time again that profit is more important than people.
Now Big Pharma is moving into the natural health industry. Over the last few years they have been purchasing large natural health companies and lobbying for new laws. They are slowly positioning themselves to control this market as well.
It is only in taking back your personal health freedoms that your optimal health can be achieved. The body has the ability to heal itself given the proper building blocks. Immune modulation, and the stem cell activation this ensues, show supplements like Shiaqga is a major key to optimal health. It solves the problems of epidemics, vaccinations, and is exponentially more effective than whatever solutions Big Pharma can provide.
By Paway-yatanatu way-art, Medicine Woman Practitioner
Vertigo is caused by an impaired sense of balance and equilibrium, and is generally due to an inner ear disorder (labyrinthitis). Balance that is maintained by the body is something that we all just take for granted. Vertigo causes dizziness and illusions of movement, symptoms that cause over 8 million people to visit a physician in a year. As expected, older people have it more often than those who are younger.
The brain coordinates equilibrium in the body, specifically at the brainstem but it is the ear that is considered the organ of balance: the vestibular system that consists of fluid-filled tubes and sacs. These are located in the labyrinth of the inner ear. With movement, the liquid in the tubes acts as a level that is read by nerve cells. This information is sent to the brain to calculate movement. Problems with balance originate in the vestibular system. It’s a combination of the eyes, ears, and the brain in constant communication just to move.
Vertigo can also be caused by changes in the parts of the brain, the cerebellum and the brain stem that are involved in controlling balance. There can be interruptions in the neural structures of the cerebellum, brain stem, and fibers along the spine.
Causes of vertigo:
Many diseases are known to cause dizziness. Dizziness is not the same as vertigo. From time to time, anyone can experience some dizziness or faintness. Those with low-blood pressure will frequently experience this when standing up. Depending on the cause of the vertigo, there may be certain tests that will pinpoint the problems:
Preventive measures:
The “modern world of medicine” looks to pharmaceutical drugs for the answer to treat the patient’s symptoms, where as Natural Healers regard the whole body. Plants, herbs, seeds, and leaves, were the first medicines of our ancestors. The Therapeutic Essential Oils are powerful healers and contain hundreds of molecules that work together to kill viruses, bacteria, fungus, molds, parasites, and microbes.
Maintaining a healthy lifestyle by eating a balanced diet that is high in greens (greens such as wheatgrass, kale, watercress, and dandelion are especially healing), fresh fruits and vegetables, and stay hydrated by drinking plenty of water. It is important to drink an ounce of water for every pound of your weight.Make sure it is only water you are counting this way. You can drink other drinks but avoid counting them as part of your water intake.
Other modalities that will assist would be to practice balancing exercises, yoga, and take quality natural supplements. Avoid nicotine, caffeine, alcohol, and fried foods. Limit your intake of chocolate, avoid regular table salt that contains potentially harmful additives (use Himalayan salt instead), and processed foods. A diet low in sugar and fat can eliminate repeated dizziness.
Natural Relief:
The Shiaqga supplement has the benefits to strengthen the immune system, lower blood pressure and stimulate circulation. Some people have reported getting relief from vertigo by using this supplement.
Viral Infections (also see Superbugs)
By Paway-yatanatu way-akt, Medicine Woman Practitioner
Viruses can be especially serious. Viral infections are caused by small, infectious organisms that must invade a living cell to reproduce. The virus will attach itself to a cell and release DNA or RNA (genetic material) inside the cell to be able to reproduce the virus. The viral infection causes the cell to die during the reproduction of the virus that then spreads them to other cells.
This infection changes the normal DNA of the cell which can become cancerous. A virus can remain dormant for a time, only to start an infectious cycle again. Viruses are transmitted by swallowing, inhaling, insect bites, parasites, or sexual contact. There are over 200 different types of viral infections and all are contagious.
Despite the modern medical practice of prescribing antibiotics, antibiotics only fight bacteria invasions and are useless against viral infections.
The human body‘s first line of defense against infections are the skin and mucous membranes. The second line of defense is the immune system with its army of white blood cells that recognize, attack, and kill a virus (foreign invader). Trouble begins when the invaders are strong and many, and the body is in a weakened or in a sluggish condition.
Now, the good news is once the immune system has fought a certain virus, it has the ability to remember the invader in the future. So when it is attacked by the same virus again, this triggers memory cells that will create a more rapid, more intense immune response. This is called an acquired immune response.
The most common type of viral infections involves the respiratory system and causes the common cold, flu, and bronchiolitis that can lead to lung or a heart disorder. Symptoms include body chills, fever, headache, muscle aches, joint aches, and a sore throat.
The gastrointestinal system is affected by viruses with symptoms like diarrhea and vomiting. This can be spread through contaminated food or water that can cause gastroenteritis, an inflammation of the stomach and intestines. Poor hygiene and improper washing of the hands helps spread this virus.
The skin can also be infected by viruses. Chicken pox with symptoms that include an itchy rash, fever, and headache, is a virus that in most cases stays in the body forever. Also in most cases, if you have been infected once, will not be infected again.
The herpes simplex virus (HSV) can infect the mouth, genitals, and anus. This virus will cause sores that can “flare-up” and disappear. Modern medicine says there is no cure and the virus will remain in the body forever causing outbreaks for life. It is also very contagious even when sores during outbreaks aren’t present.
West Nile virus can be transmitted to humans by mosquitoes. Most human infections are mild, causing a flu-like illness that lasts only a few days. A minority develop encephalitis, characterized by headaches, fevers, a neck stiffness, and muscle weakness, that has proved fatal in some cases. Modern medicine has no cure for this virus. In severe cases, intensive medical care, involving intravenous fluids and respiratory support is necessary to keep the patient alive.
Viral infections can be prevented and cured in most all cases by keeping the immune system modulated. (Strong and health and in an aggressive posture.) The Shiaqga supplement is currently the best supplement in the market for not only modulating the immune system, but also for activating the adult stem cells. Building-up the immune system is vital for optimal health. Having a modulated immune system will allow your body to have the best natural defense against virus, infection, or disease.
If you are deficient in nutrition, minerals, smoke, or use alcohol, this can put the immune system on overload. You can’t fight a battle with weak soldiers. Start with eating a healthy diet, taking supplements, drinking enough water, and exercise the body. This will assist you in having the fuel to fight the battles of disease.
Some essential oils that are known to be beneficial against viral infections are:
Vomiting / Emesis
By Paway-yatanatu way-art, Medicine Woman Practitioner
Vomiting is known medically as emesis, and informally as throwing up or by a number of other terms. It is the forceful expulsion of the contents of one's stomach through the mouth and sometimes the nose. The feeling that one is about to vomit is called nausea, which usually proceeds, but does not always lead to, vomiting.
In vomiting, the stomach is irritated and wants to get the substance out so it doesn’t harm the body. It can occur due to a wide variety of conditions. In most cases it is caused by eating the wrong food, overeating, poor combination of foods, or excessive alcohol. Other things that may be the cause for vomiting are food allergies, poisoning, food poisoning, or infection.
(Notes: if what comes up when you vomit looks like “coffee grounds,” it probably includes large amounts of blood from a bleeding ulcer or stomach cancer. You should take care of this immediately by going to the emergency room since internal bleeding can be fatal. Also, if an infant has a fever, vomiting, and is unresponsive, it could indicate meningitis. Call a physician immediately.)
If someone has just eaten a poisonous plant or so forth, you may need to induce vomiting. Drinking an emetic herb tea, like Lobelia, can assist. With Lobelia tea, it is better to give the full dose all at once or you will not induce vomiting. Add one ounce of Lobelia herbs to a quart of boiling water; let steep (that means turn the heat off, put a lid on the pan, and let it sit) for 5-10 minutes if you are in a hurry or 15-20 minutes is better. Then give the liquid (not hot), at least one cup and better is two, and let him vomit.
To stop vomiting there are several things you can do. The first thing I would recommend is using Therapeutic Essential Oils of Peppermint and Fennel rubbed directly over the stomach and bowel areas. If you have sensitive skin, make sure you diluted with a carrier oil. You do this by adding one drop of the Therapeutic Oil to four to ten drops of olive oil, or some other vegetable oil, and then massage the area.
Also, an interesting way to control vomiting is to hold half a peeled onion under each armpit. Or place an ice pack against the back of the neck.
Since you lose a lot of fluid when you vomit it is important to drink plenty of warm liquids so you do not get dehydrated. (Avoid drinking cold fluids since this will shock the weak stomach and avoid eating for several hours.) Warm or hot water herbal teas made from any of these essential oils, have been known to be beneficial:
To make a quick herbal tea, put a small amount of honey in a mug, mix a drop of one of the herbal essential oils mentioned above to the honey, and then add the hot or warm water. Since the Therapeutic Essential Oils are very concentrated usually only one drop is needed and you can have an herbal tea in an instant.
It is best to wait on eating and avoid drinking carbonated products after you vomit. When you feel ready to eat, start back with a small carbohydrate meal, such as rice soup and avoid fatty substance since they remain in the tired stomach too long.
Remember, vomiting also flushes out minerals. These need to be replaced with electrolyte drinks, clear soups, apple or cranberry juice. Another way to add electrolytes is to add a couple pinches of sugar and salt to your water.
In Africa, I got Guardia from drinking un-boiled water and I used the sugar and salt method. I was glad I knew it because there wasn’t much else available where we were. It is best to sip the fluids slowly, pause, and then sip a little more. Avoid gulping in any liquids. Drink plenty of water and other clear liquids such as fruit juices to assist the body returning to normal.
By Medicine Woman Practitioner Paway-yatanatu way-akt
Warts are small, usually painless growths on the skin caused by a virus called Human Papilloma Virus (HPV). Most, but not all, are generally harmless. These skin growths grow in clusters and are typically seen on the fingers and feet, however, warts can affect the genital and rectal areas. Warts appear more frequently in adolescents who are experiencing hormonal changes, especially between the ages of 12 and 16.
Warts can be annoying, painful, disfiguring, embarrassing, and can spread all over the body. They may spread from one person to another, but this is uncommon.Some warts are spread through sexual contact.
Warts often go away on their own within two years, but when they are found around and under the nails warts are much more difficult to cure. Warts can even recur, even when they appear to be fully treated. Minor scars can form after removal.
The typical wart is a raised round or oval growth on the skin with a rough surface.
Different types of warts include:
Avoid attempting to remove a wart yourself by burning, cutting, tearing, picking, or any other method. Since everyone seems to respond differently there is a variety of treatments. It is said that no form of wart treatment is 100% effective for all people. Over-the-counter medications are available to remove warts.
Below are some natural remedies for getting rid of warts:
The usual methods of removing warts such as surgery, acids, burning, electrotherapy, or freezing often results in their reappearance. To truly cure warts, or any infection, the underlying causes should be eliminated. Warts appear because the body has a lowered vitality and lack of resistance. Improve the diet by eating foods high in vitamins A, B complex, C, and zinc.
Other helpful practices include keeping proper hours of wakefulness, exercising in the open air, and breathing deeply. Deficiencies in all four are related to an increased incidence of viral infections. Also increase the sulfur-containing amino acids in the diet, such as are found in asparagus, citrus fruits, garlic, and onions.
See a practitioner if:
Ways to prevent warts:
Good Health & Wellness Practices
by Man Found Standing, Medicine Man Practitioner
Good health is important to everyone... feeling fit and fine, having lots of energy, being disease-free, and living an active lifestyle well into advanced years. Good health does not come automatically; it’s having the proper lifestyle. It all starts with eating the proper foods and getting enough exercise to be able to have the strength and energy to be physically and mentally fit. Why be 90 years old and be in poor health for the last 20 years? Live to be 90 years old and have an active, full life. Heck, why don’t you feel so good that you can go out and run a marathon for your 90th birthday if you want to?
Eating healthy, what does that really mean? “You are what you eat.” What you eat affects your health in more ways than most medical doctors realize. Whole foods, fruits, vegetables, and greens contain the nutrition that the body needs. The human body uses food to repair its self. Many people suffer from diseases and the simple answer is poor habits.
When you eat a balanced all plant-based diet, your body receives the right nutrition. You will see your body quickly improve in health while reducing its risk of chronic diseases such as heart, stroke, and cancer. Eating the right food is not only for prevention but for the cure as well. It is an everyday decision. It is not too late to start eating healthy. Simple changes in your diet can cause a great difference in a short period of time.
In our modern world, the people of the Earth experience many scientific advancements. Sadly, those advancements have come at a severe price. The environmental toxins have increased exponentially over the last 100 years. Just imagine, at your age, you are taking in more toxins in a single day than your parents did at your same age in an entire year.
Along with our toxic environment, we are also experiencing a shocking lack of nutrition in the foods we eat. Because of modern farming techniques of quantity rather than quality, the plants we eat have become less nutritious. We all have probably experienced the major quality difference between a homegrown tomato and a regular store-bought tomato. The wonderful taste of your garden tomato is all from the nutrition it receives!
So, with our toxic environment and lack of nutrition, what do you think is happening to your body? Simply put, our bodies are so overworked with repair and detoxifying that we can no longer live a healthy life. How many 90-year-olds do you see moving around working all day? Did you know in some cultures, where the modern diet has not yet been introduced, it is normal to see 90-year-olds out working in their field all day long? With their family and villagers willing to assist them, they don’t do this out of necessity but out of the simple joy of being active.
It is not too late to turn your health around. Our bodies have tremendous healing abilities and by giving your body the proper building blocks, miracles can and do happen.
Try these simple approaches:
· Avoid toxins – Smoking and other toxic habits will lower your quality of health
· Drink more water – Recommended consumption is 8-12 glasses a day.
· Breathe more – Exercise and deep breathing will increase your oxygen intake.
· Eat healthy – Switch to an all plant-based diet and notice drastic health improvements.
· Supplement – In the world we live in it is extremely important to use high-quality supplements.
With our modern lifestyles, almost every single one of us is not getting the nutritional support we need for optimal health. Just like there is a difference in the nutrition you get from your garden versus the nutrition you get at the fast food restaurant, there is a difference in supplements. Are you wasting money on low-quality supplements that really don’t do any good and can even harm your body? Look at high-quality supplements that are all natural and free from harmful fillers.
There is a wide range of lifestyles so the supplemental requirements of each individual will vary. Below are three of the top supplemental suggestions that should be in almost everyone’s life:
Immune System – The immune system not only protects the body but it also assists all other body systems. Literally, by having a better immune system, your body functions better on all levels. Make sure you purchase a supplement, like Shiaqga, that modulates your immune response (produces healthy more active cells) and does not just stimulate it (makes your cells work harder).
Enzymes – Living cells and tissues require nutrients to be able to divide and grow. The human body is able to absorb nutrients that create energy from the food we eat. Enzymes are the catalysts that help process the digestive and metabolic systems of the body. Digestive enzymes help break down the food so it can be absorbed by the body. With about 3000 known enzymes, they are considered the fountain of life. They are responsible for all of the functions of every organ of the body. Food that has been heated to 118 degrees F for more than 15 minutes destroys all the enzymes. It is better to eat foods raw to get the necessary enzymes.
Probiotics - To assist in restoring the internal balance that protects us against illness and promotes optimal health, we need probiotics. They provide protection in a toxic world and have a far-reaching impact on your overall health.
Greens – The chimpanzee is the closest genetically related animal to us humans. If you look at the wild chimpanzee’s diet, you will find that they eat about 40% greens and even more fruit. The building blocks of health are found in the greens. Modern eating habits don’t even get near to that percentage of greens in the diet. Greens assist the body in the detoxification process and they give it the vital vitamins, minerals, and other nutrients necessary for optimal health.
Take charge of your life and seek your own path to good health. Make the changes that work for you and your lifestyle and reap the benefits for years to come.
Thomas Edison said, “The doctor of the future will give no medicine, but will interest his patients in the care of the human frame, in diet, and in the cause and prevention of disease.”
“Let food be your medicine and medicine be your food.” -- Hippocrates, 400 B.C.
"We ordered this product at the very strong recommendation of a good friend. My husband is the one who has been taking it, and I think I really do see some good improvement in his overall health. He is 91 years old, suffers from a severe heart condition, vascular dementia and suffered a serious fall in early April that seems to have worsened his sciatica. Instead of having days of intense pain to the point where he is pretty much bedfast 24/7 except to use the bathroom and come to the table to eat meals, there are days when he can sit up for long periods of time without too much problem. This is the only new thing we've introduced into his "pill regimen" so I think we can truthfully say we see improvement. Praying that it continues."
I bought two of your Shiaqga tinctures about a month ago. I have to say I'm impressed. I have an under-functioning (and quite swollen) thyroid. I've received your tincture about two weeks ago and I have been using it (when I remember to take it) pretty much three times a day. The swelling at my throat has reduced by a third. That's impressive.
As well, I've had some scars that are substantially reduced in size, color and such.
My husband caught pneumonia over the holidays and has been taking it religiously. He says he's now functioning at "...ninety percent..." which is astonishing because the last time he had pneumonia (about ten years ago) it took a good six to eight weeks to get him anywhere near that level of energy. He's 69 years old, for heaven's sake!
I'll be purchasing more. No question.
I came down with a cold at the end of December, and my body was really aching. I received my Shiaqga, took my first dose, and four hours later, my aching was completely gone! How awesome is that?!! Overall, I am feeling so much better; I have more energy, strength, more flexibility, etc. My son is noticing an improvement in his health as well.
I've been using Shiaqga for about 4 months now. It has given me more energy and relieved back pain and joint pain. I had bladder cancer into the muscle and was recommended Shiaqga and lemon oil. I went in for testing and February and was given the all-clear sign for cancer. I give a bottle of Shiaqga to my dad who has Parkinson's. He had Tremors very bad and had to shuffle his feet to walk. He has been taking it for approximately 1 month and told me and it has helped slow with the trimmers down and he can walk much easier he plans on continue taking it. Thank you very much.
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The content displayed on this website is for educational purposes only and is not meant or intended to diagnose or treat.
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